The KEK accelerator Test Facility (p. 27) |
by Hayano, H |
Design Issues of TeV Linear Colliders (p. 37) |
by Delahaye, J P |
Results from the CLIC Test Facility (p. 42) |
by Braun, H |
The Next Linear Collider test accelerator : status and results(p. 47) |
by Ruth, Ronald D |
TESLA Test Facility : status and results(p. 52) |
by Aune, B |
The spanish project for a synchrotron laboratory at Barcelona (LSB) (p. 62) |
by Bordas, J |
Design issues of radioactive ion beam facilities (p. 115) |
by Lieuvin, M |
Fifty years of synchrotrons (p. 135) |
by Wilson, Edmund J N |
Impedance Measurements, Computations and their Interpretation (p. 143) |
by Hofmann, A |
Accelerator Physics Issues of the LHC (p. 168) |
by Gareyte, Jacques |
Highlights from Beam Diagnostics (p. 175) |
by Schmickler, Hermann |
Operational experience with the LEP2 SC cavity system (p. 187) |
by Boussard, Daniel |
Large-Scale Industrial Production of Superconducting Cavities (p. 200) |
by Chiaveri, Enrico |
RF issues for high intensity factories (p. 205) |
by Akai, K |
Accelerators for medical applications (p. 244) |
by Amaldi, Ugo |
The SPS as lead-ion accelerator (p. 383) |
by Altuna, X |
Double batch injection into LEP (p. 415) |
by Baudrenghien, P |
A newly observed Effect affects the LEP Beam Energy (p. 421) |
by Brun, G |
Measurements of Collision Offsets and Difference in vertical Dispersion at the LEP Interaction Points (p. 427) |
by Böge, M |
Particle Background at LEP with Head-On colliding Bunch Trains (p. 430) |
by Burkhardt, H |
Operation of LEP with bunch trains (p. 876) |
by Collier, Paul |
Dynamic Aperture Limitations of the LHC in Physics Conditions due to low-$\beta$ insertions (p. 902) |
by Faus-Golfe, A |
Decoupling of a strongly coupled lattice with an application to LHC (p. 908) |
by Koutchouk, Jean-Pierre |
Modular optical design of the LHC experimental insertions (p. 911) |
by Koutchouk, Jean-Pierre |
Trajectory and optical parameters in a non-linear stray field (p. 914) |
by Manglunki, Django |
Evaluating High Order resonances using Resonant Normal Forms (p. 923) |
by Todesco, Ezio |
A racetrack lattice for DIAMOND (p. 935) |
by Clarke, J A |
Assessment of the achievable emittance ratio in DIAMOND (p. 938) |
by Muñoz, M A |
Optimisation of the dynamic aperture of DIAMOND (p. 941) |
by Muñoz, M A |
Beam-based measurement of strength errors in quadrupole magnets with orbit bumps (p. 956) |
by Koiso, H |
A geometrical horizontal-vertical coupling (p. 959) |
by Petracca, S |
Beam-based alignment of sextupole magnets with a $\pi$-bump orbit (p. 962) |
by Yamamoto, N |
Evaluation of Dynamic Aperture in the Presence of Phase Space Distortions (p. 977) |
by Todesco, Ezio |
Correct chromaticities of circular accelerators without sextupoles (p. 992) |
by Chen, T |
Study of beam envelope oscillations by measuring the beam transfer function with quadrupolar pick-up and kicker (p. 1015) |
by Chanel, M |
Nonlinear bunch motion in an accelerator with reactive impedance (p. 1021) |
by Shaposhnikova, Elena |
The proposed experimental study on beam-photoelectron interactions in BEPC (p. 1042) |
by Guo, Z Y |
First estimate of the overall HERA-P transverse impedance by means of growth rate measurements (p. 1054) |
by Galluccio, F |
Hysteresis phenomena in bunch lengthening at the KEK Accumulation Ring (p. 1066) |
by Ieiri, T |
A coupled bunch instability due to beam-photoelectron interactions in positron storage rings (p. 1069) |
by Ohmi, K |
Measurement of local longitudinal loss factor using BPM in TRISTAN MR (p. 1075) |
by Zhang, C |
Center for beam physics papers (p. 1081) |
by Cheng Wen Hao |
Observation and calculation of trapped modes near cut-off in the ALS bellows-shield (p. 1084) |
by Corlett, J N |
Compensating the unequal bunch spacing in the NLC damping rings (p. 1111) |
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag |
Higher order mode (HOM) induced longitudinal coupled bunch (LCB) instabilities at the SRS (p. 1135) |
by McIntosh, P A |
Experimental study of head-tail damping and nonlinear filamentation based on precise analysis of coherent betatron oscillations in electron storage rings (p. 1141) |
by Akasaka, N |
Quasi-strong-strong simulations for beam-beam interactions in KEKB (p. 1164) |
by Ohmi, K |
New physics and improvements in beam-beam tail simulations (p. 1167) |
by Chen, T |
Emittance growth in non-symmetric beam configurations (p. 1227) |
by Anderson, O A |
Automated Design of a Correction Dipole Magnet for LHC (p. 1250) |
by Karppinen, M |
Application of symbolic techniques to structural beam optics (p. 1253) |
by Autin, Bruno |
Equivalent circuit analysis of the SLAC damped detuned structure (p. 1292) |
by Jones, R M |
Measurement of the magnetic field ripple experienced by a stored beam (p. 1320) |
by Caspers, Friedhelm |
Measurement of the longitudinal coupling impedance of the HERA-B vertex detector chamber (p. 1356) |
by Galluccio, F |
Lifetime calculations for the LSB storage ring (p. 1438) |
by Pérez, F |
Progress of the RIST project (p. 1522) |
by Bennett, J R J |
Design of a RF Gun for Heavy Beam Loading (p. 1544) |
by Bossart, Rudolf |
Measurement of the mean radial position of a lead ion beam in the CERN PS (p. 1603) |
by Belleman, J |
Black-box parametric estimation methods for longitudinal beam transfer function measurements (p. 1606) |
by Sjöström, M |
A single-pass beam position monitor for the injection beam at the photon factory storage ring (p. 1660) |
by Honda, T |
The data-taking and display system by VXI for observing a circulating beam profile without any disturbance (p. 1663) |
by Kadokura, E |
Phase space monitor system at the photon factory storage ring (p. 1666) |
by Kobayashi, Y |
A VME-based measurement system for rf parameters in the CERN PS (p. 1760) |
by Campbell, A J |
Generic configuration management system for documentation and on-line beam optics applications in the CERN PS complex (p. 1763) |
by Autin, Bruno |
Plans for the DIAMOND control system (p. 1766) |
by Martlew, B G |
Present status of the SRS control system upgrade project (p. 1769) |
by Martlew, B G |
LNLS Control System (p. 1791) |
by Franco, J |
A feedback system to control the flux during ultra-slow extraction at LEAR (p. 1845) |
by Jacobsen, S |
The Daresbury global horizontal servo feedback system : status and outlook(p. 1848) |
by Fitzgerald, J B |
Performance and progress of the Daresbury photon beam tungsten vane monitor system (p. 1851) |
by Mrotzek, G |
Operational performance of the local vertical servo system on the Daresbury SRS (p. 1854) |
by Fitzgerald, J B |
The transverse damping system with DSP PLL tune measurement for HERA P (p. 1857) |
by Heins, D |
Light radiation at the exit of RFQ and RF-field control (p. 1890) |
by Artiomov, A S |
Development of a high-speed digital signal-process board for the KEKB bunch feedback systems (p. 1893) |
by Kikutani, E |
A systematic study of a transverse feedback system with a two-tap FIR filter (p. 1896) |
by Minagawa, Y |
Experiment of RF feedback using an improved parallel comb-filter (p. 1899) |
by Yoshimoto, S |
The DIAMOND RF system (p. 1943) |
by Dykes, D M |
RF system changes associated with the SRS upgrade (p. 1946) |
by Dykes, D M |
DIAMOND low power RF system (p. 1949) |
by Horrabin, C W |
A timing system for DIAMOND (p. 1952) |
by Horrabin, C W |
Comparison of RF cavity designs for 3rd generation light sources (p. 1955) |
by McIntosh, P A |
Investigations of energy regeneration FEL structures operating at 3 GHz (p. 1958) |
by McIntosh, P A |
Temperature dependent Higher Order Modes (HOM) in the SRS cavities (p. 1961) |
by McIntosh, P A |
Tuning control and transient response of the ARES for KEKB (p. 1994) |
by Akai, K |
Design of HOM power absorbers for the KEK B-factory (p. 2000) |
by Chin, Y H |
Test operation of the PF linac RF system upgraded for the KEKB injector (p. 2003) |
by Hanaki, H |
The ARES cavity for the KEK B-factory (p. 2008) |
by Kageyama, T |
Low temperature brazing technique for accelerators (p. 2011) |
by Matsumoto, H |
High-power test of a 714-MHz HOM-damped cavity for the ATF damping ring (p. 2017) |
by Sakanaka, S |
The SiC absorber for the KEKB ARES cavity (p. 2020) |
by Takeuchi, Y |
High-power testing of the first PEP-II RF cavity (p. 2032) |
by Rimmer, R A |
Updated impedance estimate of the PEP-II RF cavity (p. 2035) |
by Rimmer, R A |
Microwave Cold-Testing Techniques for the NLC (p. 2056) |
by Bowden, G B |
High-power testing of PEP-II RF cavity windows (p. 2059) |
by Neubauer, M S |
Higher-order mode damping of the CERN PS 40 MHz cavity (p. 2068) |
by Jensen, E |
Higher-Order Mode (HOM) characteristics of the choke-mode cavity for the KEK B-Factory (KEKB) (p. 2074) |
by Kobayashi, T |
Beam-loading issues and requirements for the KEKB crab RF system (p. 2118) |
by Akai, K |
HOM absorbers of superconducting cavities for KEKB (p. 2127) |
by Tajima, T |
A new RF pulse-compressor using multi-cell coupled-cavity system (p. 2146) |
by Shintake, T |
Center for beam physics papers (p. 2149) |
by Anderson, D |
Dipole and quadrupole magnet designs for DIAMOND (p. 2164) |
by Bliss, N |
Sextupole magnets for DIAMOND (p. 2167) |
by Clarke, J A |
Magnet design for the synchrotron light source ANKA (p. 2179) |
by Einfeld, D |
Estimation of radiation dose to epoxy resin by IR spectrophotometry (p. 2192) |
by Endo, K |
Evaluation of Impact from Ripple and Transient Phenomena in the LHC Dipole Strings (p. 2231) |
by Dahlerup-Petersen, K |
Annealing of superconducting magnet protection diodes for the LHC after irradiation at liquid helium temperatures (p. 2234) |
by Berland, V |
Superconducting Coil Compression by Scissor Laminations (p. 2237) |
by Ijspeert, Albert |
Electrodynamic behaviour of the LHC superconducting magnet string during a discharge (p. 2240) |
by Coull, L |
Amplitude dependent tune spread and field errors of superconducting low-$\beta$ quadrupoles (p. 2243) |
by Ostojic, R |
A VME-based LabVIEW system for the magnetic measurements of the LHC prototype dipoles (p. 2246) |
by Madaro, L |
Quench propagation tests on the LHC superconducting magnet string (p. 2249) |
by Coull, L |
Protection of LHC superconducting corrector magnets (p. 2255) |
by Hagedorn, Dietrich |
A 300 T/m NbSn quadrupole for the low-$\beta$ insertions of the LHC (p. 2290) |
by Ambrosio, G |
Stability of a NbSn low-beta quadrupole in the LHC radiation environment (p. 2293) |
by Ambrosio, G |
Preparation and testing of prototype 12.5 kA high-temperature superconducting current leads for the LHC at CERN (p. 2296) |
by Harrison, S |
Progress in the Development of the 1 m Model of the 70 mm Aperture Quadrupole for the LHC Low-$\beta$ Insertions (p. 2299) |
by Kirby, G A |
High Current, Low Voltage Power Converters for LHC Present Development Directions (p. 2314) |
by Bordry, Frederick |
A Strategy for Controlling the LHC Magnet Currents (p. 2317) |
by Barnett, I |
A Crowbarless high voltage power converter for RF klystrons (p. 2326) |
by Poole, D E |
Commissioning of the new magnet power converters on the SRS, and operational experience (p. 2329) |
by Poole, D E |
The choice of power converter systems for a 3 GeV booster synchrotron (p. 2331) |
by Marks, N |
Multiturn Injection into Accumulators for Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion (p. 2391) |
by Prior, C R |
Optimising the injection scheme for DIAMOND from a 3 GeV booster (p. 2400) |
by Owen, H L |
The SISSI facility at GANIL (p. 2403) |
by Savalle, A |
Highly-charged ion beam transport by space-charge compensation conditions (p. 2426) |
by Kondrashev, S A |
The kicker magnet system used to generate a high magnetic field with a fast rise and a long flat top (p. 2441) |
by Kawakubo, T |
Positive-ion multi-turn injection with bi-waveform fast orbit-bump magnets (p. 2444) |
by Sakai, I |
First operation of the upgraded SLAC A-line (p. 2468) |
by Erickson, R |
The Optical Design of the PEP-II Injection Beamlines (p. 2471) |
by Fieguth, T |
Design and implementation of synchrotron radiation masks for LEP2 (p. 2503) |
by Lepeule, P |
A planar helical undulator for the SRS (p. 2543) |
by Clarke, J A |
Kick Stability Analysis of the LHC Inflectors (p. 2591) |
by Ducimetière, L |
WPS prototype for an automatic 2D smoothing of a storage ring (p. 2597) |
by Roux, D |
Slow ground motion and large future accelerator (p. 2600) |
by Takeda, S |
FELs using Storage Rings (e-proc. 100) |
by Couprie, M E |
A Method for Finding 4D Symplectic Maps with Reduced Chaos (e-proc. 1001) |
by Cary, J R |
Measurement of the Longitudinal Coupling Impedances using Short Electron Bunch (e-proc. 1007) |
by Aleksandrov, A V |
The Feedback System for Elemination the Fast Head-tail Instability at Storage Ring VEPP-4M (e-proc. 1009) |
by Karliner, M M |
Energy Stability in Recirculating, Energy-Recovering Linacs in the Presence of an FEL (e-proc. 1012) |
by Bisognano, J J |
Multibunch Emittance Preservation in CLIC (e-proc. 1018-1020) |
by Guignard, Gilbert |
Intrabeam Scattering of Heavy Ion in DSR (e-proc. 1024) |
by Katayama, T |
The Effect of using Gapped Beams on a Storage Ring RF System (e-proc. 1027) |
by Hughes, E A |
Reduction of Landau Damping in Hera (e-proc. 1030) |
by Feikes, J |
Beam dynamics issues in TESLA damping ring (e-proc. 1033) |
by Shiltsev, V D |
RF Liners for High Brilliance Beam (e-proc. 1036) |
by Rouviere, N |
Study of Self-Bunching Effects for High-Current Injection into SIS (e-proc. 1039) |
by Hofmann, I |
Beam with Unequal Bunches versus a Wide-band Impedance in a Synchrotron : Stability Criterion(e-proc. 1045) |
by Ivanov, S |
Longitudinal Coupled-bunch Beam Feedback System in the UNK (e-proc. 1048) |
by Ivanov, S |
Linac-based Short Wavelength FELs (e-proc. 105) |
by Renieri, A |
Overlapping Synchrotron Sideband Resonances (e-proc. 1051) |
by Berglund, M |
Cooled Beam Instabilities driven by a Ring Periodicity Perturbation (e-proc. 1057) |
by Burov, A |
On RMS Envelope Equation Problem for Nonlinear Motion (e-proc. 1060) |
by Bobyleva, L |
Instability due to the Longitudinal Higher Modes in the Electron Storage Ring (e-proc. 1063) |
by Nam, S K |
Development of a Bellows Assembly with RF-Shield for KEKB (e-proc. 1072) |
by Kanazawa, K |
Ion Clearing Methods for the Electron Storage Ring (e-proc. 1078) |
by Bulyak, E |
The electron-cloud instability in PEP-II : an update(e-proc. 1087) |
by Furman, M A |
High Current RF Shield for PEP-II Vacuum System Expansion Joint (e-proc. 1090) |
by Belser, C |
Coupling Impedance Measurement of Pohang Light Source Storage Ring Vacuum Components (e-proc. 1093) |
by Han, D H |
Instability Studies of the Pohang Light Source (e-proc. 1096) |
by Huang, J Y |
The Broad-band Impedance of the SPring-8 Storage Ring (e-proc. 1099) |
by Nakamura, T |
Operational Experience at the Superconducting Electron Accelerator S-DALINAC (e-proc. 110) |
by Döbert, Steffen |
The Simulation Study of the Single Bunch Instabilities in the Spring-8 Storage Ring (e-proc. 1102) |
by Nakamura, T |
Beam Lifetime Measurements in ELETTRA (e-proc. 1105) |
by Bocchetta, C J |
Observation of Coupled Bunch Instabilities in ELETTRA (e-proc. 1108) |
by Bocchetta, C J |
Diffraction model of a step-out transition (e-proc. 1114-1116) |
by Chao, A W |
Simulated Ion Motion in the SRRC Storage Ring (e-proc. 1117) |
by Hwang, C S |
Longitudinal Beam Instability Observation with a Streak Camera at SRRC (e-proc. 1120) |
by Chang, H P |
'Binary Star' Instability (e-proc. 1123) |
by Baartman, R |
Decoherence of Displaced Beam with Binomial Amplitude Distribution (e-proc. 1126) |
by Koscielniak, S |
Stability Analysis of a Beam Loaded Double RF System (e-proc. 1129) |
by Koscielniak, S |
Simulation of the Longitudinal Microwave Instabilities in the BEPC Storage Ring (e-proc. 1132) |
by Guo, Z |
Beam Current Limitation due to Single-beam Collective Effects in the Ion Storage Ring of RIKEN RI-Beam Factory Project (e-proc. 1138) |
by Katayama, T |
Improved Methods of Measuring and Curing Multibunch Instabilities in ELETTRA (e-proc. 1144) |
by Fabris, A |
The Concept of Round Colliding Beams (e-proc. 1149) |
by Danilov, V V |
Beam Tails in LEP (e-proc. 1152-1154) |
by Burkhardt, H |
Beam Beam Tune Shifts for 36 Bunch Operation in the Tevatron (e-proc. 1155) |
by Bagley, P |
Beam-beam Interaction Study for DAFNE (e-proc. 1158) |
by Hirata, K |
Calculation of the Luminosity Spectrum and the Differential Luminosity (e-proc. 1161) |
by Heydari, H |
Beam-Beam Interaction of Electrons and Ions at RIKEN RI Beam Factory (e-proc. 1170) |
by Batygin, Y |
Merging Beam-Beam Collisions at RIKEN RI Beam Factory (e-proc. 1173) |
by Batygin, Y |
Center for beam physics papers (e-proc. 1179-1181) |
by Wei, J |
Fast Beam Accumulation by Electron Cooling in the Heavy Ion Synchrotron SIS (e-proc. 1185) |
by Blasche, K |
Generation of a Frequency Comb for White-light Laser Cooling of Ions in a Storage Ring (e-proc. 1188) |
by Atutov, S N |
Liquid-Helium Free Superconducting Electron Cooler at the Storage Ring TARN II (e-proc. 1190) |
by Hosina, M |
The experimental study of neutralized electron beams for electron cooling (e-proc. 1193-1195) |
by Bosser, Jacques |
Radiative Ion Cooling (e-proc. 1196) |
by Bessonov, E G |
Transverse Cooling Times and Cooled Beam Profiles at CELSIUS (e-proc. 1199) |
by Bergmark, T |
Laser Plasma Accelerators (e-proc. 120) |
by Bingham, R |
Space Charge and Coherent Effects in the NSNS Storage Ring (e-proc. 1203) |
by Ruggiero, A G |
Measurements of Initial Beam Conditions for Halo Formation Studies (e-proc. 1206) |
by Beauvais, Pierre Yves |
Halo Formation from Beam Coulomb Scattering on Residual Gas (e-proc. 1209) |
by Beauvais, Pierre Yves |
About Self-Similarity or Routes to Reversibility in the Space Charge Dominated Beams (e-proc. 1212) |
by Piquemal, A |
New Scaling Laws for Beam Envelope in Optics Design (e-proc. 1215) |
by Zuev, Yu |
Beam Dynamics Calculations for the Simultaneous Acceleration of Ions with Different Charge to Mass Ratios in a RFQ (e-proc. 1218) |
by Deitinghoff, H |
Particle Dynamics Design Aspects for an IFMIF D+ RFQ (e-proc. 1221) |
by Deitinghoff, H |
Filamentation Effects and Image Charges in High Beta Proton Transfer Lines (e-proc. 1224) |
by Bongardt, K |
Hysteresis Effects in Drift Spaces and E-Guns (e-proc. 1230) |
by Agafonov, A V |
Non-linear Tuning and Halo Transport in Beam Expanders (e-proc. 1233) |
by Aniel, T |
Suppression of Space Charge Induced Beam Emittance Growth in Transport Line (e-proc. 1236) |
by Batygin, Y |
General Particle Tracer : A New 3D Code for Accelerator and Beamline Design(e-proc. 1241) |
by De Loos, M J |
Numerical Simulation of a Gridded Inductive Output Amplifier (e-proc. 1244) |
by Grudiev, A |
Calculation of Transverse Resistive Impedance for Vacuum Chambers with Arbitrary Cross Sections (e-proc. 1247) |
by Karliner, M M |
Status and Development of the GSI Accelerator Facilities (e-proc. 125) |
by Angert, N |
A 3-Dimensional Simulation of Collective Effects in Particle Accelerators (e-proc. 1256-1258) |
by Wagner, A |
Modeling Codes for RFQ Design (e-proc. 1259) |
by Petrov, V I |
An Efficient Algorithm of the Reconstruction of Spatial Field with the Use of the Data Determinated at the Region Boundary (e-proc. 1262) |
by Baranov, D |
Space-Charge Ion Optics for Multi-Beamlets (e-proc. 1265) |
by Viewga, E N |
BEAMDYN - A Program for Calculation of Particles Dynamics in the Strong-focusing IHEP Accelerator (e-proc. 1268) |
by Gorin, M Y |
Application of LANA Code for Design of Ion Linac (e-proc. 1271) |
by Gorelov, D V |
Simulation of Oscillations in High Power Kystrons (e-proc. 1274) |
by Becker, U |
Analytical Calculation of Radiation in a Side Coupled mm-Wave Accelerating Structure (e-proc. 1277) |
by Filtz, M |
Impedance of Rectangular Slots in a Round Coaxial Tube (e-proc. 1280) |
by Scholz, T |
Code Comparison in RF-GUN Simulations (e-proc. 1283) |
by Coacolo, J L |
Educational Software. Simulation of Charged Particle Trajectories in Presence of Magnetic Fields (e-proc. 1286) |
by Calviño, F |
TESLA Photo-Injector Simulation Giving High Quality Beams (e-proc. 1289) |
by Coacolo, J L |
Coupled Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields and Stationary Temperature Distributions (e-proc. 1295) |
by Weiland, T |
Correction of Field Errors in ISAC RFQ (e-proc. 1298) |
by Koscielniak, S |
The RHIC Project (e-proc. 13) |
by Harrison, M |
Operating Experience at CEBAF (e-proc. 130) |
by Legg, R |
Mapa - An Object Oriented Code with a Graphical User Interface for Accelerator Design and Analysis (e-proc. 1301) |
by Cary, J R |
Resonant Cavity Design using the Finite Element Method (e-proc. 1303) |
by Emson, C R I |
Axial Focusing in the Acceleration Gaps of the Cyclotron (e-proc. 1306) |
by Milinkovic, L |
Impedance Study for a Slotted-Pipe Kicker Model (e-proc. 1311) |
by Feng, Z |
Sorting of Magnets for the BESSY II Booster and Storage Ring (e-proc. 1314) |
by Abo-Bakr, M |
RHIC Tracking Studies with Real Magnets in Real Places (e-proc. 1317) |
by Dell, F |
Another Method to Measure the Low-Frequency Machine Impedance (e-proc. 1323-1325) |
by Linnecar, Trevor Paul R |
Proposal of a Sorting Experiment at the CERN SPS (e-proc. 1326-1328) |
by Bartolini, R |
Algorithms for a Precise Determination of the Betatron Tune (e-proc. 1329-1331) |
by Bartolini, R |
Longitudinal beam echo in the CERN SPS (e-proc. 1332-1334) |
by Brüning, Oliver Sim |
Betatron Phase Measurements in CESR (e-proc. 1335) |
by Greenwald, S |
Simulation of RF Stacking combined with Cooling Effects (e-proc. 1338) |
by Katayama, T |
Optimization of an Axially Symmetrical Electrostatic Focusing System (e-proc. 1341) |
by Dymnikov, A D |
A Matrix Method for the Optimization of Nonlinear Quadrupole Focusing System (e-proc. 1344) |
by Dymnikov, A D |
Microbunch emittance growth due to radiativeinteraction (e-proc. 1347) |
by Derbenev, Yaroslav S |
Coherent States in the Longitudinal Dynamics of Electron Beams in Particle Accelerators (e-proc. 1350) |
by Fedele, R |
Evolution of an Off-Axis Coherent State for Particle Beams in the Presence of Small Aberrations (e-proc. 1353) |
by Fedele, R |
Vibration at the ESRF (e-proc. 1359) |
by Zhang, L |
Acceleration and Bunching in a 6 MV X band Linac (e-proc. 1362) |
by Gonichon, J |
Background Calculation for the DAFNE Experiments (e-proc. 1365) |
by Guiducci, S |
Impedances of a Hole in Coaxial Structures (e-proc. 1368) |
by Migliorati, M |
Impedance of DAFNE Shielded Bellows (e-proc. 1371) |
by Gallo, A |
Magnet Sorting Algorithms (e-proc. 1374) |
by Dinev, D |
Ion Injection through Fringe Fields of Dipole Magnets (e-proc. 1377) |
by Langenbeck, B |
High Frequency Rectangular Accelerating Structure Focusing in the 70 MeV Race-Track Microtron (e-proc. 1380) |
by Karev, A I |
Mathematical Methods of Optimization of Charged Particle Beams Dynamics (e-proc. 1382) |
by Ovsyannikov, D A |
Monotonic and Nonmonotonic Area Preserving Maps, and Related Bifurcations in Laser Accelerators (e-proc. 1385) |
by Brunnet, L G |
Low Dimensional Phase-Locking Laser Plasma Nonlinear Interactions (e-proc. 1388) |
by Barbedo-Rizzato, F |
Improving Regular Acceleration in the Nonlinear Interaction of Particles and Waves (e-proc. 1391) |
by Corso, G |
Space Charge Effects in the Cyclotron-resonance Laser Accelerator (e-proc. 1394) |
by Caetano, T S |
Relativistic Effects in the Particle Acceleration by Large Amplitude Waves (e-proc. 1397) |
by Corso, G |
Two-Component Charge Compensated Ion Beam Dynamics (e-proc. 1400) |
by Barkhudaryan, A V |
One Self-Neutralization Model of Beams : New Results(e-proc. 1402) |
by Pivarc, J |
Methods for High-Precision Beam Energy Monitoring at the Mainz Microtron (MAMI) (e-proc. 1405) |
by Doerk, T |
Normal mode Laslett coefficients (e-proc. 1408-1410) |
by Petracca, S |
Simulation of Beam Performances of the Two-cell RF Gun (e-proc. 1414) |
by Kushnir, V A |
Optimization of the Parameters of the Linac Buncher (e-proc. 1417) |
by Pismenesky, S A |
Measurement of Beta and Dispersion Functions in the PLS Storage ring (e-proc. 1420) |
by Jeong, H K |
Measurement and Control of Linear Coupling in the PLS Storage Ring (e-proc. 1423) |
by Lee, T |
Beam Energy Ramping at SIBERIA-2 (e-proc. 1426) |
by Filipchenko, A |
Beam Parameters at the Internal Target Positions for Experiments in COSY-Juelich (e-proc. 1429) |
by Maier, R |
Optimization of Collimator Jaw Locations for the LHC (e-proc. 1432-1434) |
by Kaltchev, D I |
Effects of the Transverse-Longitudinal Coupling on the Strong Focusing of Charged Beams for ICF (e-proc. 1435) |
by Miano, G |
On the Influence of Some Discretisation Methods in the Study of the Dynamical Systems (e-proc. 1441) |
by Constantinescu, D |
The Relativistic Particle in a Fluctuating Electromagnetic Field (e-proc. 1444) |
by Constantinescu, D |
The Electromagnetic Field as Constrained System (e-proc. 1446) |
by Constantinescu, R |
Polarizabilities of an Annular Cut in the Thick Wall (e-proc. 1452) |
by Kurennoy, S |
Synchrotron Radiation Spatial Structures inside the Bunch (e-proc. 1455) |
by Arutunian, S G |
The Beam Lifetime Studies by Two Special Schemes (e-proc. 1458) |
by Chen, T I |
Progress in the BNL Program for a RHIC EBIS (e-proc. 1463) |
by Alessi, J |
VEPP-5 Positron Source Simulations (e-proc. 1466) |
by Kulakov, A A |
VEPP-5 Positron Source Yield Semi-analytical Estimations (e-proc. 1469) |
by Kulakov, A A |
High Current Proton and Deuteron ECR Source Developments at CEA (e-proc. 1472) |
by Delaunay, M |
Formation of the Cs2Te Photocathode : Auger and Photoemission Spectroscopy Study(e-proc. 1475) |
by Michelato, P |
Development of RIKEN 18 GHz ECRIS (e-proc. 1478) |
by Ärje, J |
Multibunch Instabilities and Cures (e-proc. 148) |
by Serio, M |
High Intensity Heavy Ion Injector T-5010 (e-proc. 1481) |
by Golubev, V |
Development of a Vacuum Arc Metal Ion Source for Heavy Ion Accelerators (e-proc. 1484) |
by Brown, I G |
Installation and Operation of an ECR Ion Source and its Platform in Legnaro (e-proc. 1487) |
by Cavenago, M |
Operation of a Small Pulsed Mevva in ECR Ion Source Environment (e-proc. 1490) |
by Cavenago, M |
Development of High Temperature Induction Ovens for ECR Ion Sources in Legnaro (e-proc. 1493) |
by Cavenago, M |
CRYSTAL : A Storage Ring for Crystalline Ion Beams(e-proc. 1496) |
by Tecchio, L B |
A Compact GHz Laser for a Polarized Electron Injector (e-proc. 1499) |
by Avramopoulos, H |
Operational Experience with the MAMI-Source of Polarized Electrons (e-proc. 1502) |
by Reichert, E |
Picosecond Polarized Electron Bunches from GaAsP Photocathode (e-proc. 1505) |
by Andresen, H G |
Experimental Investigation of a Cold-Cathode Magnetron Gun (e-proc. 1508) |
by Dovbnya, A N |
Cs2Te Photocathode for the TTF Injector II (e-proc. 1510) |
by Ferrini, G |
Recent development on rf-driven multicusp $H^-$ ion sources (e-proc. 1513-1515) |
by Leung, K N |
A Method of the Polarized Positron Beam Production (e-proc. 1516) |
by Bessonov, E G |
Redesign of the 90 degree Analysing Magnet of the ISIS H- Ion Source using Finite Element Modelling (e-proc. 1519) |
by Bailey, C P |
Operational Experience of Penning H- Ion Sources at ISIS (e-proc. 1525) |
by Barratt, P J S |
A Miniature H- Ion Source for the C-30 Compact Cyclotron at Swierk (e-proc. 1528) |
by Lorkiewicz, J |
Where are we after 30 Years of Electron Cooling (e-proc. 153) |
by Danared, H |
High Current, Optically-Pumped, Polarized H- Ion Source Development for High Energy Accelerators (e-proc. 1530) |
by Dutto, G |
The Production of Short Intensive Bunches from GaAs Photocathode (e-proc. 1535) |
by Aleksandrov, A V |
A Prototype of RF Photogun with GaAs Photocathode for Injector of VEPP-5 (e-proc. 1538) |
by Aleksandrov, A V |
First Tests of the 250 keV Electron Source and Beamline for the TESLA Test Facility Injector (e-proc. 1541) |
by Bernard, M |
A Hybrid Laser-driven E-beam Injector using Photo-cathode Electron Gun and Superconducting Cavity (e-proc. 1547) |
by Chen, C E |
Matching of the Intensive Laser Ion Source to the RFQ Accelerators (e-proc. 1550) |
by Kondrashev, S |
Two-cell RF Gun for a High Brightness Linac (e-proc. 1553) |
by Ayzatsky, M I |
Design of a Prebuncher for Increased Longitudinal Capture Efficiency of MAMI (e-proc. 1556) |
by Euteneuer, H |
The Fabrication and Cold Test of a High Brightness X-Band RF Gun (e-proc. 1559) |
by Hartemann, F V |
Photoelectron Generation by Femtosecond UV Laser (e-proc. 1562) |
by Endo, A |
Beam Position Monitoring System for the BEPC Storage Ring (e-proc. 1567) |
by Geng, X S |
Set Up for Beam Energy Measurements at BESSY II (e-proc. 1570) |
by Kuske, P |
Emittance Measurement at the NSLS X-Ray Ring (e-proc. 1573) |
by Safranek, J |
Experimental Characterization of ATF Beam Position Monitor (e-proc. 1576) |
by Ben-Zvi, I |
Beam Position Monitor with the Digital Signal Processing (e-proc. 1579) |
by Batrakov, A |
Accelerator Physics of High Intensity Proton Linacs (e-proc. 158) |
by Bongardt, K |
Beam Diagnostic System for Storage Rings (e-proc. 1582) |
by Kalinin, A S |
Applications of Beam Diagnostic System at the VEPP-4 (e-proc. 1585) |
by Dubrovin, A N |
Status of AIRIX Alignment and High Current Electron Beam Diagnostics (e-proc. 1588) |
by Bardy, J |
Beam Intensity Monitoring and Machine Protection by Toroidal Transformers on the TESLA Test Facility (e-proc. 1591) |
by Fusellier, J |
Electron Beam Transverse Emittance Measurement using Optical Transition Radiation Interferometry (e-proc. 1594) |
by Couillaud, C |
A new Diagnostic for Betatron Phase Space matching at Injection into a circular Accelerator (e-proc. 1597-1599) |
by Bovet, Claude |
Tune Measurements in the SPS as a Multicycling Machine (e-proc. 1600-1602) |
by Boccard, C |
CLIC Beam Position Monitor Tests (e-proc. 1609-1611) |
by Sladen, Jonathan P H |
Experience with the Electron and Proton Beam Loss Monitor (BLM) System at HERA (e-proc. 1612) |
by Ridoutt, F |
Diagnostic System of the Eindhoven Linac-Racetrack Microtron Combination (e-proc. 1615) |
by Botman, J I M |
Electronic Detection Circuit for a Stripline Beam Position Monitor (e-proc. 1618) |
by Kemper, A H |
UV and Visible Light Diagnostics for the ESRF Storage Ring (e-proc. 1621) |
by Scheidt, K |
Dual Streak Camera at the ESRF (e-proc. 1624) |
by Scheidt, K |
Review of the Experimental Results with a Cryogenic Current Comparator (e-proc. 1627) |
by Koch, H |
Halos and Chaos in Space-charge Dominated Beams (e-proc. 163) |
by Lagniel, J M |
Thermal Aspects of Beam Intercepting Diagnostic Devices (e-proc. 1630) |
by Strehl, P |
Tesla Test Facility Stripline Readout System (e-proc. 1633) |
by Castellano, M |
Time Correlation Studies of Secondary Emission Processes (e-proc. 1636) |
by Ciullo, G |
A High Resolution, Non-destructive Energy Detector and Beam Current Monitor for Bunched Beams (e-proc. 1639) |
by Barbieri, P |
Preliminary Study for a Residual Gas Beam Profile Monitor (e-proc. 1642) |
by Ceci, N |
Beam Position Monitoring for SBLC using HOM-Coupler Signals (e-proc. 1645) |
by Hülsmann, P |
Transverse and Longitudinal Beam Diagnostics using Transition Radiation (e-proc. 1648) |
by Döbert, Steffen |
Single-Pass Monitoring of Beam Position at SOR-RING (e-proc. 1651) |
by Honda, T |
The potentialities of $H^-$ beam diagnostics by detached particles (e-proc. 1654-1656) |
by Artiomov, A S |
Preliminary orbit measurement for beam-based alignment (e-proc. 1657-1659) |
by Endo, K |
A Construction of Optical Beam Profile Monitor for High Brilliance Configuration of the Photon Factory (e-proc. 1669) |
by Katoh, M |
Design of beam position monitor system for KEKB (e-proc. 1672-1674) |
by Akasaka, N |
Transverse Measurements with Kicker Excitation at COSY-Juelich (e-proc. 1675) |
by Bojowald, J |
A Method of Non-Disturbing Diagnostic of Scanned Electron Beam (e-proc. 1678) |
by Karasyov, S P |
Secondary Emission Grids for Low and High Energy Electron Beams (e-proc. 1680) |
by Bernard, M |
Results of the Orsay Spot Size Monitor for the Final Focus Test Beam (e-proc. 1683) |
by Buon, Jean |
Experimental Investigations on Geometrical Resolution of Electron Beam Profiles given by OTR in the GeV Energy Range (e-proc. 1686) |
by Artru, X |
Beam Profile Measurements with Visible Synchrotron Light on MAX-II (e-proc. 1689) |
by Andersson, A |
The QSBPM System Performance, and a Comparison to Conventional BPM Systems (e-proc. 1692) |
by Rojsel, P |
Beam Based Alignment using the QSBPM System (e-proc. 1695) |
by Rojsel, P |
The Observation of Electron Beam Size Variation by Utilizing the Nonlinearity of a Fast Photodiode (e-proc. 1698) |
by Chen, C I |
CESR : Steps Toward a B Factory(e-proc. 17) |
by Rice, D |
Energy Measurement of Relativistic Electron Beams by Laser Compton Scattering (e-proc. 1701) |
by Chen, C I |
Commissioning of a Bunch Length Monitor at AMPS (e-proc. 1704) |
by Coppens, J E |
Emittance Measurement at AmPS and DELTA using Laser Compton Scattering (e-proc. 1707) |
by Luijckx, G |
COD Measurement and Correction System in HIMAC Synchrotron (e-proc. 1710) |
by Itano, A |
A High Stability Intensity Monitoring System for the ISIS Extracted Proton Beam (e-proc. 1713) |
by Clarke-Gayther, M A |
The Development of the Ionization Detectors for Measuring the Main Parameters of the Accelerated Ionising Beams (e-proc. 1716) |
by Artemiev, A N |
Kurchatov Synchrotron Radiation Source : General-Purpose TV System for Beam Monitoring and Inspection of Accelerator Equipment Rooms(e-proc. 1719) |
by Ioudin, L |
An Improved Beam Position Monitor System for the ELETTRA Linac and Transfer Line (e-proc. 1722) |
by Bossi, M |
An Optical System for the Observation of Transverse Beam Motion (e-proc. 1725) |
by Bucconi, A |
Photon Beam Position Monitors suitable for a Local Feedback System at ELETTRA (e-proc. 1728) |
by Abrami, A |
An apparatus for measuring turn-by-turn transverse beam profile electron storage rings (e-proc. 1731-1733) |
by Chen, T |
Design of the Synchrotron-Light Monitors for PEP-II (e-proc. 1734) |
by Arnett, D |
SSRL Beam Position Monitor Detection Electronics (e-proc. 1737) |
by Hettel, R |
D.C. to 100 kHz Beam Current Transformer for CELSIUS (e-proc. 1740) |
by Bergmark, T |
Vector Polarimeter using Synchrotron Radiation for Linear and Circular Electron Colliders (e-proc. 1743) |
by Karabekian, S I |
A Facility for High Precision Absolute Energy Measurement using the K-Edge Absorption Phenomenon for Linear Accelerators (e-proc. 1746) |
by Karabekian, S I |
New Interlock System for BEPC (e-proc. 1751) |
by Chen, J S |
A Control System for BEPC Storage Ring Injection Power Supplies (e-proc. 1754) |
by Lu, S |
The New RF Control System for the CERN SPS Accelerator (e-proc. 1757-1759) |
by Baudrenghien, P |
An Archive System for PETRA (e-proc. 1772) |
by Schuette, W |
The DAFNE Timing System (e-proc. 1775) |
by Drago, A |
First Operational Experience with the DAFNE Control System (e-proc. 1778) |
by Milardi, C |
New Programming Technologies For Beam Diagnostics (e-proc. 1781) |
by Kryukov, S A |
Control System Implementation for the IASA Microtron (e-proc. 1784) |
by Barbarosou, M |
Project of Control System for Accelerator SILUND-21 (e-proc. 1787) |
by Dolbilov, G V |
The Computer Diagnostics of Linac Unit Failures (e-proc. 1789) |
by Boriskin, V N |
Control System for Accelerator with Distributed Intelligence based on a "Family of Smart Devices" (e-proc. 1794) |
by Chepurnov, A S |
Synchronizing System with Intelligence (e-proc. 1797) |
by Chang, S S |
Feedback Systems at DESY (e-proc. 180) |
by Kohaupt, R D |
Real-time data Acquisition and Control System for the PLS Storage Ring (e-proc. 1800) |
by Chang, S S |
Console Operated Control System for the RIKEN Muon Facility on ISIS (e-proc. 1803) |
by Martin, G |
A New Remote Control and Monitoring System for the ISIS Ion Source on the 665 kV DC Accelerating Platform (e-proc. 1806) |
by Barratt, P J S |
The New Timing System for the ELETTRA Linac (e-proc. 1809) |
by Bossi, M |
TROUBLE : A Trouble Shooting Program for ELETTRA(e-proc. 1812) |
by Bocchetta, C J |
Design and Development of a New Control System for the ELETTRA Linac (e-proc. 1815) |
by Barbina, L |
The Design of the FERMI Personnel Access Control and Interlock System (e-proc. 1818) |
by Barbina, L |
HOM-free Cavities (e-proc. 182) |
by Boni, R |
A New Alarm System Processor for ELETTRA (e-proc. 1821) |
by Michelini, P |
PCI to CAMAC Executive Crate Connection (e-proc. 1824) |
by Kadantsev, S G |
First approach to the control system for the LSB (e-proc. 1827-1829) |
by Perlas, J A |
Transverse Feedback System with a Digital Filter and Additional Delay (e-proc. 1833) |
by Zhabitsky, V M |
Power Supply Ramp Control in the APS Booster Synchrotron (e-proc. 1836) |
by Carwardine, J A |
Layout and Time-Domain Simulation of a Local Beam Position Feedback System for BESSY-II (e-proc. 1839) |
by Gilpatrick, J D |
The New BNL AGS Phase, Radial and Synchronization Loops (e-proc. 1842) |
by Brennan, J M |
New Transverse Feedback Kicker System in the Positron Intensity Accumulator (PIA) Ring (e-proc. 1860) |
by Rümmler, J |
Operational Experience with the RF Control for the TESLA Test Facility (e-proc. 1863) |
by Altmann, I |
Transient Beam Loading Based Calibration of the Vector-Sum for the TESLA Test Facility (e-proc. 1866) |
by Schilcher, T |
Operational Aspects of the RF Control System for the TESLA Test Facility (e-proc. 1869) |
by Rehlich, K |
A Fast Local Feedback System to Correct the Beam Position Deviation in the ESRF Storage Ring (e-proc. 1872) |
by Plouviez, E |
A Feedback System to Improve the Spill Structure of a Synchrotron (e-proc. 1875) |
by Blell, U |
Experimental Tests of the DAFNE RF Feedback System (e-proc. 1878) |
by Boni, R |
Kickers and Power Amplifiers for the DAFNE Bunch-by-Bunch Longitudinal Feedback System (e-proc. 1881) |
by Boni, R |
The Fast RF Power Turn-on in the MMF Linac Cavities (e-proc. 1884) |
by Kravchuk, L V |
Simulation of Feedback for Orbit Correction (e-proc. 1887) |
by Reyzl, I |
A State Variable Approach to the BESSY-II Local Beam-Position-Feedback System (e-proc. 1902) |
by Gilpatrick, J D |
Automatic Closed Orbit Error Correction System of a Compact Storage Ring for SR Lithography (e-proc. 1905) |
by Shimano, H |
Two Methods of Phasing the Accelerator RF Systems with Self-Excitation (e-proc. 1908) |
by Alimov, A |
Operations with the Digital Orbit Feedback System in the NSLS X-ray Ring (e-proc. 1911) |
by Bozoki, E |
Tune Measurement and Beam Damping System for PLS (e-proc. 1914) |
by Chang, S S |
Characterisation of the Low Level System of the ELETTRA RF Plants (e-proc. 1917) |
by Bocciai, M |
High Field SC Cavities (e-proc. 192) |
by Proch, D |
Performance of the Transverse Coupled-Bunch Feedback System in the SRRC (e-proc. 1920) |
by Hsu, K T |
First Experiments of the Digital Global Feedback in SRRC (e-proc. 1923) |
by Chen, C S |
Longitudinal Damper for the SRRC/TLS Storage Ring (e-proc. 1926) |
by Chang, L H |
Fundamental Architectures of the Digital Global Orbit Feedback System for SRRC Storage Ring (e-proc. 1928) |
by Hsu, K T |
Status of Digital Orbit Feedback for SPEAR (e-proc. 1931) |
by Corbett, W |
Layout of a Broadband Circular Waveguide to Coaxial Transition (e-proc. 1937) |
by Chu, K R |
A Cavity with Circular Waveguides for HOM Damping (e-proc. 1940) |
by Apel, R |
The Accelerating Cavity of the Racetrack Microtron Eindhoven (e-proc. 1964) |
by Botman, J I M |
Tank, Cell and Bridge Coupler Design for the CCL of the ESS Project (e-proc. 1967) |
by Botman, J I M |
New Superconductive Low Beta Structures (e-proc. 197) |
by Palmieri, V |
Construction of a Third RF Acceleration Unit for the ESRF Storage Ring (e-proc. 1970) |
by David, C |
Design of the GSI 36 MHz RFQ Accelerator on the Base of Mafia Calculations (e-proc. 1973) |
by Kaspar, K |
A Second Harmonic in Ferrite Dominated Cavity of U-70 (e-proc. 1976) |
by Belov, P V |
High Power Test of the Waveguide Loaded RF Cavity for the Frascati PHI-Factory Main Rings (e-proc. 1979) |
by Boni, R |
High Resolution Bead Technique Measurements and Multipole Analysis (e-proc. 1982) |
by Cavenago, M |
Design of a 94 GHz Accelerating Structure (e-proc. 1985) |
by Bruns, W |
High-Power Conditioning of an RF Cavity for High Brilliant Synchrotron Radiation Source (e-proc. 1988) |
by Izawa, M |
Design of Beam Bunching System for the Ion Storage Ring of RIKEN RI-Beam Factory Project (e-proc. 1991) |
by Katayama, T |
Quadrupole Counter Mixing Choke Structure for the KEKB ARES Cavity (e-proc. 1997) |
by Akai, K |
Beam Test of a SiC Duct Developed for an RF Damped Cavity (e-proc. 2006) |
by Izawa, M |
The input coupler for The KEKB ARES cavity (e-proc. 2014) |
by Naito, F |
New Mathematical Model of an Infinite Cavity Chain (e-proc. 2026) |
by Ayzatsky, M I |
Primary and Secondary Phenomena during RF-Processing of Electron Linac Structures (e-proc. 2029) |
by Dovbnya, A N |
The LNLS RF System (e-proc. 2038) |
by Pardini, C |
Investigation of the High Order Mode (HOM) Field Distribution in the Beginning Part (30 cells) of the SBLC Accelerating Structure (e-proc. 2041) |
by Ivanov, S V |
Equivalent Scheme and Parameters of Disc Loaded Waveguide at Dipole Mode (e-proc. 2044) |
by Ivanov, S V |
Conditioning of RF Cavities and RF Input Couplers for SPring-8 (e-proc. 2047) |
by Ego, H |
Acoustic Measurements at DAW Accelerating Structures under Operating High RF Power Conditions (e-proc. 2050) |
by Kadnikov, A |
Simulations and Measurements of Higher Order Modes on the ELETTRA RF Cavities in view of Coupled Bunch Instability Compensation by Temperature Variation (e-proc. 2053) |
by Fabris, A |
The Next Linear Collider Test Accelerator's RF Pulse Compression and Transmission Systems (e-proc. 2062) |
by Fant, K |
Performance of the SRRC/TLS torage Ring RF System (e-proc. 2065) |
by Chang, L H |
A proposed RF system for the LSB storage ring (e-proc. 2071-2073) |
by Pérez, F |
Experiments and Simulation of High Current Operation at CEBAF (e-proc. 2079) |
by Crawford, K |
The Role of Geometric Field Enhancement for the Enhanced Field Emission of Niobium (e-proc. 2082) |
by Goehl, A |
Nb$_{3}$Sn Layers on High-Purity Nb Cavities with Very High Quality Factors and Accelerating Gradients (e-proc. 2085) |
by Kneisel, P |
Power Coupler Development for SC Cavities (e-proc. 2088) |
by Bienvenu, G |
Status of RF power couplers for superconducting cavities at CERN (e-proc. 2091-2093) |
by Kindermann, H P |
A Superconducting RF Cavity for Bunch Compression of the High Intensity SPS Proton Beam at Transfer to LHC (e-proc. 2094-2096) |
by Bohl, T |
Electroacoustic oscillations in the LEP SC. cavities (e-proc. 2097-2099) |
by Boussard, Daniel |
Discussion of Superconducting and Room-Temperature High-Intensity Ion Linacs (e-proc. 210) |
by Jameson, R |
Superconducting RF System for the CESR Luminosity Upgrade : Design, Status and Plans(e-proc. 2100) |
by Barnes, P |
Measurements of TESLA Cavities for TTF (e-proc. 2103) |
by Möller, W D |
Note on Performance of the RF System in the HERA e-Ring (e-proc. 2106) |
by Sekutowicz, J |
Automatic Multipactoring Conditioning of the Super-Conducting Resonators in the ALPI Linac (e-proc. 2109) |
by Bassato, G |
Analysis of Thermal Effects in TESLA SRF Cavities using Surface Scanning Thermometers (e-proc. 2112) |
by Caruette, A |
Field Emission Investigation in a SCRF Cavity Contaminated with Alumina Particles (e-proc. 2115) |
by Caruette, A |
A prototype module of a superconducting damped cavity for KEKB (e-proc. 2121-2123) |
by Furuya, T |
Thermal Quench Phenomena on the 1.3 GHz High Gradient Superconducting Cavities (e-proc. 2124) |
by Fujino, T |
About One Possible Explanation of Influence of Microwave Magnetic Field on Quality Factor of Superconducting Accelerating System (e-proc. 2130) |
by Didenko, A N |
Feasibility Study on Superconducting System for Intense CW Ion Linac (e-proc. 2132) |
by Kawatsu, S |
The RF Power Set Up for a Linac - Racetrack Microtron Combination (e-proc. 2137) |
by Timmermans, C |
Cavity Design for a Planar MM-Wave Sheet Beam Klystron (e-proc. 2140) |
by Bruns, W |
Experimental Study of 100 MW Wide-aperture X-band Klystron with RF Absorbing Drift Tubes (e-proc. 2143) |
by Azorsky, N I |
Recent Developments with Klystrons and Modulators (e-proc. 215) |
by Gamp, A |
A New High Power Klystron for the SLAC B-Factory (e-proc. 2152) |
by Demmel, E |
Operating Results for the PEP-II 1.2 MW Klystron (e-proc. 2155) |
by Bohlen, H |
Numerical Simulation of 3-D Field of Systems using Permanent Magnets (e-proc. 2161) |
by Amoskov, V |
Concept for a New Magnetic Septum Quadrupole (e-proc. 2170) |
by Marx, M |
Design and Performance of a Permanent Magnetic Quadrupole for a Low Energy Linear Accelerator Beam Line (e-proc. 2173) |
by Botman, J I M |
Vibration of Magnet-Girder Assembly (e-proc. 2176) |
by Zhang, L |
Magnetic Measurements of the Dipole, Quadrupole and Sextupole Prototypes for the Accumulator of DAFNE, the Frascati PHI-Factory (e-proc. 2182) |
by Hsieh, H |
The DAFNE Main Ring Magnet Prototypes (e-proc. 2185) |
by Preger, M |
A Scanning Magnet for a Microtron Beam Line (e-proc. 2188) |
by Axinescu, S |
Split-Pole PM Dipoles and Quadrupoles with Variable Field (e-proc. 2190) |
by Skachkov, V S |
LNLS Synchrotron Light Source Magnets (e-proc. 2195) |
by Apfelbaum, J |
The Max-II Lattice Magnets Measurements and Conclusions (e-proc. 2198) |
by Eriksson, M |
DAFNE : The First PHI Factory(e-proc. 22) |
by Vignola, G |
Recent Advances in Insertion Devices (e-proc. 220) |
by Chavanne, J |
Printed Boards and Water Jet Cutting for Manufacturing Magnets (e-proc. 2201) |
by Le Gal, H |
Design, Construction and Testing of Small, Intense Permanent Magnet Sextupoles (e-proc. 2204) |
by Bracco, R |
Magnet system design for the storage ring of the LSB (e-proc. 2207-2209) |
by Pont, M |
Operating Range of the VINCY Cyclotron (e-proc. 2210) |
by Altiparmakov, D V |
Simulation of the VINCY Cyclotron Magnetic Field using a Model Magnet (e-proc. 2213) |
by Altiparmakov, D V |
Field Quality in Superconducting Magnets for Large Particle Accelerators (e-proc. 2219) |
by Gupta, R |
Misalignment Evaluation of Superconducting Magnets in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (e-proc. 2222) |
by Ganetis, G |
Dynamic field quality of LHC/Saclay arc quadrupole magnet prototype (e-proc. 2225) |
by Devred, Arnaud |
Field quality of the main dipole magnets for the LHC accelerator (e-proc. 2228-2230) |
by Bottura, L |
Beam Induced Radiation Problems and Cures (e-proc. 225) |
by Gear, P E |
Superconducting Sextupole Corrector Magnet for the LHC Main Dipoles (e-proc. 2252-2254) |
by Salminen, J |
The 1 m long single aperture dipole coil test program for LHC (e-proc. 2258-2260) |
by Andreyev, N I |
Three Dimensional Field Analysis of Helical Snake Magnets for RHIC (e-proc. 2261) |
by Katayama, T |
The HERA Quench Protection System - A Status Report (e-proc. 2264) |
by Bacher, R |
Low temperature quench performance of Fermilab low b insertion quadrupoles (e-proc. 2267) |
by Bossert, R |
Design of a high gradient quadrupole for the LHC interaction regions (e-proc. 2270) |
by Bossert, R |
Study of Quench Development in the String of UNK Superconducting Magnets (e-proc. 2273) |
by Alexandrov, A |
YBCO HTSC Bars for kA Range Current Leads (e-proc. 2276) |
by Carrera, M |
Design of Model Sector Magnet for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (e-proc. 2279) |
by Fujishima, S |
Preliminary Analysis of the Nuclotron Magnetic Field (e-proc. 2281) |
by Donyagin, A M |
Cryogenic Structural Steels for Accelerator Superconducting Magnets and their Application (e-proc. 2284) |
by Akita, T |
The superconducting magnet system for KEKB B-factory (e-proc. 2287-2289) |
by Tsuchiya, K |
Spanish Industry in the Context of Manufacturing Accelerator Components (e-proc. 230) |
by Castro, F |
Design Study of Sector Magnet for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (I) (e-proc. 2302) |
by Fujishima, S |
Design Study of Sector Magnet for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (2) (e-proc. 2305) |
by Fujishima, S |
Overview of the Power Conversion Systems for the RHIC Project (e-proc. 2311) |
by Lambiase, R F |
Electrical powering strategy of LHC : first design study(e-proc. 2320-2322) |
by Proudlock, Paul |
An Uninterruptible Power Supply for the SRS (e-proc. 2323) |
by Griffiths, S A |
High Quality Power Supply (HQPS) at the ESRF (e-proc. 2334) |
by Bouteille, J F |
Experience in Maintaining and Operating Power Supplies Used in Accelerators (e-proc. 2337) |
by Wolff, D |
Study of a Magnet Power Supply for a MUSES Booster Synchrotron (e-proc. 2340) |
by Inabe, N |
Feedback control of 50 Hz power supply (e-proc. 2343-2345) |
by Zhang, F Q |
Progress on PEP-II Magnet Power Conversion System (e-proc. 2346) |
by Bellomo, P |
Power Supply System for the LNLS Magnets (e-proc. 2349) |
by Arrayo, F C |
The HIMAC Very Low Ripple Synchrotron - PART II (e-proc. 2352) |
by Aoki, T |
Evaluation of Ripple of the Power Supply to a Beam Spill during a Third Order Resonant Extraction in HIMAC (e-proc. 2355) |
by Aoki, T |
High Performance Active Filter for the Power Supply of the HIMAC Synchrotron Magnet (e-proc. 2358) |
by Kanayawa, T |
Magnet Power Supplies of PLS 2 GeV Storage Ring (e-proc. 2361) |
by Ha Ki Man |
Stabilising the Voltage of the DC Accelerating Column of the ISIS Pre-injector using a Beam Current Controlled 'Bouncer' (e-proc. 2364) |
by Cloke, V C |
A ZVT Converter for Superconducting Corrector Magnet Applications (e-proc. 2367) |
by Benavent, J M |
Therapy at HIMAC (e-proc. 237) |
by Kawachi, K |
A Barrier Bucket Experiment for Accumulating De-bunched Beam in the AGS (e-proc. 2373) |
by Blaskiewicz, M |
AGS to RHIC Transfer Line : Design and Commissioning(e-proc. 2376) |
by MacKay, W W |
Physics of the AGS-To-RHIC Transfer Line Commissioning (e-proc. 2379) |
by Satogata, T |
CERN West Area neutrino facility beam line alignment (e-proc. 2382-2384) |
by Catanesi, M G |
The Influence of Radiation Damage on the Deflection of High-Energy Beams in Bent Silicon Crystals (e-proc. 2385-2387) |
by Biino, C |
The SPS Target Station for CHORUS and NOMAD Neutrino Experiments (e-proc. 2388-2390) |
by Péraire, S |
The Pulsed Power Converter and Septum Magnet System for Injection into the Electron Storage Ring at ESRF (e-proc. 2394-2396) |
by Perrine, J P |
Design Study of the Injection System of the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (e-proc. 2397) |
by Fujishima, S |
A High Duty Foil Stripper System in the Injection Line to the Heavy Ion Synchrotron SIS at GSI (e-proc. 2406) |
by Glatz, J |
Non-resonant Slow Extraction of Protons to the Tagged Neutrino Facility (e-proc. 2409) |
by Asseev, A A |
The Role of Industry and Accelerator Laboratories in Future Particle Beam Facilities for Cancer Therapy (e-proc. 241) |
by Böhne, D |
The Efficiency Analysis of the Proton Beam Extraction from the IHEP Accelerator by a Bent Silicon Crystal (e-proc. 2412) |
by Asseev, A A |
Some Aspects of Phase Displacement Method (e-proc. 2415) |
by Maksimov, A |
Simulations of the Multiturn Injection into Nuclotron Booster (e-proc. 2417) |
by Anguelov, V |
Diagnostic of the Compensation Process of Pulsed Ion Beams with a Time-Resolving Ion Energy Spectrometer (e-proc. 2420) |
by Doelling, R |
The PIAFE Project at Grenoble : Beam Transport of a Very Low Energy Radioactive Beam(e-proc. 2423) |
by Fontenille, A |
Status of the Internal Target Technique at the Nuclotron (e-proc. 2429) |
by Artiomov, A |
Beam Extraction Systems of the VINCY Cyclotron (e-proc. 2432) |
by Borisov, O |
Progress in Manufactoring Main Nuclotron Extraction Elements (e-proc. 2435) |
by Averichev, S A |
Calculation of Orbit Expansion Effect for the VINCY Cyclotron (e-proc. 2438) |
by Borisov, O |
Beam Extraction at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY (e-proc. 2447) |
by Bechstedt, U |
The Injection System for the ISI-800 Storage Ring (e-proc. 2450) |
by Gladkikh, P |
On triple focusing dipole magnets (e-proc. 2453-2455) |
by Bernard, D |
The Injection Scheme for the New 1.5 GeV Storage Ring, Max-II (e-proc. 2456) |
by LeBlanc, G |
Slow Extraction at the Heidelberg Heavy Ion Storage Ring TSR (e-proc. 2459) |
by Albrecht, F |
Performance of High Energy Beam Transport System of Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator, HIMAC (e-proc. 2462) |
by Kanazawa, M |
Stripping Foil Temperatures in the European Spallation Source (e-proc. 2465) |
by Duke, J P |
Test Results of SRRC Pulsed Magnets for 1.5 GeV Injection (e-proc. 2474) |
by Chang, Y M |
Topping Up Experiments at SRRC (e-proc. 2477) |
by Chen, J |
Modeling and Tuning the Beam Lines of the Svedberg Laboratory (e-proc. 2480) |
by Ziemann, V |
Mass Separator for The ISAC Project at TRIUMPH (e-proc. 2482) |
by Baartman, R |
A Transport Line to the TRIUMF ISAC Facility (e-proc. 2485) |
by Stinson, G M |
Injection and extraction schemes of the LSB booster and storage ring (e-proc. 2488-2490) |
by Campmany, J |
Construction and Operation of Cyclotrons for Medical Isotopes (e-proc. 249) |
by Stevenson, N R |
Pulsed magnets for injection and extraction at LSB (e-proc. 2491-2493) |
by Travería, M |
Performance of the MAX-II Injector (e-proc. 2494) |
by Andersson, A |
Nonlinear Beam Dynamics Effects in Heavy Ion Transport Line (e-proc. 2497) |
by Batygin, Y |
Preliminary design of the vacuum system for DIAMOND (e-proc. 2506-2508) |
by Herbert, J D |
Vacuum Aspects of the Euterpe Storage Ring (e-proc. 2509) |
by Botman, J I M |
Undulator Vessels Devoid of Distributed Pumps (e-proc. 2512) |
by Rouviere, N |
An UHV Vacuum System for DAFNE (e-proc. 2515) |
by Chimenti, V |
LNLS Vacuum System (e-proc. 2518) |
by Bagnato, O R |
Operation of PET Cyclotrons for Medical Imaging (e-proc. 252) |
by Jones, T |
Vacuum Performance of PLS Electron Storage Ring (e-proc. 2521) |
by Kim, C K |
Pumping and Pressure Measuring System for the Linac of the ELETTRA Synchrotron Light Source (e-proc. 2524) |
by Giacuzzo, F |
How to Save Money Designing a Vacuum System for a Third Generation Synchrotron Light Source (e-proc. 2527) |
by Giacuzzo, F |
Conceptual design of the vacuum system for the LSB storage ring (e-proc. 2530-2532) |
by Vicente, M J |
Status of the Insertion Devices for BESSY II (e-proc. 2535) |
by Bahrdt, J |
A Double Undulator for the Production of Circularly Polarized Light at BESSY II (e-proc. 2538) |
by Bahrdt, J |
NMR System for Magnetic Field Measurements at the MARK-3 Free Electron Laser (e-proc. 2541) |
by Dickey, C |
Design Study of Quasi-Periodic Undulator (e-proc. 2546) |
by Hashimoto, S |
First Observation of Quasiperiodic Undulator Radiation (e-proc. 2549) |
by Hashimoto, S |
Inertial Fusion with Accelerators (e-proc. 255) |
by Hofmann, I |
Construction and Magnetic Field Measurement of Quasi-Periodic Undulator (e-proc. 2552) |
by Hashimoto, S |
Technical Description of the MAX II Undulators (e-proc. 2555) |
by Ahola, H |
A VUV-wiggler Scheme with Non-sinusoidal Magnetic Field Profile for High Energy Storage Rings (e-proc. 2558) |
by Chubar, O V |
The Dynamic Effect of the Vertical Field Corrector of the 1.8 T Wiggler (e-proc. 2561) |
by Fan, T C |
Field Characteristics of 9-Pole Adjustabale Phase Hybrid Undulator (e-proc. 2564) |
by Chang, C H |
Conceptual Design for the SRRC Elliptically Polarizing Undulator EPU5.6. - Part I : Magnetic Configuration and Merit Function Optimization(e-proc. 2567) |
by Chang, C H |
Conceptual Design for the SRRC Elliptically Polarizing Undulator EPU5.6. - Part II : Magnetic Loading and Structure Deformation(e-proc. 2570) |
by Chang, C H |
Preliminary ID designs for the LSB storage ring (e-proc. 2573-2575) |
by Queralt, X |
SAW - A Superconducting Asymmetric Multipole Wiggler at the DELTA Storage Ring (e-proc. 2576) |
by Negrazus, M |
Design of Variable Polarizing Undulator (APPLE-type) for SX Beamline in the SPring-8 (e-proc. 2579) |
by Kobayashi, H |
A Second Long Pulse Modulator for TESLA Using IGBTs (e-proc. 2585) |
by Bartelson, L |
Comparison of Measured and Predicted Inductance per Cell for a Travelling Wave Kicker Magnet (e-proc. 2588) |
by Barnes, M J |
Manufacturing of Electron Accelerators (e-proc. 260) |
by Jongen, Y |
Alignment for the LNLS Synchrotron Light Source (e-proc. 2603) |
by Basilio, R |
Alignment Procedures for the MAX-II Storage Ring (e-proc. 2606) |
by LeBlanc, G |
Hydrostatic Levelling System with Laser Sensors (e-proc. 2609) |
by Rojsel, P |
The ESRF Beamline Personnel Safety System (e-proc. 2615) |
by Berkvens, P |
Radiation Safety Around the ESRF Beamlines (e-proc. 2618) |
by Berkvens, P |
Induced Radioactivity Decrease Method in High Intensity Linacs (e-proc. 2621) |
by Drozdovsky, A A |
Induced Radioactivity of the Septum Magnet of the Beam Slow Extraction at the Nuclotron (e-proc. 2624) |
by Astapov, A A |
LNLS Interlock System (e-proc. 2627) |
by Rodrigues, A R D |
Shielding Design on the "TESLA" Accelerator Installation in the Institute of Nuclear Sciences "VINCA" (e-proc. 2629) |
by Nedeljkovic, N |
The Lattice Design of a Proposed Beijing Therapy Proton Synchrotron (e-proc. 2635) |
by Guo, Z |
The TOP-ISS Linear Accelerator : A High Frequency Proton Linac for Therapy(e-proc. 2638) |
by Orlandi, G |
Accelerators in Industry (e-proc. 264) |
by Lewis, D M |
Accelerator Aspects of the Cancer Therapy Project at the GSI Darmstadt (e-proc. 2641) |
by Eickhoff, H |
A Scintillator Based Halo-Detector for Beam Position Monitoring (e-proc. 2644) |
by Forck, P |
Data Generation for SIS and Beam Lines for the GSI Therapy Project (e-proc. 2647) |
by Franczak, B J |
235 MeV Cyclotron for MGH's Northeast Proton Therapy Centre (NPTC) : Present Status(e-proc. 2650) |
by Beeckman, W |
Beam Deceleration in the Operation of the Beam Extraction with a Patient Respiration (e-proc. 2653) |
by Araki, N |
Performance of a Respiration-Gated Beam Control System for Patient Treatment (e-proc. 2656) |
by Araki, N |
Status Report of the HIMAC Accelerator Facility (e-proc. 2659) |
by Araki, N |
The Use of ISIS as a Proton Therapy Facility (e-proc. 2662) |
by Adams, D J |
Recent Development of Gantry Design Activities at GSI Darmstadt (e-proc. 2665) |
by Pavlovic, M |
High Power Targets for Spallation Sources (e-proc. 267) |
by Broome, T A |
High Beam Intensities for Cyclotron-Based Radioisotope Production (e-proc. 2671) |
by Cohilis, P |
Proton 36 MeV, 0.5 mA Linac ISTRA-36 as a Driver Multipurpose Irradiation Test Facility (e-proc. 2674) |
by Chuvilo, I V |
Conceptual Design of a Free Electron Laser System as a Laser Fusion Reactor Driver (e-proc. 2679) |
by Saldin, E L |
Conception of Secure Atomic Energy Plant with Subcritical Reactor and 100 MeV Proton Accelerator (e-proc. 2682) |
by Didenko, A N |
RHODOTRON Accelerators for Industrial Electron-Beam Processing : A Progress Report(e-proc. 2687) |
by Abs, M |
Soft X-ray Production by Means of an Electron Beam (e-proc. 2693) |
by Couillaud, C |
Analytical Complexes for Ion Beam Analysis and Modification of Materials in St. Petersburg and Bratislava (e-proc. 2696) |
by Bortniansky, A |
An Irradiation Production Unit for Polymer Research (e-proc. 2699) |
by Botman, J I M |
Experimental Studies on the Acceleration of Positive & Negative Ions with a Heavy Ion ISR RFQ (e-proc. 2702) |
by Chen, C E |
Electron Beam Processing : a New Business and a New Industry(e-proc. 272) |
by Stirling, A J |
Industry and Synchrotron Radiation - Prospects using ANKA (e-proc. 276) |
by Moser, H O |
Fermilab Accelerators : Status and Plans(e-proc. 283) |
by Finley, D A |
LEP1 operation, 1989-1995 (e-proc. 286-288) |
by Arduini, Gianluigi |
HERA Electron-Beam Lifetime Disruption Machine Studies and Observations (e-proc. 289) |
by Bialowons, W |
Injection and acceleration with physics optics in LEP (e-proc. 292-294) |
by Collier, Paul |
The CERN PS complex : a versatile particle factory(e-proc. 295-297) |
by Simon, Daniel Jean |
First optical measurement of a bunched beam produced by a 35 GHz free-electron laser (e-proc. 298-300) |
by Gardelle, J |
Status of HERA (e-proc. 3) |
by Bialowons, W |
First Year Operation of the ALPI Post-accelerator (e-proc. 301) |
by Dainelli, A |
The RFQ Section of the New Unilac Prestripper Accelerator at GSI (e-proc. 304) |
by Kaspar, K |
Merits of the RFD Linac Structure for Proton and Light-Ion Acceleration Systems (e-proc. 307) |
by Crandall, K R |
Early indicators of long term stability in hadron colliders (e-proc. 313-315) |
by Bartolini, R |
Modelling of Low Frequency Longitudinal Coupled Bunch Oscillation (e-proc. 316) |
by Nagaoka, R |
Transverse Coupled Bunch Mode Growth due to Photoelectron Trapping in the CESR Vacuum Chamber (e-proc. 319) |
by Holmquist, T |
Alignment and stability of future machines (e-proc. 32) |
by Shiltsev, V D |
Higher-Order Modes in a 36-Cell Test Structure (e-proc. 322) |
by Dohlus, M |
Luminosity optimisation using beam-beam deflections at LEP (e-proc. 325-327) |
by Bovet, Claude |
Solitary Waves in Particle Beams (e-proc. 328) |
by Bisognano, J J |
Envelope Description of Quasi-Laminar Beams undergoing Reversible Emittance Transformations (e-proc. 331) |
by Rosenzweig, J B |
The Caprice ECR Sources of Multicharged Ions New Results and a New Prototype (e-proc. 337) |
by Bourg, F |
Electron Beam Diagnostics with Visible Synchrotron Light on Siberia-1 Ring (e-proc. 340) |
by Artemiev, N A |
Commissioning Results of the APS Storage Ring Photon Monitor Systems (e-proc. 343) |
by Lumpkin, Alex H |
Observation, control and modal analysis of coupled-bunch longitudinal instabilities (e-proc. 346-348) |
by Fox, J D |
Design of the Digital RF Control System for the TESLA Test Facility (e-proc. 349) |
by Altmann, I |
Measurement of Cavities of the Side Coupled Drift Tube Linac (SCDTL) (e-proc. 352) |
by Picardi, L |
RF Pulse Compression Via TE01 Optically Controlled Multi-Megawatt Microwave Switch (e-proc. 355) |
by Lee, T G |
The LHC test string : first operational experience(e-proc. 358-360) |
by Bézaguet, Alain-Arthur |
Conceptual design of the cryogenic system for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) (e-proc. 361-363) |
by Benda, V |
The DELTA Vacuum System (e-proc. 364) |
by Hippert, B |
Recent Advances in the Design of a Cyclotron-Driven, Intense, Subcritical Neutron Source (e-proc. 369) |
by Ait Abderrahim, H |
Important design issues of a high-efficiency cyclotron complex to drive the energy amplifier (e-proc. 372-374) |
by Mandrillon, P |
Lattice Optimization for a Really Large Hadron Collider, RLHC (e-proc. 377) |
by Dell, F |
Lead ion beam emittance and transmission studies in the PS-SPS complex at CERN (e-proc. 380-382) |
by Arduini, Gianluigi |
Optimization of the LHC Interaction Region With Respect to Beam-Induced Energy Deposition (e-proc. 386-388) |
by Strait, J B |
The phase space dependent spin polarization direction in the HERA proton ring at high energy (e-proc. 389-391) |
by Barber, D P |
Correction of the Influence of Persistent Currents in the HERA Proton Ring (e-proc. 392) |
by Brück, H |
Improved Proton Injection into HERA via PETRA Optics Trickery : Are the Prospects Real or Imaginary(e-proc. 395) |
by Balewski, K |
On Increasing the HERA Collider e-p Interaction Region Luminosity (e-proc. 398) |
by Bartel, Wulfrin |
Bringing Beauty to HERA; On Acelerator Modifications for the HERA-B Experiment at DESY (e-proc. 401) |
by Kose, R |
The Status of the Fermilab Main Injector Project (e-proc. 404) |
by Bogert, D |
UNK Status (e-proc. 407) |
by Fedotov, Yu |
How a 100 TeV synchrotron/collider based on the nuclotron-type cryomagnetic system would look (e-proc. 410-412) |
by Baldin, A |
Synchro-Betatron Resonances in LEP (e-proc. 418-420) |
by Collier, Paul |
Optimizing the LHC Interaction Region to Obtain the Highest Possible Luminosity (e-proc. 424-426) |
by Herr, Werner |
Concentric ring colliding beam machine with dual aperture quadrupoles (e-proc. 433-435) |
by Mikhailichenko, A A |
Influence of Various Integrated Ion Getter Pumps on Electron Lifetime (e-proc. 436) |
by Balewski, K |
Application of a beam-based alignment technique for optimizing the electron spin polarization at HERA (e-proc. 439-441) |
by Barber, D P |
The Effect of Beam Excitation on the HERA Electron-Beam Lifetime Disruption (e-proc. 442) |
by Kelly, D R C |
HERA Polarimeter Operation in 1995 (e-proc. 445) |
by Meyners, N |
Present Status of KEKB Project (e-proc. 448) |
by Kurokawa, S I |
Electron Storage and Stretcher Ring, KSR (e-proc. 451) |
by Dewa, H |
Design and Construction of the PEP-II Low-Energy Ring (e-proc. 454) |
by Hsieh, H |
Reduced Emittance for AmPS (e-proc. 457) |
by Luijckx, G |
Interaction region design at the PEP-II $B$ factory (e-proc. 460-462) |
by Sullivan, M |
The beam-stay-clear definition of the PEP-II $B$ factory (e-proc. 463-465) |
by Sullivan, M |
Status of the PEP-II B-Factory High Energy Ring (e-proc. 466) |
by Bellomo, P |
FEL based photon collider of TeV energy range (e-proc. 471) |
by Saldin, E L |
Conceptual Study of an FEL Based Gamma-Gamma Collider at TESLA-500 (e-proc. 474) |
by Saldin, E L |
New Studies of Emittance Growth and Correction Techniques for the TESLA Linac (e-proc. 477) |
by Mosnier, A |
Bunch Compressor Performances at the CLIC Test Facility (e-proc. 480-482) |
by Aulenbacher, K |
Dark current simulation in high gradient accelerating structure (e-proc. 483-485) |
by Akasaka, N |
C-band choke mode accelerator structure for the linear collider (e-proc. 489-491) |
by Matsumoto, H |
C-band linear collider with C.M. energy 500 GeV to 1 TeV (e-proc. 492-494) |
by Yokoya, K |
A High Current, High Gradient Electron Double Accelerating Structure (e-proc. 495) |
by Bienvenu, G |
Alignment issues for C-band Linear Collider (e-proc. 496) |
by Kubo, K |
An S-band superconducting linear collider (e-proc. 498) |
by Gao, J |
Center for beam physics papers (e-proc. 501-503) |
by Kim, K J |
Collimator wake fields in the SLC final focus (e-proc. 504-506) |
by Zimmermann, Frank |
Multi-bunch energy compensation in the NLC bunch compressor (e-proc. 507-509) |
by Zimmermann, Frank |
Longitudinal space charge in the SLC, FFTB and NLC final-focus systems (e-proc. 510-512) |
by Zimmermann, Frank |
Simulation studies of the SLC bunch compressor (RTL) (e-proc. 513-515) |
by Zimmermann, Frank |
Impact of final-focus ground motion on NLC luminosity (e-proc. 516-518) |
by Irwin, J |
A 2-GeV, 1-MW Pulsed Proton Source for a Spallation Source (e-proc. 521) |
by Chae, Y C |
A 10-GeV, 5-MW Pulsed Proton Source for a Spallation Source and a Muon Collider (e-proc. 524) |
by Chae, Y C |
The BESSY II Booster Synchrotron (e-proc. 527) |
by Weihreter, E |
High Intensity Performance of the Brookhaven AGS (e-proc. 530) |
by Ahrens, L A |
Comparison of Synchrotron and Accumulator Scenarios for a 5-MW Pulsed Spallation Neutron Source (e-proc. 533) |
by Blumberg, L |
Progress of RIKEN RI Beam Factory Project (e-proc. 536) |
by Goto, A |
A full-energy booster for DIAMOND (e-proc. 539-541) |
by Fitzgerald, J B |
Cycling and Injection Improvements on the ESRF Booster (e-proc. 542) |
by Perrine, J P |
Warsaw K=160 Heavy Ion Cyclotron Status Report (e-proc. 545) |
by Choinski, J |
CIS, A Low Energy Booster Synchrotron for IUCF (e-proc. 548) |
by Friesel, D L |
First Results of the DAFNE Injection System Commissioning (e-proc. 551) |
by Sannibale, F |
"Hollow" Cathode Gun for Electron Cooling Purpose (e-proc. 554) |
by Ciullo, G |
Optics for the IASA CW RTM (e-proc. 557) |
by Filippas, A V |
The IASA Racetrack Microtron Facility (e-proc. 560) |
by Avramopoulos, H |
Muses Project at RI Beam Factory (e-proc. 563) |
by Batygin, Y |
Electron Injection in Circular Microtrons (e-proc. 566) |
by Axinescu, S |
Synchrotron design issues of the Japanese Hadron Project (e-proc. 569-571) |
by Mori, Y |
The S-band linear collider test facility (e-proc. 57) |
by Holtkamp, N |
Conditioning the Cooler Synchrotron COSY for Internal Experiments (e-proc. 572) |
by Bechstedt, U |
The National Spallation Neutron Source Collaboration : Towards a New Pulsed Neutron Source in the United States(e-proc. 575) |
by Alonso, J R |
Cyclic Ion Accelerator with Bending and Focusing by Electrostatic Field (e-proc. 578) |
by Bogdanovich, B Yu |
Operational Status of the PLS Storage Ring (e-proc. 581) |
by Chang, S S |
High Stability Operation of the ISIS Pulsed Spallation Neutron Source at 200 micro-A (e-proc. 584) |
by Barratt, P J S |
Construction and Performance Test of a 100 MeV Race Track Microtron (e-proc. 587) |
by Cho, Y S |
Recent Activities at CELSIUS (e-proc. 590) |
by Reistad, D |
A Possible High Current H- Injector for Cyclotron-Based "Energy Amplifier" Accelerator (e-proc. 593) |
by Baartman, R |
Operation of the ESR (GSI, Darmstadt) at the Transition Energy (e-proc. 596) |
by Dolinskii, Alexei V |
A proposed booster synchrotron for the LSB (e-proc. 599-601) |
by Pérez, F |
Status of the High Brilliance Synchrotron Radiation Source BESSY II (e-proc. 605) |
by Krämer, Dietrich |
SIBERIA-2 : Work in Progress(e-proc. 608) |
by Filipchenko, A |
Undulator and Photon Spectrum at DSR (e-proc. 611) |
by Inabe, N |
Measurement of vertical dispersion and coupling in the Daresbury SRS (e-proc. 614-616) |
by Clarke, J A |
Closed orbit control in energy ramps on the SRS at Daresbury (e-proc. 617-619) |
by Hill, S F |
Operation of the Daresbury Synchrotron Radiation Source with reduced vertical aperture (e-proc. 620-622) |
by Clarke, J A |
Upgrading the Daresbury SRS with additional insertion devices and its implications for the storage ring layout (e-proc. 623-625) |
by Clarke, J A |
Design progress on DIAMOND, a proposed UK national light source (e-proc. 626-628) |
by Poole, M W |
Optimising DIAMOND insertion device brightness (e-proc. 629-631) |
by Queralt, X |
Probing Some of the Issues of Fourth Generation Light Sources at the ESRF (e-proc. 632) |
by Farvacque, L |
First Results of Beam Storing in the ESRF Booster Synchrotron (e-proc. 635) |
by Mülhaupt, G |
A Lattice Design to Reach the Theoretical Minimum Emittance for a Storage Ring (e-proc. 638) |
by Einfeld, D |
Lattice and Dynamical Behavior of the Light Source ANKA (e-proc. 641) |
by Einfeld, D |
A Lattice for the Future Project of VUV and Soft X-Ray High Brilliance Light Source (e-proc. 644) |
by Kamiya, Yu |
A light-source operation at the TRISTAN MR (e-proc. 647-649) |
by Akai, K |
Status of the emittance upgrade project at the photon factory storage ring (e-proc. 650-652) |
by Katoh, M |
Lattice design of a synchrotron radiation source at Tohoku University (e-proc. 653-655) |
by Katoh, M |
The Effect of the Superconducting Wiggler on the Dynamic Aperture ISI-800 (e-proc. 656) |
by Gladkikh, P |
Present Status and Future Plans for Synchrotron Light Source ISI-800 (e-proc. 658) |
by Bulyak, E |
Operational Experience with Multi-Bunch Feedback at the Advanced Light Source (e-proc. 661) |
by Jackson, A |
LNLS Commissioning and Operation (e-proc. 664) |
by Craievich, A F |
Experimental Observation of the Longitudinal Phase-space Distribution in a Storage Ring : Influence of the Beam Current and the Compaction Factor(e-proc. 667) |
by Bakker, R J |
Higher Brilliance at the ESRF (e-proc. 67) |
by Lefebvre, J M |
Status of the SOLEIL Project (e-proc. 670) |
by Level, M P |
Studies for the Closed Orbit Correction System of SOLEIL (e-proc. 673) |
by Nadji, A |
Experiments with Low and Negative Momentum Compaction Factor with Super-ACO (e-proc. 676) |
by Brunelle, P |
Beam Stability in Max-II (e-proc. 679) |
by Rojsel, P |
Operation of the MAX II Insertion Devices (e-proc. 682) |
by Ahola, H |
Status of the Swiss Light Source Project SLS (e-proc. 685) |
by Bengtsson, J |
Linac and Booster Synchrotron for SPring-8 Injector (e-proc. 688) |
by Yokomizo, H |
Closed Orbit Correction and Lattice Parameters Measurement at SIBERIA-2 (e-proc. 691) |
by Filipchenko, A |
Modelling Modulation and Dynamic Tuning of Insertion Devices at SRRC (e-proc. 694) |
by Chang, H P |
Beam Lifetime Investigations at SRRC (e-proc. 697) |
by Chang, H P |
Performance of the TLS at SRRC (e-proc. 700) |
by Chang, C H |
The Correlation Plot and Phenomena Analysis from Archives Data (e-proc. 703) |
by Hsu, I C |
Measurement of Lattice Parameters during the Energy Ramping at Storage Ring (e-proc. 706) |
by Chang, L H |
Compact Synchrotron Radiation Source 'AURORA-2' with 2.7 T Normal Conducting Bending Magnets (e-proc. 709) |
by Hori, T |
Linear lattice for the LSB storage ring (e-proc. 712-714) |
by Muñoz, M A |
Study of the non-linear behaviour of particles and the effect of ID in the LSB storage ring (e-proc. 715-717) |
by Muñoz, M A |
Novel Techniques used in Max II (e-proc. 72) |
by Eriksson, M |
A possible FEL based on LEP superconducting cavities (e-proc. 721-723) |
by Corsini, R |
Self-Consistent Three-dimensional Sase X-ray Radiation via Lienard-Wiechert Fields (e-proc. 724) |
by Elias, L |
Beam energy replacement in a compact FEL (e-proc. 727-729) |
by Poole, M W |
Status of the Test Facility for Studies FEL Bunching Technique for CLIC Driving Beam (e-proc. 730) |
by Dolbilov, G V |
Performance Limitations of an X-ray FEL (e-proc. 733) |
by Rossbach, J |
Production of Tunable X-rays by Intracavity Compton Backscattering in an Infrared Free-electron Laser (e-proc. 736) |
by Berset, J M |
Dynamics of the Super ACO FEL Measured with a Double Sweep Streak Camera (e-proc. 739) |
by Bakker, R J |
Beam Transport and Special Undulators Designed for High Power FELs (e-proc. 742) |
by Bouzouloukov, Yu P |
A Test of superradiance in an FEL experiment (e-proc. 745) |
by Huhn, H |
A Photoelectron Source for the Study of Smith-Purcell Radiation (e-proc. 748) |
by Doucas, G |
High Current and High Energy AIRIX Induction Accelerator Development (e-proc. 753) |
by Anthouard, P |
Energy Spread from RF Amplitude and Phase Errors (e-proc. 756) |
by Krafft, G |
Changing VICKSI into ISL : A VE-RFQ as Injector for the Cyclotron(e-proc. 759) |
by Busse, W |
Operational Experience with ELETTRA (e-proc. 76) |
by Bocchetta, C J |
Superconducting Vertical Accelerator for Applied Purposes (e-proc. 762) |
by Glazkov, A A |
LISA injector optimization by stripline signal spectral analysis (e-proc. 765-767) |
by Castellano, M G |
Status of the Superconducting RFQ Project for the Legnaro New Positive Ion Injector (e-proc. 768) |
by Pisent, A |
RF-Properties of the VE-RFQ-Injector for the ISL-Cyclotron (e-proc. 771) |
by Engels, O |
The Design of RFQ Accelerators with High Duty Factors (e-proc. 774) |
by Beisel, U |
Beam Measurements at the ECR-RFQ System for Materials Research with Highly Charged Ions (e-proc. 777) |
by Bechtold, A |
Progress report of the interdigital-H linac for radioactive nuclei at INS (e-proc. 780-782) |
by Tomizawa, M |
The Choice of Acceleration Structure for PET-System (e-proc. 783) |
by Drivotin, O I |
Development of a Variable Frequency RFQ Linac for the RILAC (e-proc. 786) |
by Batygin, Y |
A 90 degree apart-stem Low Frequency RFQ (e-proc. 789) |
by Andreev, V A |
C-band RF main linac system for $e^{+}e^{-}$ linear collider at 500 GeV to 1 TeV C.M. energy (e-proc. 792-794) |
by Shintake, T |
High Brightness Electron Linac with RF Gun and Accelerating Structure on Backward Wave (e-proc. 795) |
by Ayzatsky, M I |
An Electron Linac producing Beam Power up to 15 kW (e-proc. 798) |
by Beloglasov, V I |
Antiproton P roduction and Cooling at the Tevatron (e-proc. 8) |
by Bieniosek, F |
Linac Injector for SOLEIL (e-proc. 801) |
by Chaput, J |
New Developments for the RFQ-Accelerator of the Heidelberg High Current Injector (e-proc. 804) |
by Auch, S |
Operational Status of PLS 2-GeV Electron Linac (e-proc. 807) |
by Ko, I S |
SR-related Accelerator Physics Issues (e-proc. 81) |
by Farvacque, L |
Properties and Possible Applications of Multiple Beam Coupled Cavity Structure (e-proc. 810) |
by Deruyter, H |
High Power 2 MeV Linear Accelerator Design Characteristics (e-proc. 813) |
by Deruyter, H |
Multiple Beam Coupled Cavity Concept and Structure (e-proc. 816) |
by Mishin, A V |
Latest Results on Portable X-Band Linac Development (e-proc. 819) |
by Deruyter, H |
The ELETTRA Injector Linac Upgrading Program (e-proc. 822) |
by Barbina, L |
Reducing energy spread for long bunch train at SLAC (e-proc. 828-830) |
by Decker, Franz Josef |
Beam Transmission Efficiency Study at RIKEN RFQ Linac (e-proc. 831) |
by Batygin, Y |
The Injector Linac of the DELTA-Facility (e-proc. 834) |
by Blokesch, G |
A Two-Beam RFQ and a Novel Design for Ion Beam Funneling (e-proc. 839) |
by Firjahn-Andersch, A |
A GeV Laser Wakefield Accelerator driven by a T3 Laser (e-proc. 842) |
by Andreev, N E |
Center for beam physics papers (e-proc. 845-847) |
by Wurtele, J S |
A summary of the beat-wave experiments at Ecole Polytechnique (e-proc. 848-850) |
by Amiranoff, F |
Review of Future European Synchrotron Radiation Projects (e-proc. 85) |
by Rivkin, L |
PASER : Particle Acceleration by Stimulated Emission of Radiation(e-proc. 851) |
by Schächter, L |
Acceleration Wakefield Modes in a Photonic Band Gap Structure (e-proc. 854) |
by Calian, V |
Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Driven by Multiple Bunches (e-proc. 856) |
by Arinaga, M |
Center for beam physics papers (e-proc. 861-863) |
by Palmer, R |
New Design Issues of the EXCYT Project (e-proc. 864) |
by Calabretta, L |
Polarized Muon Beams in a Muon Collider (e-proc. 867) |
by Cline, D |
Expected Luminosity at MUSES (e-proc. 870) |
by Katayama, T |
CELSIUS as an Eta Factory (e-proc. 873) |
by Calén, H |
Simulations of the MAX-II Storage Ring using the Computer Code, DIMAD (e-proc. 881) |
by LeBlanc, G |
The Orbit Study on the SRRC 1.3 GeV Booster Synchrotron during Ramping (e-proc. 884) |
by Chiou, J P |
Beam-Based Alignment at BESSY (e-proc. 887) |
by Kuske, P |
Quadrupole Misalignment Determination at BESSY (e-proc. 890) |
by Ott, K |
Analytical 1D Method of Increasing the Dynamic Aperture in Storage Rings (e-proc. 893) |
by Danilov, V V |
Non-Linear Beam Dynamics Experiments at VEPP-4M Ring (e-proc. 896) |
by Kiselev, V |
Study of the Dynamics of a Particle in a Constant Homogeneous Magnetic Field and a Transverse Homogeneous Rotating Electric Field in the Development of an X-Ray Source (e-proc. 899) |
by Bourdier, A |
Synchrotron Radiation Facilities in the USA (e-proc. 90) |
by Decker, G |
The Dynamic Aperture of LEP at High Energy (e-proc. 905-907) |
by Jowett, John M |
Measurements of the Tune Variations Induced by Non-Linearities in Lepton Machines (e-proc. 917-919) |
by Bartolini, R |
Dynamic aperture studies for the LHC version 4 (e-proc. 920-922) |
by Böge, M |
Design of Double Storage Rings at MUSES (e-proc. 926) |
by Inabe, N |
Design of Booster Synchrotron for MUSES (e-proc. 929) |
by Katayama, T |
New Lattice Design of Accumulator Cooler Ring for MUSES (e-proc. 932) |
by Ohtomo, K |
Orbit Dynamics in a Low Energy Electron Linear Accelerator (e-proc. 944) |
by Botman, J I M |
Particle Dynamics of QI Storage Rings (e-proc. 947) |
by Bai, M |
Initial Experience with DELTA (e-proc. 95) |
by Wille, K |
Fringing Fields in Low-Beta Magnetic Elements (e-proc. 950) |
by Bassetti, M |
TBA and DBA Magnet Lattices for Tau-Charm Factory (e-proc. 953) |
by Beloshitsky, P |
Fringing Field Effects of Magnets in Cyclic Accelerators (e-proc. 965) |
by Efimov, S |
Analytical Formulae for the Loss Factors and Wakefields of a Rectangular Accelerating Structures (e-proc. 968) |
by Gao, J |
Model calibration and symmetry restoration of the Advanced Light Source (e-proc. 971-973) |
by Robin, D |
Spin Dynamics Study for RHIC (e-proc. 974) |
by Katayama, T |
Coupling and Dispersion Correction in ELETTRA (e-proc. 980) |
by Nagaoka, R |
Machine Stability and Orbit Correction in ELETTRA (e-proc. 983) |
by Nagaoka, R |
Operation of ELETTRA with a Lower Emittance Optics (e-proc. 986) |
by Nagaoka, R |
Dynamic Aperture Comparison of Measurements on ELETTRA with Simulations (e-proc. 989) |
by Bocchetta, C J |
Dynamic Aperture Improvement of PEP-II Lattices using Resonance Basis Lie Generators (e-proc. 995) |
by Cai, Y |
The Explicit Form of Lie Transformations (e-proc. 998) |
by Andrianov, S N |