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Contributions to this conference in CDS
Learning Physics from the Cosmic Microwave Background (p. 3) |
by Ellis, John R. |
Performance of Resistive Plate Chambers for the muon detection at CMS (p. 90) |
by Abbrescia, M |
Overview of the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter (p. 176) |
by Bonivento, W |
The hadron calorimeter of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) (p. 182) |
by Hagopian, V |
Monitoring the Stability of the ALEPH Vertex Detector (p. 301) |
by Sguazzoni, G. |
Performance of a hybrid photon detector prototype with electrostatic cross-focussing and integrated silicon Pixel readout for Cherenkov ring detection (p. 360) |
by Alemi, M |
Pestov spark counters : work principle and applications(p. 372) |
by Schmidt, H R |
Progresses in the Simulation of Resistive Plate Chambers in Avalanche Mode (p. 459) |
by Abbrescia, M |
X-ray Imaging Using a Hybrid Photon Counting GaAs Pixel Detector (p. 491) |
by Schwarz, C. |
Study of charge Transport in Silicon Detectors : Non-Irradiated and Irradiated(p. 650) |
by Leroy, C |
Parameterisation of radiation effects on CVD diamond for proton irradiation (p. 675) |
by Hartjes, F |
High Voltage Operation of heavily irradiated silicon microstrip detectors |
by Gu, W H |
Radiation Tolerance of Single-Sided Microstrip Detector with $Si_{3}N_{4}$ Insulator |
by Maslov, N I |
A comparison of micropattern gas avalanche detectors |
by Sharma, A |
Overview of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter |
by Ernenwein, J P |
The CMS electromagnetic calorimeter readout |
by Martin, F |
First applications of CVD-diamond detectors in heavy-ion experiments |
by Berdermann, E |
Radiation Damage of Quartz Fibers |
by Hagopian, V |
A large area CsI RICH Detector in ALICE at LHC |
by Di Bari, D |
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Hadron Calorimeter |
by Hagopian, V |
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Záznam vytvorený 1998-04-21, zmenený 2021-07-30