CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-SL-98-006-DI
Conference title 8th LEP Performance Workshop
Date(s), location 27 - 30 Jan 1998, Chamonix, France
Editor(s) Poole, John (ed.) (CERN)
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva. SL (SPS+LEP) Division
Imprint Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 176 p.
Series (Report)
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LEP
Free keywords beam injection ; beam-optics

Corresponding record in: INSPIRE
Contributions in Inspire: C98-01-27
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

General performance issues summary, 1998 (p. 1)
by Bailey, R
Summary of the injection and ramping session (p. 3)
by Lamont, M
Summary : optics(p. 5)
by Arduini, Gianluigi
Summary : performance at high energy(p. 8)
by Herr, Werner
Summary of session5 : RF(p. 11)
by Geschonke, Günther
A review of the recommendations from Chamonix VII (p. 15)
by Poole, John
Statistics and operational review of 1997 (p. 23)
by Uythoven, J
97 : a hot year for the vacuum system(p. 28)
Improvements in polarization (p. 34)
by Böge, M
Energy calibration results and implications from 1997 (p. 40)
by Wells, P S
Perspectives for energy calibration and extrapolation (p. 46)
by Placidi, Massimo
General performance issues : discussion(p. 49)
by Roy, G
To LEP (p. 51)
by Giachino, R
Turnaround in more than 69 minutes...what went wrong? (p. 55)
by Billen, R
What limits the bunch current? (p. 59)
by Wenninger, J
Transverse feedback (p. 63)
by Sladen, Jonathan P H
Overview of intensity limits (p. 65)
by Uythoven, J
Ramping '97 (p. 68)
by Jonker, M
Q-loop (p. 73)
by Morpurgo, G
Orbit in the ramp (p. 77)
by Wenninger, J
Injection and ramping : Discussion(p. 79)
by Wenninger, J
Aperture measurements and implications (p. 80)
by Burkhardt, H
Experience with a $(108^{o}, 90^{o})$ optics in 1997 (p. 85)
by Jowett, John M
Vertical beamsize (and other calculations) in various optics (p. 91)
by Jowett, John M
First experience with $102^{o} / 90^{o}$ optics (p. 101)
by Meddahi, Malika
Measurements of horizontal detuning with amplitude (p. 104)
by Müller, A S
Possible new developments (p. 107)
by Verdier, A
Which optics allows the highest energy ? (p. 112)
by Herr, Werner
Optics : Discussion(p. 116)
by Arduini, Gianluigi
Physics results and future requirements (p. 118)
by Wells, P S
Beam instrumentation at high energies (p. 126)
by Schmickler, Hermann
LEP performance in 1997 (p. 134)
by Lamont, M
Performance and running scenarios in the future (p. 138)
by Brandt, D
CAN the operators 'forget' about the RF system (before 2001)? (p. 150)
by Arduini, Gianluigi
RF system reliabilty and performance in 1997 (p. 154)
by Brunner, O C
Developments and news on RF hardware (p. 158)
by Brown, P
RF controls : what's new in hardware and software?(p. 163)
by Butterworth, A
LEP2 in 1998 and beyond : cryogenic issues(p. 166)
by Gayet, P
LEP towards 100 GeV ? (p. 172)
by Boussard, Daniel
RF : Discussion(p. 176)
by Uythoven, J

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 Запись создана 1997-07-17, последняя модификация 2024-09-18

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