CERN Accelerating science

Conference title Workshop on Future ISR Physics
Date(s), location 14 - 21 Sep 1977, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Corporate author(s) Collective
Imprint Geneva : CERN, 1977
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN ISR
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Recent results with stochastic cooling in the ISR (p. 523)
by Carron, G
Superconducting conversion of the ISR (SCISR) : a short note with characteristics
by Gourber, J P
Present Trends in the Theory of Hadrons
by Gell-Mann, Murray
List of documents [from the second session of the Workshop on Future ISR Physics]
The Fermilab collider project
by Cronin, J
Hadron physics in the 200-2000 GeV energy range
by Jacob, Maurice René Michel
Search for Double Pomeron exchange at the ISR
by Schubert, Klaus R
General features and outlines of the conclusions
by Jacob, Maurice René Michel
Superconducting low-beta insertion and high luminosity prospects at ISR
by Resegotti, Lorenzo
{\it l}n s physics : conclusions of the specialized group
by Bellettini, Giorgio
p¯p interactions at ISR energies : conclusions of the specialized group
by Strolin, P
Large pT phenomena
by Albrow, M
Lepton pairs : conclusions of the specialized group
by Willis, W J
Large pT physics at the ISR : conclusions of the specialized group
by Flügge, G
{\it l}n s physics : knowledge and problems
by Erné, F C
Lepton and lepton pair production : a summary of the reports presented during the lepton pair session of the Workshop
by Camilleri, L L
ISR performance and present developments
by Potter, K
New machine developments and cooling : special session
by Bonaudi, Franco
pˉp at the ISR
by Donnachie, Alexander

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 Record created 1997-04-03, last modified 2023-04-26

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