CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-PPE-97-059
Title The NOMAD experiment at the CERN SPS

Altegoer, J ; Anfreville, M G ; Angelini, C ; Astier, Pierre ; Authier, M ; Autiero, D ; Baldisseri, Alberto ; Baldo-Ceolin, Massimilla ; Ballocchi, G ; Banner, M ; Basa, S ; Bassompierre, Gabriel ; Benslama, K ; Bird, I G ; Blumenfeld, B ; Bobisut, F ; Bouchez, J ; Boyd, S ; Bueno, A G ; Bunyatov, S A ; Camilleri, L L ; Cardini, A ; Castera, A ; Cattaneo, Paolo Walter ; Cavasinni, V ; Cloué, O ; Conforto, G ; Conta, C ; Cousins, R D ; De Santo, A ; Del Prete, T ; Di Lella, L ; Dignan, T ; do Couto e Silva, E ; Donnelly, I J ; Dumarchez, J ; Dumps, Ludwig ; Engster, Claude ; Fazio, T ; Feldman, G J ; Ferrari, R ; Ferrère, D ; Flaminio, Vincenzo ; Fraternali, M ; Gaillard, Jean-Marc ; Galumian, P I ; Gangler, E ; Geiser, A ; Geppert, D ; Gibin, D ; Gninenko, S N ; Gómez-Cadenas, J J ; Gosset, J ; Gössling, C ; Gouanère, M ; Grant, A ; Graziani, G ; Kekez, D ; Guglielmi, A M ; Hagner, C ; Hernando, J ; Hubbard, D B ; Hurst, P ; Huta, W ; Hyett, N ; Iacopini, E ; Joseph, C L ; Kirsanov, M M ; Khomenko, B A ; Klimov, O L ; Kovzelev, A ; Kuznetsov, V E ; Lanza, A ; La Rotonda, L ; Laveder, M ; Lazzeroni, C ; Letessier-Selvon, A A ; Lévy, J M ; Linssen, Lucie ; Ljubicic, A ; Long, J ; Lupi, A ; Manola-Poggioli, E ; Marchionni, A ; Martelli, F ; Mendiburu, J P ; Meyer, J P ; Mezzetto, Mauro ; Mishra, S ; Moorhead, G F ; Mossuz, L ; Nédélec, P ; Nefedov, Yu A ; Mguyen-Mau, C ; Orestano, D ; Passérieux, J P ; Pastore, F ; Peak, L S ; Pennacchio, E ; Perroud, Jean-Pierre ; Pessard, H ; Petitpas, P ; Petti, R ; Placci, Alfredo ; Plothow-Besch, Hartmute ; Pluquet, A ; Poinsignon, J ; Polesello, G ; Pollmann, D ; Pope, B G ; Popov, B A ; Poulsen, C ; Rathouit, P ; Renzoni, G ; Roda, C ; Rubbia, André ; Salvatore, F ; Schahmaneche, K ; Schmidt, B ; Sconza, A ; Serrano, M ; Sevior, M E ; Sillou, D ; Sobczynski, C W ; Soler, P ; Sozzi, G ; Steele, D ; Steininger, M ; Stipcevic, M ; Stolarczyk, T ; Taylor, G ; Tereshchenko, V V ; Toropin, A N ; Touchard, A M ; Tovey, Stuart N ; Tran, M T ; Tsesmelis, E ; Ulrichs, J ; Urós, V ; Valdata-Nappi, M ; Valuev, V Yu ; Vannucci, François (CERN) ; Varvell, K E ; Veltri, M ; Vercesi, V ; Verkindt, D ; Vieira, J M ; Vo, M K ; Volkov, S ; Weber, F ; Weisse, T ; Werlen, M ; Wicht, P ; Wilson, F F ; Winton, L J ; Yabsley, B D ; Zaccone, Henri

Affiliation (Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst) ; (LAPP, Annecy) ; (Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore) ; (Harvard Univ., Cambridge) ; (Univ. of Calabria and INFN, Cosenza) ; (Dortmund Univ., Dortmund) ; (JINR, Dubna) ; (Univ. of Florence and INFN, Florence) ; (CERN) ; (Univ. Lausanne) ; (UCLA, Los Angeles) ; (Univ. Melbourne) ; (Inst. Nucl. Research, INR Moscow) ; (Univ. of Padova and INFN, Padova) ; (LPNHE, Univ. of Paris, Paris VI and VII) ; (Univ. of Pavia and INFN, Pavia) ; (Univ. of Pisa and INFN, Pisa) ; (DAPNIA, CEA Saclay) ; (ANSTO Sydney, Menai) ; (Univ. Sydney) ; (Univ. of Urbino, Urbino, and INFN Florence) ; (Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb)
Publication 1998
Imprint 26 May 1997
Number of pages 38
In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 404 (1998) 96-128
DOI 10.1016/S0168-9002(97)01079-6
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; NOMAD WA96
Abstract The NOMAD experiment is a short base-line search for $\nu_{\mu}\rightarrow \nu_{\tau}$ oscillations in the CERN neutrino beam. The $\nu_{\tau}$'s are searched for through their charged-current interactions followed by the observation of the resulting $\tau^{-}$ through its electronic, muonic or hadronic decays. These decays are recognized using kinematical criteria necessitating the use of a light target which enables the reconstruction of individual particles produced in the neutrino interactions. This paper describes the various components of the NOMAD detector: the target and muon drift chambers, the electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters, the preshower and transition radiation detectors, and the veto and trigger scintillation counters. The beam and data acquisition system are also described. The quality of the reconstruction of individual particles is demonstrated through the ability of NOMAD to observe K$^0_{\rm s}$'s, $\Lambda^0$'s and $\pi^0$'s. Finally, the observation of $\tau^{-}$ through its electronic decay being one of the most promising channels in the search, the identification of electrons in NOMAD is discussed.

Corresponding record in: Inspire

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