CERN Accelerating science

Scientific Committee Paper
Report number CERN-LHCC-97-024 ; Lebedev-Inst-P-63-Add-1 ; DRDC-P-63-Add-1
Title Addendum to P63 proposal for studying radiation tolerant ICs for LHC (radtol proposal)
Author(s) Anghinolfi, Francis ; Bonazzola, G C ; Casas-Cubillos, J ; Campbell, M ; Civera, P L ; O'Connor, P ; Dabrowski, W ; Dachs, C ; Das, C ; De Mey, B ; Deremigis, P ; Faccio, F ; Flament, O ; Da Franca, J E ; Gasiot, J ; Giubellino, P ; Gomes, P ; Heijne, Erik H M ; Jarron, Pierre ; Kaplon, J ; Kloukinas, Kostas C ; Klanner, Robert ; Kötz, U ; Leray, J L ; Leme, C ; Letheren, M F ; Marchioro, A ; Mazza, G ; Musseau, O ; Paccagnella, A ; Varela, J ; Hansen, K ; Labrunee, M ; Pasero, E ; Piuz, François ; Rivetti, A ; Santiard, Jean-Claude ; Snoeys, W ; D'Agapito-Serrano, J A ; Vital, J
Submitted by 27 Feb 1997
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; RD49
Copyright/License © CERN (License: CC-BY-4.0)

 Rekord stworzony 1997-11-20, ostatnia modyfikacja 2018-10-23

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