CERN Accelerating science

Report number ISS-8-1997 ; hep-ph/9809289 ; ISS---8---1997 ; ISS-97-3
Title Fragmentation and Multifragmentation of 10.6 A GeV Gold Nuclei

Adamovich, M.I. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Aggarwal, M.M. (Panjab U.) ; Alexandrov, Y.A. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Amirikas, R. (Sydney U.) ; Andreeva, N.P. (Phys. Inst., Almaty) ; Badyal, S.K. (Jammu U.) ; Bakich, A.M. (Sydney U.) ; Basova, E.S. (Tashkent, IYF) ; Bhalla, K.B. (Rajasthan U.) ; Bhasin, A. (Jammu U.) ; Bhatia, V.S. (Panjab U.) ; Bradnova, V. (Dubna, JINR) ; Bubnov, V.I. (Phys. Inst., Almaty) ; Cai, X. (Hua-Zhong Normal U.) ; Chasnikov, I.Y. (Phys. Inst., Almaty) ; Chen, G.M. (TPCSF, Beijing) ; Chernova, L.P. ; Chernyavsky, M.M. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Dhamija, S. (Panjab U.) ; Chenawi, K.El (Lund U.) ; Felea, D. (Bucharest, Inst. Space Science) ; Feng, S.Q. (Hua-Zhong Normal U.) ; Filippova, L.N. (Phys. Inst., Almaty) ; Gaitinov, A.S. (Phys. Inst., Almaty) ; Ganssauge, E.R. (Philipps U. Marburg) ; Garpman, S. (Lund U.) ; Gerassimov, S.G. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Gheata, A. (Bucharest, Inst. Space Science) ; Gheata, M. (Bucharest, Inst. Space Science) ; Grote, J. (Washington U., Seattle) ; Gulamov, K.G. ; Gupta, S.K. (Rajasthan U.) ; Gupta, V.K. (Jammu U.) ; Haiduc, M. (Bucharest, Inst. Space Science) ; Hasegan, D. (Bucharest, Inst. Space Science) ; Henjes, U. (Philipps U. Marburg) ; Jakobsson, B. (Lund U.) ; Just, L. (Kosice, IEF) ; Kanygina, E.K. (Phys. Inst., Almaty) ; Kharlamov, S.P. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Kovalenko, A.D. (Dubna, JINR) ; Krasnov, S.A. (Dubna, JINR) ; Kumar, V. (Rajasthan U.) ; Larionova, V.G. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Lebedev, I.A. (Phys. Inst., Almaty) ; Li, Y.X. (Hunan Normal U.) ; Liu, L.S. (Hua-Zhong Normal U.) ; Liu, Z.G. (Hunan Normal U.) ; Lord, J.J. (Washington U., Seattle) ; Lukicheva, N.S. ; Lu, Y. (TPCSF, Beijing) ; Luo, S.B. (Shanxi Normal U.) ; Mangotra, L.K. (Jammu U.) ; Manhas, I. (Jammu U.) ; Mittra, I.S. (Panjab U.) ; Musaeva, A.K. (Phys. Inst., Almaty) ; Nasyrov, S.Z. (Tashkent, IYF) ; Navotny, V.S. ; Nystrand, J. (Lund U.) ; Orlova, G.I. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Otterlund, I. (Lund U.) ; Peak, L.S. (Sydney U.) ; Peresadko, N.G. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Petrov, N.V. (Tashkent, IYF) ; Plyushchev, V.A. (Khlopin Radium Inst.) ; Qian, W.Y. (Hua-Zhong Normal U.) ; Qin, Y.M. (Shanxi Normal U.) ; Raniwala, R. (Rajasthan U.) ; Rao, N.K. (Jammu U.) ; Rhee, J.T. (Korea U.) ; Roeper, M. (Philipps U. Marburg) ; Rusakova, V.V. (Dubna, JINR) ; Saidkhanov, N. ; Salmanova, N.A. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Seitimbetov, A.M. (Phys. Inst., Almaty) ; Sethi, R. (Panjab U.) ; Singh, B. (Rajasthan U.) ; Skelding, D. (Washington U., Seattle) ; Skorobogatova, V.I. (Phys. Inst., Almaty) ; Söderström, K. (Lund U.) ; Stenlund, E. (Lund U.) ; Svechnikova, L.N. ; Svensson, T. (Lund U.) ; Tawfik, A.M. (Philipps U. Marburg) ; Pop, V.Topor (Bucharest, Inst. Space Science) ; Tretyakova, M.I. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Trofimova, T.P. (Tashkent, IYF) ; Tuleeva, U.I. (Tashkent, IYF) ; Tursunov, B.P. (Tashkent, IYF) ; Vashisht, Vani (Panjab U.) ; Vokal, S. (Kosice U.) ; Vrlakova, J. (Kosice U.) ; Wang, H.Q. (Lund U.) ; Wang, S.H. (TPCSF, Beijing) ; Wang, X.R. (Hua-Zhong Normal U.) ; Wang, J.G. (Sydney U.) ; Weng, Z.Q. (Hunan Normal U.) ; Wilkes, R.J. (Washington U., Seattle) ; Yang, C.B. (Hua-Zhong Normal U.) ; Yin, Z.B. (Hua-Zhong Normal U.) ; Yu, L.Z. (Hua-Zhong Normal U.) ; Zgura, I.S. (Bucharest, Inst. Space Science) ; Zhang, D.H. (Shanxi Normal U.) ; Zheng, P.Y. (TPCSF, Beijing) ; Zhokhova, S.I. ; Zhou, D.C. (Hua-Zhong Normal U.)

Publication 1999
Imprint 8 Sep 1998
Number of pages 28
Note latex, revtex, 28 pages, 12 figures, 3tables, submitted to Europysics Journal A
In: Eur. Phys. J. A 5 (1999) 429-40
DOI 10.1007/s100500050306
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; EMU01
Abstract We present the results of a study performed on the interactions of 10.6A GeV gold nuclei in nuclear emulsions. In a minimum bias sample of 1311 interac- tions, 5260 helium nuclei and 2622 heavy fragments were observed as Au projec- tile fragments. The experimental data are analyzed with particular emphasis of target separation interactions in emulsions and study of criticalexponents. Multiplicity distributions of the fast-moving projectile fragments are inves- tigated. Charged fragment moments, conditional moments as well as two and three -body asymmetries of the fast moving projectile particles are determined in terms of the total charge remaining bound in the multiply charged projectile fragments. Some differences in the average yields of helium nuclei and heavier fragments are observed, which may be attributed to a target effect. However, two and three-body asymmetries and conditional moments indicate that the breakup mechanism of the projectile seems to be independent of target mass. We looked for evidence of critical point observable in finite nuclei by study the resulting charged fragments distributions. We have obtained the values for the critical exponents gamma, beta and tau and compare our results with those at lower energy experiment (1.0A GeV data). The values suggest that a phase transition like behavior, is observed.

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 Registro creado el 1998-09-08, última modificación el 2019-03-08

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