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Report number GSI-97-23
Title Study of the $\beta$-decays of $^{36}Ca$ and $^{38}Ca$
Author(s) Trinder, W ; Adelberger, E G ; Brown, B A ; Janas, Z ; Keller, H ; Krumbholz, K ; Kunze, V ; Magnus, P V ; Meissner, F ; Piechaczek, A ; Pfützner, M ; Roeckl, E ; Rykaczewski, K ; Schmidt-Ott, W D ; Weber, M
Publication 1997
Imprint Apr 1997
Number of pages 37
Published in: Nucl. Phys. A
Subject category Nuclear Physics


 Záznam vytvorený 1997-05-07, zmenený 2015-05-21

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