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Report number IHEP-97-20
Title Study of the OZI selection rule in hadronic processes
Author(s) Golovkin, S V ; Kozhevnikov, A A ; Kubarovskii, V P ; Kulyavtsev, A I ; Kurshetsov, V F ; Landsberg, G L ; Molchanov, V V ; Mukhin, V A ; Nikitin, I N ; Solyanik, V I ; Vavilov, D V ; Viktorov, V A ; Balats, M Ya ; Dzubenko, G B ; Lomkatsi, G S ; Smolyankin, V T
Publication 1997
Imprint 8 Apr 1997
Number of pages 21
Subject category Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Other source Inspire


 Element opprettet 1997-07-23, sist endret 2015-05-21

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