CERN Accelerating science

Report number nucl-ex/9805007 ; IKP-MS-980501 ; IKP-MS-98-05-01
Title Transverse momentum distributions of neutral pions from nuclear collisions at 200 AGeV
Related titlePION

Albrecht, R. ; Antonenko, V. ; Awes, T.C. ; Barlag, C. ; Bloomer, M. ; Blume, C. ; Bock, D. ; Bock, R. ; Bohne, E.M. ; Bucher, D. ; Claussen, A. ; Clewing, G. ; Eklund, A. ; Fokin, S. ; Franz, A. ; Garpman, S. ; Geurts, F. ; Glasow, R. ; Gustafsson, H.A. ; Gutbrod, H.H. ; Holker, G. ; Idh, J. ; Ippolitov, M. ; Jacobs, P. ; Kamermans, R. ; Kampert, K.H. ; Karadzhev, K. ; Kolb, B.W. ; Lebedev, A. ; Lohner, H. ; Lund, I. ; Manko, V. ; Nikolaev, S. ; Obenshain, F.E. ; Oskarsson, A. ; Otterlund, I. ; Peitzmann, T. ; Plasil, F. ; Poskanzer, Arthur M. ; Purschke, M. ; Ritter, H.G. ; Saini, S. ; Santo, R. ; Schmidt, H.R. ; Soderstrom, K. ; Sorensen, S.P. ; Stankus, P.W. ; Steffens, K. ; Steinhauser, P. ; Stenlund, E. ; Stuken, D. ; Twenhofel, C. ; Vinogradov, A. ; Young, G.R.

Publication 1998
Imprint 19 May 1998
Number of pages 13
Note Accepted for publication in Eur.Phys.J.C, 13 pages including 16 figures Report-no: IKP-MS-980501
In: Eur. Phys. J. C 5 (1998) 255-267
DOI 10.1007/s100520050267
Subject category Nuclear Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; WA80
Abstract New results on transverse mass spectra of neutral pions measured at central rapidity are presented for impact parameter selected 200 AGeV S + S and S + Au collisions. The spectra from all systems show a clear power-law like shape with similar curvature. Collisions of S + Au exhibit a larger mean transverse momentum than pp increasing with centrality. Predictions of string models and by hydrodynamic approaches including collective expansion and decays of short lived resonances are compared to the data and the implications are discussed.

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 Rekord stworzony 1998-05-19, ostatnia modyfikacja 2024-05-08

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