CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 13th International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Techniques Related to their Applications - EMIS-13
Date(s), location 23 - 27 Sep 1996, Bad Dürkheim, Germany
Editor(s) Münzenberg, Gottfried (ed.) ; Geissel, Hans (ed.) ; Scheidenberger, Christoph (ed.)
Imprint 1997
In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., B
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Free keywords mass separation ; mass sepctrometry ; radioactive ion beams ; storage rings ; target
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Recent developments at the GSI on-line mass separator (p. 12)
by Burkard, K H
High-resolution mass separator and 60 m beam transport line for the radioactive nuclear beam facility at INS (p. 25)
by Wada, M
The evolution of the ISOLDE control system (p. 30)
by Jonsson, O C
ECR development for accelerated radioactive ion beams (p. 35)
by Villari, A C C
Production of radioactive Ag ion beams with a chemically-selective laser ion source (p. 76)
by Jading, Y
Chemically selective laser ion source of manganese (p. 88)
by Fedosseev, V
Selective laser ionization of radioactive Ni isotopes (p. 95)
by Jokinen, A
Graphite target for the SPIRAL project (p. 113)
by Putaux, J C
Pulse shape of the ISOLDE radioactive ion beams (p. 130)
by Lettry, Jacques
Release studies of elementary and metal-fluoride ions at the GSI on-line mass separator (p. 135)
by Kirchner, R
A new method for measuring the absolute efficiency of Isotope Separation On-Line systems (p. 141)
by Lecesne, N
Release and yields from thorium and uranium targets irradiated with a pulsed proton beam (p. 160)
by Evensen, A H M
Release from ISOLDE molten metal targets under pulsed proton beam conditions (p. 170)
by Lettry, Jacques
Bunched release of gases from oxide targets (p. 176)
by Ravn, H L
Beam energy boosting for experiments at ISOLDE using a high-voltage platform (p. 250)
by Haas, H
SISSI at GANIL (p. 279)
by Anne, R
MOCADI, a universal Monte-Carlo code for the transport of heavy ions through matter within ion-optical systems (p. 284)
by Iwasa, N
Precision experiments with exotic nuclei (p. 351)
by Geissel, H
A cylindrical Penning trap for capture, mass selective cooling, and bunching of radioactive ion beams (p. 378)
by Raimbault-Hartmann, H
Accumulation of ions from a recoil mass separator in a new type of linear ion trap (p. 386)
by Fujitaka, S
Radioactive isotopes in solid state physics (p. 396)
by Forkel-Wirth, Doris
Coupling a total absorption spectrometer to the GSI on-line mass separator (p. 411)
by Karny, M
Measurement of the magnetic moment of $^{23}$Mg using the tilted-foil polarization technique (p. 423)
by Haas, H
Coupling of a He-jet transfer system to a Cs sputter ion source for the acceleration of radioactive ions with the Chalk River MP tandem accelerator (190-193 (Short version))
by Koslowsky, V T

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 Record created 1996-10-23, last modified 2021-07-30