CERN Accelerating science

Conference title International Symposium on Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors
Date(s), location 10 - 13 Oct 1995, Hiroshima, Japan
Editor(s) Ohsugi, T (ed.) ; Tamura, N (ed.) ; Unno, Y (ed.)
Imprint 1996
In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Free keywords atlas semiconductor tracker ; beam ; calorimeter ; diamond detector ; hadron collider ; interferometry ; laser ; pixel detector ; proton irradiation ; silicon detector ; silicon tracker
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Experience with silicon detectors at the DELPHI experiment, LEP (p. 1)
by Collins, P
Silicon detectors for forward tracking in ATLAS (p. 27)
by Allport, P P
The present status of pixel detector developments for high energy physics collider applications (p. 44)
by Hallewell, G D
LHC1 : a semiconductor pixel detector readout chip with internal, tunable delay providing a binary pattern of selected events(p. 55)
by Heijne, Erik H M
Recent results from the RD42 Diamond Detector Collaboration (p. 64)
by Bauer, C
GaAs detector status (p. 75)
by Smith, K M
Si pad detectors (p. 89)
by Weilhammer, Peter
Study of spatial resolution and efficiency of silicon strip detectors with charge division readout (p. 137)
by Dabrowski, W
Radiation induced bulk damage in silicon detectors (p. 144)
by Taylor, G N
Proton irradiation on P-bulk silicon strip detectors using 12 GeV PS at KEK (p. 159)
by Terada, S
Development of readout chips for the ATLAS semiconductor tracker (p. 179)
by Dabrowski, W
Analogue optical readout based on multiple quantum well modulators for ATLAS (p. 199)
by Langhans, W A
ATLAS beam test results (p. 205)
by Beringer, J
Beam tests of a double-sided silicon strip detector with fast binary readout electronics before and after proton-irradiation (p. 211)
by Unno, Y
Quality assurance and testing before, during, and after construction of semiconductor tracking detectors (p. 223)
by Runólfsson, O
Frequency scanned interferometry (FSI) : the basis of a survey system for ATLAS using fast automated remote interferometry(p. 229)
by Fox-Murphy, A F
New laser test stand for simulating charged particle tracks (p. 238)
by Unno, Y
Monitoring the performance of silicon detectors with binary readout in the ATLAS beam test (p. 245)
by Sadrozinski, H F W

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 Record created 1997-02-07, last modified 2021-07-30