CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 17th International Linac Conference, v.1 v.2
Related conference title(s) Linac '94
Date(s), location 21 - 26 Aug 1994, Tsukuba, Japan
Editor(s) Nakahara, K (ed.) ; Takata, K (ed.) ; Yamazaki, Y (ed.)
Corporate author(s) National Laboratory for High Energy Physics. Tsukuba
Imprint Tsukuba : KEK, 1995 - 2 v.
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Free keywords DESY ; beam ; damping ring ; design ; magnetic wire ; microcavity structures
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Status of the SLC : developments in linear collider physics(p. 19)
by Krejcik, P
Linear collider research and development (p. 24)
by Siemann, R H
Over-compression, a method to shape the longitudinal bunch distribution for a reduced energy spread (p. 47)
by Decker, Franz Josef
1.54 GeV ATF Linac for damping ring (p. 50)
by Hayano, H
Design of beam-transport line between the RFQ and the DTL for the JHP 1-GeV proton linac (p. 59)
by Kato, T
Final focus system with superconducting magnets in the interaction region of the TESLA linear collider (p. 68)
by Klein, E
Next Linear Collider Test Accelerator injector design and status (p. 89)
by Yeremian, A D
New engineering techniques used in a high-power model of the 432 MHz DTL (p. 134)
by Naito, F
rf characteristics of a high-power model of the 432 MHz DTL (p. 137)
by Naito, F
First operation of a 432-MHz, 3-MeV RFQ stabilized with PISLs (p. 166)
by Ueno, A
High-power test of a 432-MHz, 3-MeV RFQ stabilized with PISLs (p. 169)
by Ueno, A
Low-power rf characteristics of a 432-MHz, 3-MeV RFQ stabilized with PISLs (p. 172)
by Ueno, A
Performance of the CERN Linac 2 with a high intensity proton RFQ (p. 175)
by Hill, C E
Re-formation of the PF 2.5-GeV linac to 8 GeV (p. 184)
by Enomoto, A
Design of the beam transport system of the KEK B-factory injector (p. 190)
by Kamitani, T
High-intensity single-bunch beam of the PF 2.5-GeV linac (p. 193)
by Ohsawa, S
An 80 MeV injector for ATF linac (p. 236)
by Hayano, H
High gradient tests of 1.3 GHz superconducting cavities (p. 251)
by Kako, E
Higher order mode damping for a detuned structure (p. 260)
by Kroll, N M
High-gradient acceleration test using a resonant ring (p. 266)
by Oogoe, T
Low-power measurement on a HOM damped cavity for the ATF damping ring (p. 281)
by Sakanaka, S
High power test of HOM-free choke-mode damped accelerating structure (p. 293)
by Shintake, T
Tuning method for the accelerating structure with RFQ focusing and increasing voltage (p. 297)
by Belyaev, O K
Analysis of detuned structure by open mode expansion (p. 299)
by Yamamoto, M
High gradient tests of SLAC Linear Collider accelerator structures (p. 305)
by Wang, J W
A beam-based alignment technique for correction of accelerator structure misalignments (p. 311)
by Kubo, K
Radioactive beam facilities : a world view(p. 346)
by D'Auria, J M
Induction linacs for heavy ion fusion (p. 351)
by Bangerter, R O
Multi-bunch beam with thermionic gun for ATF (p. 375)
by Naito, T
Pulse modulator for 85 MW klystron in ATF linac (p. 415)
by Akemoto, M
Development of the B-factory linac 50-MW pulse klystron (p. 427)
by Fukuda, S
Use of SLEDs for high-gradient acceleration (p. 430)
by Hanaki, H
Upgrade of the PF 2.5-GeV linac klystron modulator for the KEKB (p. 436)
by Honma, H
Tuning measurement of multi-cavity klystrons in diode mode operation (p. 439)
by Isagawa, S
High-power test of pill-box and TW-in-ceramic type S-band rf windows (p. 457)
by Michizono, S
A new rf power distribution system for X-band linac equivalent to an rf pulse compression scheme of factor 2$^{n}$ (p. 463)
by Mizuno, H
rf high power tests of the X-band windows in the TWR (p. 466)
by Mizuno, H
FCI simulation on 100 MW class klystron at X-band (p. 469)
by Odagiri, J
Development of an rf pulse compressor using a traveling-wave resonator (p. 478)
by Yamaguchi, S
Measurement of wakefield suppression in a detuned x-band accelerator structure (p. 481)
by Adolphsen, C E
Multibunch emittance growth and its corrections in S-band linear collider (p. 514)
by Gao, J
Beam simulation code using accurate gap field distributions in a drift tube linac (p. 523)
by Kato, T
Reducing longitudinal emittance growth in RFQ accelerators (p. 526)
by Koscielniak, Shane Rupert
Experimental program with beam in TESLA test facility (p. 532)
by Mosnier, A
Wake-field issues concerning the KEK B-factory injector linac (p. 535)
by Ogawa, Y
Beam dynamics for the CLIC test facility (p. 544)
by Braun, H
A modified space charge routine for Linac beam dynamics codes (p. 552)
by Lapostolle, Pierre M
Pressure-distribution analysis of the vaccum system for the KEKB injector linac (p. 567)
by Kakihara, K
Relativistic-klystron two-beam-accelerator as a power source for a 1 TeV next linear collider : a systems study(p. 597)
by Yu, S
Beam emittance preservation in linear colliders (p. 616)
by Guignard, Gilbert
Linear collider structures (p. 621)
by Higo, T
Tutorial on beam-based feedback systems for linacs (p. 626)
by Hendrickson, L
High-precision spot size monitors for e+e- linear colliders (p. 633)
by Shintake, T
Developments of high power rf components (p. 638)
by Takata, K
The heavy ion linac for the CERN lead ion facility (p. 654)
by Warner, D J
The polarized electron source of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (p. 676)
by Schultz, D
Cavity construction and low power tests of the INS split coaxial RFQ for radioactive nuclei (p. 689)
by Arai, S
Construction and commissioning of the RFQ for the CERN lead-ion facility (p. 722)
by Bezzon, G P
Beam transport design for the linac system in the INS radioactive beam facility (p. 725)
by Niki, K
The matching line between the RFQ and the IH Linac of the CERN lead ion facility (p. 731)
by Facco, A
Performances of the LEBT of the CERN lead ion Linac (p. 734)
by Lombardi, A M
The IH Linac of the CERN lead injector (p. 743)
by Angert, N
Beam dynamics design of the INS split coaxial RFQ for radioactive nuclei (p. 762)
by Tokuda, N
Model measurement and present status of interdigital-H linac at INS (p. 765)
by Tomizawa, M
Proof-of-principle experiments of laser wake-field acceleration (p. 798)
by Nakajima, K
Control system for a bunch/profile monitor at the KEK e+/e- linac (p. 819)
by Furukawa, K
New control system for the KEK linac (p. 822)
by Kamikubota, N
R&D of the ATF timing system (p. 831)
by Korhonen, T T
Development of components for an S-band electron linac rf feedback control (p. 837)
by Otake, Y
Dependence of the wall-current monitor on the beam position (p. 848)
by Komatsu, J
High precision beam position monitor using a re-entrant coaxial cavity (p. 851)
by Bossart, Rudolf
Monitor of seismic vibration for the KEK linac (p. 863)
by Kamikubota, N
BPM electronics for the B-factory e$^{-}$/e$^{+}$ linac at KEK (p. 872)
by Lazos, A
Bunch by bunch beam monitor for ATF injector linac (p. 887)
by Naito, T
Emittance measurements of a high-current single-bunch electron beam at the pre-injector of the KEK 2.5-GeV linac (p. 911)
by Suwada, T
Beam position monitor of the ATF-DR (p. 914)
by Tejima, M
Progress in advanced accelerator concepts (p. 935)
by Sessler, Andrew M
FEM drive beam injector for CLIC (p. 945)
by Corsini, R
Measurements of the longitudinal beam parameters in the Fermilab linac
by Popovic, M

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 Record created 1996-11-18, last modified 2021-07-30