Contributions to this conference in CDS
Recent results with stochastic cooling in the ISR (p. 523) |
by Carron, G |
Superconducting conversion of the ISR (SCISR) : a short note with characteristics |
by Gourber, J P |
Present Trends in the Theory of Hadrons |
by Gell-Mann, Murray |
List of documents [from the second session of the Workshop on Future ISR Physics] |
The Fermilab collider project |
by Cronin, J |
Hadron physics in the 200-2000 GeV energy range |
by Jacob, Maurice René Michel |
Search for Double Pomeron exchange at the ISR |
by Schubert, Klaus R |
General features and outlines of the conclusions |
by Jacob, Maurice René Michel |
Superconducting low-beta insertion and high luminosity prospects at ISR |
by Resegotti, Lorenzo |
{\it l}n s physics : conclusions of the specialized group |
by Bellettini, Giorgio |
p¯p interactions at ISR energies : conclusions of the specialized group |
by Strolin, P |
Large pT phenomena |
by Albrow, M |
Lepton pairs : conclusions of the specialized group |
by Willis, W J |
Large pT physics at the ISR : conclusions of the specialized group |
by Flügge, G |
{\it l}n s physics : knowledge and problems |
by Erné, F C |
Lepton and lepton pair production : a summary of the reports presented during the lepton pair session of the Workshop |
by Camilleri, L L |
ISR performance and present developments |
by Potter, K |
New machine developments and cooling : special session |
by Bonaudi, Franco |
pˉp at the ISR |
by Donnachie, Alexander |
Show contributions in CDS
Record created 1997-04-03, last modified 2023-04-26