CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 5th European Particle Accelerator Conference
Related conference title(s) EPAC '96
Date(s), location 10 - 14 Jun 1996, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain
Editor(s) Myers, Stephen (ed.) ; Pacheco, A (ed.) ; Pascual, R (ed.) ; Petit-Jean-Genaz, Christine (ed.) ; Poole, John (ed.)
Imprint Bristol : IOP, 1996 - 3 v.
ISBN 0750303875
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings

Contributions in Inspire: C96-06-10
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

The KEK accelerator Test Facility (p. 27)
by Hayano, H
Design Issues of TeV Linear Colliders (p. 37)
by Delahaye, J P
Results from the CLIC Test Facility (p. 42)
by Braun, H
The Next Linear Collider test accelerator : status and results(p. 47)
by Ruth, Ronald D
TESLA Test Facility : status and results(p. 52)
by Aune, B
The spanish project for a synchrotron laboratory at Barcelona (LSB) (p. 62)
by Bordas, J
Design issues of radioactive ion beam facilities (p. 115)
by Lieuvin, M
Fifty years of synchrotrons (p. 135)
by Wilson, Edmund J N
Impedance Measurements, Computations and their Interpretation (p. 143)
by Hofmann, A
Accelerator Physics Issues of the LHC (p. 168)
by Gareyte, Jacques
Highlights from Beam Diagnostics (p. 175)
by Schmickler, Hermann
Operational experience with the LEP2 SC cavity system (p. 187)
by Boussard, Daniel
Large-Scale Industrial Production of Superconducting Cavities (p. 200)
by Chiaveri, Enrico
RF issues for high intensity factories (p. 205)
by Akai, K
Accelerators for medical applications (p. 244)
by Amaldi, Ugo
The SPS as lead-ion accelerator (p. 383)
by Altuna, X
Double batch injection into LEP (p. 415)
by Baudrenghien, P
A newly observed Effect affects the LEP Beam Energy (p. 421)
by Brun, G
Measurements of Collision Offsets and Difference in vertical Dispersion at the LEP Interaction Points (p. 427)
by Böge, M
Particle Background at LEP with Head-On colliding Bunch Trains (p. 430)
by Burkhardt, H
Operation of LEP with bunch trains (p. 876)
by Collier, Paul
Dynamic Aperture Limitations of the LHC in Physics Conditions due to low-$\beta$ insertions (p. 902)
by Faus-Golfe, A
Decoupling of a strongly coupled lattice with an application to LHC (p. 908)
by Koutchouk, Jean-Pierre
Modular optical design of the LHC experimental insertions (p. 911)
by Koutchouk, Jean-Pierre
Trajectory and optical parameters in a non-linear stray field (p. 914)
by Manglunki, Django
Evaluating High Order resonances using Resonant Normal Forms (p. 923)
by Todesco, Ezio
A racetrack lattice for DIAMOND (p. 935)
by Clarke, J A
Assessment of the achievable emittance ratio in DIAMOND (p. 938)
by Muñoz, M A
Optimisation of the dynamic aperture of DIAMOND (p. 941)
by Muñoz, M A
Beam-based measurement of strength errors in quadrupole magnets with orbit bumps (p. 956)
by Koiso, H
A geometrical horizontal-vertical coupling (p. 959)
by Petracca, S
Beam-based alignment of sextupole magnets with a $\pi$-bump orbit (p. 962)
by Yamamoto, N
Evaluation of Dynamic Aperture in the Presence of Phase Space Distortions (p. 977)
by Todesco, Ezio
Correct chromaticities of circular accelerators without sextupoles (p. 992)
by Chen, T
Study of beam envelope oscillations by measuring the beam transfer function with quadrupolar pick-up and kicker (p. 1015)
by Chanel, M
Nonlinear bunch motion in an accelerator with reactive impedance (p. 1021)
by Shaposhnikova, Elena
The proposed experimental study on beam-photoelectron interactions in BEPC (p. 1042)
by Guo, Z Y
First estimate of the overall HERA-P transverse impedance by means of growth rate measurements (p. 1054)
by Galluccio, F
Hysteresis phenomena in bunch lengthening at the KEK Accumulation Ring (p. 1066)
by Ieiri, T
A coupled bunch instability due to beam-photoelectron interactions in positron storage rings (p. 1069)
by Ohmi, K
Measurement of local longitudinal loss factor using BPM in TRISTAN MR (p. 1075)
by Zhang, C
Center for beam physics papers (p. 1081)
by Cheng Wen Hao
Observation and calculation of trapped modes near cut-off in the ALS bellows-shield (p. 1084)
by Corlett, J N
Compensating the unequal bunch spacing in the NLC damping rings (p. 1111)
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag
Higher order mode (HOM) induced longitudinal coupled bunch (LCB) instabilities at the SRS (p. 1135)
by McIntosh, P A
Experimental study of head-tail damping and nonlinear filamentation based on precise analysis of coherent betatron oscillations in electron storage rings (p. 1141)
by Akasaka, N
Quasi-strong-strong simulations for beam-beam interactions in KEKB (p. 1164)
by Ohmi, K
New physics and improvements in beam-beam tail simulations (p. 1167)
by Chen, T
Emittance growth in non-symmetric beam configurations (p. 1227)
by Anderson, O A
Automated Design of a Correction Dipole Magnet for LHC (p. 1250)
by Karppinen, M
Application of symbolic techniques to structural beam optics (p. 1253)
by Autin, Bruno
Equivalent circuit analysis of the SLAC damped detuned structure (p. 1292)
by Jones, R M
Measurement of the magnetic field ripple experienced by a stored beam (p. 1320)
by Caspers, Friedhelm
Measurement of the longitudinal coupling impedance of the HERA-B vertex detector chamber (p. 1356)
by Galluccio, F
Lifetime calculations for the LSB storage ring (p. 1438)
by Pérez, F
Progress of the RIST project (p. 1522)
by Bennett, J R J
Design of a RF Gun for Heavy Beam Loading (p. 1544)
by Bossart, Rudolf
Measurement of the mean radial position of a lead ion beam in the CERN PS (p. 1603)
by Belleman, J
Black-box parametric estimation methods for longitudinal beam transfer function measurements (p. 1606)
by Sjöström, M
A single-pass beam position monitor for the injection beam at the photon factory storage ring (p. 1660)
by Honda, T
The data-taking and display system by VXI for observing a circulating beam profile without any disturbance (p. 1663)
by Kadokura, E
Phase space monitor system at the photon factory storage ring (p. 1666)
by Kobayashi, Y
A VME-based measurement system for rf parameters in the CERN PS (p. 1760)
by Campbell, A J
Generic configuration management system for documentation and on-line beam optics applications in the CERN PS complex (p. 1763)
by Autin, Bruno
Plans for the DIAMOND control system (p. 1766)
by Martlew, B G
Present status of the SRS control system upgrade project (p. 1769)
by Martlew, B G
LNLS Control System (p. 1791)
by Franco, J
A feedback system to control the flux during ultra-slow extraction at LEAR (p. 1845)
by Jacobsen, S
The Daresbury global horizontal servo feedback system : status and outlook(p. 1848)
by Fitzgerald, J B
Performance and progress of the Daresbury photon beam tungsten vane monitor system (p. 1851)
by Mrotzek, G
Operational performance of the local vertical servo system on the Daresbury SRS (p. 1854)
by Fitzgerald, J B
The transverse damping system with DSP PLL tune measurement for HERA P (p. 1857)
by Heins, D
Light radiation at the exit of RFQ and RF-field control (p. 1890)
by Artiomov, A S
Development of a high-speed digital signal-process board for the KEKB bunch feedback systems (p. 1893)
by Kikutani, E
A systematic study of a transverse feedback system with a two-tap FIR filter (p. 1896)
by Minagawa, Y
Experiment of RF feedback using an improved parallel comb-filter (p. 1899)
by Yoshimoto, S
The DIAMOND RF system (p. 1943)
by Dykes, D M
RF system changes associated with the SRS upgrade (p. 1946)
by Dykes, D M
DIAMOND low power RF system (p. 1949)
by Horrabin, C W
A timing system for DIAMOND (p. 1952)
by Horrabin, C W
Comparison of RF cavity designs for 3rd generation light sources (p. 1955)
by McIntosh, P A
Investigations of energy regeneration FEL structures operating at 3 GHz (p. 1958)
by McIntosh, P A
Temperature dependent Higher Order Modes (HOM) in the SRS cavities (p. 1961)
by McIntosh, P A
Tuning control and transient response of the ARES for KEKB (p. 1994)
by Akai, K
Design of HOM power absorbers for the KEK B-factory (p. 2000)
by Chin, Y H
Test operation of the PF linac RF system upgraded for the KEKB injector (p. 2003)
by Hanaki, H
The ARES cavity for the KEK B-factory (p. 2008)
by Kageyama, T
Low temperature brazing technique for accelerators (p. 2011)
by Matsumoto, H
High-power test of a 714-MHz HOM-damped cavity for the ATF damping ring (p. 2017)
by Sakanaka, S
The SiC absorber for the KEKB ARES cavity (p. 2020)
by Takeuchi, Y
High-power testing of the first PEP-II RF cavity (p. 2032)
by Rimmer, R A
Updated impedance estimate of the PEP-II RF cavity (p. 2035)
by Rimmer, R A
Microwave Cold-Testing Techniques for the NLC (p. 2056)
by Bowden, G B
High-power testing of PEP-II RF cavity windows (p. 2059)
by Neubauer, M S
Higher-order mode damping of the CERN PS 40 MHz cavity (p. 2068)
by Jensen, E
Higher-Order Mode (HOM) characteristics of the choke-mode cavity for the KEK B-Factory (KEKB) (p. 2074)
by Kobayashi, T
Beam-loading issues and requirements for the KEKB crab RF system (p. 2118)
by Akai, K
HOM absorbers of superconducting cavities for KEKB (p. 2127)
by Tajima, T
A new RF pulse-compressor using multi-cell coupled-cavity system (p. 2146)
by Shintake, T
Center for beam physics papers (p. 2149)
by Anderson, D
Dipole and quadrupole magnet designs for DIAMOND (p. 2164)
by Bliss, N
Sextupole magnets for DIAMOND (p. 2167)
by Clarke, J A
Magnet design for the synchrotron light source ANKA (p. 2179)
by Einfeld, D
Estimation of radiation dose to epoxy resin by IR spectrophotometry (p. 2192)
by Endo, K
Evaluation of Impact from Ripple and Transient Phenomena in the LHC Dipole Strings (p. 2231)
by Dahlerup-Petersen, K
Annealing of superconducting magnet protection diodes for the LHC after irradiation at liquid helium temperatures (p. 2234)
by Berland, V
Superconducting Coil Compression by Scissor Laminations (p. 2237)
by Ijspeert, Albert
Electrodynamic behaviour of the LHC superconducting magnet string during a discharge (p. 2240)
by Coull, L
Amplitude dependent tune spread and field errors of superconducting low-$\beta$ quadrupoles (p. 2243)
by Ostojic, R
A VME-based LabVIEW system for the magnetic measurements of the LHC prototype dipoles (p. 2246)
by Madaro, L
Quench propagation tests on the LHC superconducting magnet string (p. 2249)
by Coull, L
Protection of LHC superconducting corrector magnets (p. 2255)
by Hagedorn, Dietrich
A 300 T/m NbSn quadrupole for the low-$\beta$ insertions of the LHC (p. 2290)
by Ambrosio, G
Stability of a NbSn low-beta quadrupole in the LHC radiation environment (p. 2293)
by Ambrosio, G
Preparation and testing of prototype 12.5 kA high-temperature superconducting current leads for the LHC at CERN (p. 2296)
by Harrison, S
Progress in the Development of the 1 m Model of the 70 mm Aperture Quadrupole for the LHC Low-$\beta$ Insertions (p. 2299)
by Kirby, G A
High Current, Low Voltage Power Converters for LHC Present Development Directions (p. 2314)
by Bordry, Frederick
A Strategy for Controlling the LHC Magnet Currents (p. 2317)
by Barnett, I
A Crowbarless high voltage power converter for RF klystrons (p. 2326)
by Poole, D E
Commissioning of the new magnet power converters on the SRS, and operational experience (p. 2329)
by Poole, D E
The choice of power converter systems for a 3 GeV booster synchrotron (p. 2331)
by Marks, N
Multiturn Injection into Accumulators for Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion (p. 2391)
by Prior, C R
Optimising the injection scheme for DIAMOND from a 3 GeV booster (p. 2400)
by Owen, H L
The SISSI facility at GANIL (p. 2403)
by Savalle, A
Highly-charged ion beam transport by space-charge compensation conditions (p. 2426)
by Kondrashev, S A
The kicker magnet system used to generate a high magnetic field with a fast rise and a long flat top (p. 2441)
by Kawakubo, T
Positive-ion multi-turn injection with bi-waveform fast orbit-bump magnets (p. 2444)
by Sakai, I
First operation of the upgraded SLAC A-line (p. 2468)
by Erickson, R
The Optical Design of the PEP-II Injection Beamlines (p. 2471)
by Fieguth, T
Design and implementation of synchrotron radiation masks for LEP2 (p. 2503)
by Lepeule, P
A planar helical undulator for the SRS (p. 2543)
by Clarke, J A
Kick Stability Analysis of the LHC Inflectors (p. 2591)
by Ducimetière, L
WPS prototype for an automatic 2D smoothing of a storage ring (p. 2597)
by Roux, D
Slow ground motion and large future accelerator (p. 2600)
by Takeda, S
FELs using Storage Rings (e-proc. 100)
by Couprie, M E
A Method for Finding 4D Symplectic Maps with Reduced Chaos (e-proc. 1001)
by Cary, J R
Measurement of the Longitudinal Coupling Impedances using Short Electron Bunch (e-proc. 1007)
by Aleksandrov, A V
The Feedback System for Elemination the Fast Head-tail Instability at Storage Ring VEPP-4M (e-proc. 1009)
by Karliner, M M
Energy Stability in Recirculating, Energy-Recovering Linacs in the Presence of an FEL (e-proc. 1012)
by Bisognano, J J
Multibunch Emittance Preservation in CLIC (e-proc. 1018-1020)
by Guignard, Gilbert
Intrabeam Scattering of Heavy Ion in DSR (e-proc. 1024)
by Katayama, T
The Effect of using Gapped Beams on a Storage Ring RF System (e-proc. 1027)
by Hughes, E A
Reduction of Landau Damping in Hera (e-proc. 1030)
by Feikes, J
Beam dynamics issues in TESLA damping ring (e-proc. 1033)
by Shiltsev, V D
RF Liners for High Brilliance Beam (e-proc. 1036)
by Rouviere, N
Study of Self-Bunching Effects for High-Current Injection into SIS (e-proc. 1039)
by Hofmann, I
Beam with Unequal Bunches versus a Wide-band Impedance in a Synchrotron : Stability Criterion(e-proc. 1045)
by Ivanov, S
Longitudinal Coupled-bunch Beam Feedback System in the UNK (e-proc. 1048)
by Ivanov, S
Linac-based Short Wavelength FELs (e-proc. 105)
by Renieri, A
Overlapping Synchrotron Sideband Resonances (e-proc. 1051)
by Berglund, M
Cooled Beam Instabilities driven by a Ring Periodicity Perturbation (e-proc. 1057)
by Burov, A
On RMS Envelope Equation Problem for Nonlinear Motion (e-proc. 1060)
by Bobyleva, L
Instability due to the Longitudinal Higher Modes in the Electron Storage Ring (e-proc. 1063)
by Nam, S K
Development of a Bellows Assembly with RF-Shield for KEKB (e-proc. 1072)
by Kanazawa, K
Ion Clearing Methods for the Electron Storage Ring (e-proc. 1078)
by Bulyak, E
The electron-cloud instability in PEP-II : an update(e-proc. 1087)
by Furman, M A
High Current RF Shield for PEP-II Vacuum System Expansion Joint (e-proc. 1090)
by Belser, C
Coupling Impedance Measurement of Pohang Light Source Storage Ring Vacuum Components (e-proc. 1093)
by Han, D H
Instability Studies of the Pohang Light Source (e-proc. 1096)
by Huang, J Y
The Broad-band Impedance of the SPring-8 Storage Ring (e-proc. 1099)
by Nakamura, T
Operational Experience at the Superconducting Electron Accelerator S-DALINAC (e-proc. 110)
by Döbert, Steffen
The Simulation Study of the Single Bunch Instabilities in the Spring-8 Storage Ring (e-proc. 1102)
by Nakamura, T
Beam Lifetime Measurements in ELETTRA (e-proc. 1105)
by Bocchetta, C J
Observation of Coupled Bunch Instabilities in ELETTRA (e-proc. 1108)
by Bocchetta, C J
Diffraction model of a step-out transition (e-proc. 1114-1116)
by Chao, A W
Simulated Ion Motion in the SRRC Storage Ring (e-proc. 1117)
by Hwang, C S
Longitudinal Beam Instability Observation with a Streak Camera at SRRC (e-proc. 1120)
by Chang, H P
'Binary Star' Instability (e-proc. 1123)
by Baartman, R
Decoherence of Displaced Beam with Binomial Amplitude Distribution (e-proc. 1126)
by Koscielniak, S
Stability Analysis of a Beam Loaded Double RF System (e-proc. 1129)
by Koscielniak, S
Simulation of the Longitudinal Microwave Instabilities in the BEPC Storage Ring (e-proc. 1132)
by Guo, Z
Beam Current Limitation due to Single-beam Collective Effects in the Ion Storage Ring of RIKEN RI-Beam Factory Project (e-proc. 1138)
by Katayama, T
Improved Methods of Measuring and Curing Multibunch Instabilities in ELETTRA (e-proc. 1144)
by Fabris, A
The Concept of Round Colliding Beams (e-proc. 1149)
by Danilov, V V
Beam Tails in LEP (e-proc. 1152-1154)
by Burkhardt, H
Beam Beam Tune Shifts for 36 Bunch Operation in the Tevatron (e-proc. 1155)
by Bagley, P
Beam-beam Interaction Study for DAFNE (e-proc. 1158)
by Hirata, K
Calculation of the Luminosity Spectrum and the Differential Luminosity (e-proc. 1161)
by Heydari, H
Beam-Beam Interaction of Electrons and Ions at RIKEN RI Beam Factory (e-proc. 1170)
by Batygin, Y
Merging Beam-Beam Collisions at RIKEN RI Beam Factory (e-proc. 1173)
by Batygin, Y
Center for beam physics papers (e-proc. 1179-1181)
by Wei, J
Fast Beam Accumulation by Electron Cooling in the Heavy Ion Synchrotron SIS (e-proc. 1185)
by Blasche, K
Generation of a Frequency Comb for White-light Laser Cooling of Ions in a Storage Ring (e-proc. 1188)
by Atutov, S N
Liquid-Helium Free Superconducting Electron Cooler at the Storage Ring TARN II (e-proc. 1190)
by Hosina, M
The experimental study of neutralized electron beams for electron cooling (e-proc. 1193-1195)
by Bosser, Jacques
Radiative Ion Cooling (e-proc. 1196)
by Bessonov, E G
Transverse Cooling Times and Cooled Beam Profiles at CELSIUS (e-proc. 1199)
by Bergmark, T
Laser Plasma Accelerators (e-proc. 120)
by Bingham, R
Space Charge and Coherent Effects in the NSNS Storage Ring (e-proc. 1203)
by Ruggiero, A G
Measurements of Initial Beam Conditions for Halo Formation Studies (e-proc. 1206)
by Beauvais, Pierre Yves
Halo Formation from Beam Coulomb Scattering on Residual Gas (e-proc. 1209)
by Beauvais, Pierre Yves
About Self-Similarity or Routes to Reversibility in the Space Charge Dominated Beams (e-proc. 1212)
by Piquemal, A
New Scaling Laws for Beam Envelope in Optics Design (e-proc. 1215)
by Zuev, Yu
Beam Dynamics Calculations for the Simultaneous Acceleration of Ions with Different Charge to Mass Ratios in a RFQ (e-proc. 1218)
by Deitinghoff, H
Particle Dynamics Design Aspects for an IFMIF D+ RFQ (e-proc. 1221)
by Deitinghoff, H
Filamentation Effects and Image Charges in High Beta Proton Transfer Lines (e-proc. 1224)
by Bongardt, K
Hysteresis Effects in Drift Spaces and E-Guns (e-proc. 1230)
by Agafonov, A V
Non-linear Tuning and Halo Transport in Beam Expanders (e-proc. 1233)
by Aniel, T
Suppression of Space Charge Induced Beam Emittance Growth in Transport Line (e-proc. 1236)
by Batygin, Y
General Particle Tracer : A New 3D Code for Accelerator and Beamline Design(e-proc. 1241)
by De Loos, M J
Numerical Simulation of a Gridded Inductive Output Amplifier (e-proc. 1244)
by Grudiev, A
Calculation of Transverse Resistive Impedance for Vacuum Chambers with Arbitrary Cross Sections (e-proc. 1247)
by Karliner, M M
Status and Development of the GSI Accelerator Facilities (e-proc. 125)
by Angert, N
A 3-Dimensional Simulation of Collective Effects in Particle Accelerators (e-proc. 1256-1258)
by Wagner, A
Modeling Codes for RFQ Design (e-proc. 1259)
by Petrov, V I
An Efficient Algorithm of the Reconstruction of Spatial Field with the Use of the Data Determinated at the Region Boundary (e-proc. 1262)
by Baranov, D
Space-Charge Ion Optics for Multi-Beamlets (e-proc. 1265)
by Viewga, E N
BEAMDYN - A Program for Calculation of Particles Dynamics in the Strong-focusing IHEP Accelerator (e-proc. 1268)
by Gorin, M Y
Application of LANA Code for Design of Ion Linac (e-proc. 1271)
by Gorelov, D V
Simulation of Oscillations in High Power Kystrons (e-proc. 1274)
by Becker, U
Analytical Calculation of Radiation in a Side Coupled mm-Wave Accelerating Structure (e-proc. 1277)
by Filtz, M
Impedance of Rectangular Slots in a Round Coaxial Tube (e-proc. 1280)
by Scholz, T
Code Comparison in RF-GUN Simulations (e-proc. 1283)
by Coacolo, J L
Educational Software. Simulation of Charged Particle Trajectories in Presence of Magnetic Fields (e-proc. 1286)
by Calviño, F
TESLA Photo-Injector Simulation Giving High Quality Beams (e-proc. 1289)
by Coacolo, J L
Coupled Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields and Stationary Temperature Distributions (e-proc. 1295)
by Weiland, T
Correction of Field Errors in ISAC RFQ (e-proc. 1298)
by Koscielniak, S
The RHIC Project (e-proc. 13)
by Harrison, M
Operating Experience at CEBAF (e-proc. 130)
by Legg, R
Mapa - An Object Oriented Code with a Graphical User Interface for Accelerator Design and Analysis (e-proc. 1301)
by Cary, J R
Resonant Cavity Design using the Finite Element Method (e-proc. 1303)
by Emson, C R I
Axial Focusing in the Acceleration Gaps of the Cyclotron (e-proc. 1306)
by Milinkovic, L
Impedance Study for a Slotted-Pipe Kicker Model (e-proc. 1311)
by Feng, Z
Sorting of Magnets for the BESSY II Booster and Storage Ring (e-proc. 1314)
by Abo-Bakr, M
RHIC Tracking Studies with Real Magnets in Real Places (e-proc. 1317)
by Dell, F
Another Method to Measure the Low-Frequency Machine Impedance (e-proc. 1323-1325)
by Linnecar, Trevor Paul R
Proposal of a Sorting Experiment at the CERN SPS (e-proc. 1326-1328)
by Bartolini, R
Algorithms for a Precise Determination of the Betatron Tune (e-proc. 1329-1331)
by Bartolini, R
Longitudinal beam echo in the CERN SPS (e-proc. 1332-1334)
by Brüning, Oliver Sim
Betatron Phase Measurements in CESR (e-proc. 1335)
by Greenwald, S
Simulation of RF Stacking combined with Cooling Effects (e-proc. 1338)
by Katayama, T
Optimization of an Axially Symmetrical Electrostatic Focusing System (e-proc. 1341)
by Dymnikov, A D
A Matrix Method for the Optimization of Nonlinear Quadrupole Focusing System (e-proc. 1344)
by Dymnikov, A D
Microbunch emittance growth due to radiativeinteraction (e-proc. 1347)
by Derbenev, Yaroslav S
Coherent States in the Longitudinal Dynamics of Electron Beams in Particle Accelerators (e-proc. 1350)
by Fedele, R
Evolution of an Off-Axis Coherent State for Particle Beams in the Presence of Small Aberrations (e-proc. 1353)
by Fedele, R
Vibration at the ESRF (e-proc. 1359)
by Zhang, L
Acceleration and Bunching in a 6 MV X band Linac (e-proc. 1362)
by Gonichon, J
Background Calculation for the DAFNE Experiments (e-proc. 1365)
by Guiducci, S
Impedances of a Hole in Coaxial Structures (e-proc. 1368)
by Migliorati, M
Impedance of DAFNE Shielded Bellows (e-proc. 1371)
by Gallo, A
Magnet Sorting Algorithms (e-proc. 1374)
by Dinev, D
Ion Injection through Fringe Fields of Dipole Magnets (e-proc. 1377)
by Langenbeck, B
High Frequency Rectangular Accelerating Structure Focusing in the 70 MeV Race-Track Microtron (e-proc. 1380)
by Karev, A I
Mathematical Methods of Optimization of Charged Particle Beams Dynamics (e-proc. 1382)
by Ovsyannikov, D A
Monotonic and Nonmonotonic Area Preserving Maps, and Related Bifurcations in Laser Accelerators (e-proc. 1385)
by Brunnet, L G
Low Dimensional Phase-Locking Laser Plasma Nonlinear Interactions (e-proc. 1388)
by Barbedo-Rizzato, F
Improving Regular Acceleration in the Nonlinear Interaction of Particles and Waves (e-proc. 1391)
by Corso, G
Space Charge Effects in the Cyclotron-resonance Laser Accelerator (e-proc. 1394)
by Caetano, T S
Relativistic Effects in the Particle Acceleration by Large Amplitude Waves (e-proc. 1397)
by Corso, G
Two-Component Charge Compensated Ion Beam Dynamics (e-proc. 1400)
by Barkhudaryan, A V
One Self-Neutralization Model of Beams : New Results(e-proc. 1402)
by Pivarc, J
Methods for High-Precision Beam Energy Monitoring at the Mainz Microtron (MAMI) (e-proc. 1405)
by Doerk, T
Normal mode Laslett coefficients (e-proc. 1408-1410)
by Petracca, S
Simulation of Beam Performances of the Two-cell RF Gun (e-proc. 1414)
by Kushnir, V A
Optimization of the Parameters of the Linac Buncher (e-proc. 1417)
by Pismenesky, S A
Measurement of Beta and Dispersion Functions in the PLS Storage ring (e-proc. 1420)
by Jeong, H K
Measurement and Control of Linear Coupling in the PLS Storage Ring (e-proc. 1423)
by Lee, T
Beam Energy Ramping at SIBERIA-2 (e-proc. 1426)
by Filipchenko, A
Beam Parameters at the Internal Target Positions for Experiments in COSY-Juelich (e-proc. 1429)
by Maier, R
Optimization of Collimator Jaw Locations for the LHC (e-proc. 1432-1434)
by Kaltchev, D I
Effects of the Transverse-Longitudinal Coupling on the Strong Focusing of Charged Beams for ICF (e-proc. 1435)
by Miano, G
On the Influence of Some Discretisation Methods in the Study of the Dynamical Systems (e-proc. 1441)
by Constantinescu, D
The Relativistic Particle in a Fluctuating Electromagnetic Field (e-proc. 1444)
by Constantinescu, D
The Electromagnetic Field as Constrained System (e-proc. 1446)
by Constantinescu, R
Polarizabilities of an Annular Cut in the Thick Wall (e-proc. 1452)
by Kurennoy, S
Synchrotron Radiation Spatial Structures inside the Bunch (e-proc. 1455)
by Arutunian, S G
The Beam Lifetime Studies by Two Special Schemes (e-proc. 1458)
by Chen, T I
Progress in the BNL Program for a RHIC EBIS (e-proc. 1463)
by Alessi, J
VEPP-5 Positron Source Simulations (e-proc. 1466)
by Kulakov, A A
VEPP-5 Positron Source Yield Semi-analytical Estimations (e-proc. 1469)
by Kulakov, A A
High Current Proton and Deuteron ECR Source Developments at CEA (e-proc. 1472)
by Delaunay, M
Formation of the Cs2Te Photocathode : Auger and Photoemission Spectroscopy Study(e-proc. 1475)
by Michelato, P
Development of RIKEN 18 GHz ECRIS (e-proc. 1478)
by Ärje, J
Multibunch Instabilities and Cures (e-proc. 148)
by Serio, M
High Intensity Heavy Ion Injector T-5010 (e-proc. 1481)
by Golubev, V
Development of a Vacuum Arc Metal Ion Source for Heavy Ion Accelerators (e-proc. 1484)
by Brown, I G
Installation and Operation of an ECR Ion Source and its Platform in Legnaro (e-proc. 1487)
by Cavenago, M
Operation of a Small Pulsed Mevva in ECR Ion Source Environment (e-proc. 1490)
by Cavenago, M
Development of High Temperature Induction Ovens for ECR Ion Sources in Legnaro (e-proc. 1493)
by Cavenago, M
CRYSTAL : A Storage Ring for Crystalline Ion Beams(e-proc. 1496)
by Tecchio, L B
A Compact GHz Laser for a Polarized Electron Injector (e-proc. 1499)
by Avramopoulos, H
Operational Experience with the MAMI-Source of Polarized Electrons (e-proc. 1502)
by Reichert, E
Picosecond Polarized Electron Bunches from GaAsP Photocathode (e-proc. 1505)
by Andresen, H G
Experimental Investigation of a Cold-Cathode Magnetron Gun (e-proc. 1508)
by Dovbnya, A N
Cs2Te Photocathode for the TTF Injector II (e-proc. 1510)
by Ferrini, G
Recent development on rf-driven multicusp $H^-$ ion sources (e-proc. 1513-1515)
by Leung, K N
A Method of the Polarized Positron Beam Production (e-proc. 1516)
by Bessonov, E G
Redesign of the 90 degree Analysing Magnet of the ISIS H- Ion Source using Finite Element Modelling (e-proc. 1519)
by Bailey, C P
Operational Experience of Penning H- Ion Sources at ISIS (e-proc. 1525)
by Barratt, P J S
A Miniature H- Ion Source for the C-30 Compact Cyclotron at Swierk (e-proc. 1528)
by Lorkiewicz, J
Where are we after 30 Years of Electron Cooling (e-proc. 153)
by Danared, H
High Current, Optically-Pumped, Polarized H- Ion Source Development for High Energy Accelerators (e-proc. 1530)
by Dutto, G
The Production of Short Intensive Bunches from GaAs Photocathode (e-proc. 1535)
by Aleksandrov, A V
A Prototype of RF Photogun with GaAs Photocathode for Injector of VEPP-5 (e-proc. 1538)
by Aleksandrov, A V
First Tests of the 250 keV Electron Source and Beamline for the TESLA Test Facility Injector (e-proc. 1541)
by Bernard, M
A Hybrid Laser-driven E-beam Injector using Photo-cathode Electron Gun and Superconducting Cavity (e-proc. 1547)
by Chen, C E
Matching of the Intensive Laser Ion Source to the RFQ Accelerators (e-proc. 1550)
by Kondrashev, S
Two-cell RF Gun for a High Brightness Linac (e-proc. 1553)
by Ayzatsky, M I
Design of a Prebuncher for Increased Longitudinal Capture Efficiency of MAMI (e-proc. 1556)
by Euteneuer, H
The Fabrication and Cold Test of a High Brightness X-Band RF Gun (e-proc. 1559)
by Hartemann, F V
Photoelectron Generation by Femtosecond UV Laser (e-proc. 1562)
by Endo, A
Beam Position Monitoring System for the BEPC Storage Ring (e-proc. 1567)
by Geng, X S
Set Up for Beam Energy Measurements at BESSY II (e-proc. 1570)
by Kuske, P
Emittance Measurement at the NSLS X-Ray Ring (e-proc. 1573)
by Safranek, J
Experimental Characterization of ATF Beam Position Monitor (e-proc. 1576)
by Ben-Zvi, I
Beam Position Monitor with the Digital Signal Processing (e-proc. 1579)
by Batrakov, A
Accelerator Physics of High Intensity Proton Linacs (e-proc. 158)
by Bongardt, K
Beam Diagnostic System for Storage Rings (e-proc. 1582)
by Kalinin, A S
Applications of Beam Diagnostic System at the VEPP-4 (e-proc. 1585)
by Dubrovin, A N
Status of AIRIX Alignment and High Current Electron Beam Diagnostics (e-proc. 1588)
by Bardy, J
Beam Intensity Monitoring and Machine Protection by Toroidal Transformers on the TESLA Test Facility (e-proc. 1591)
by Fusellier, J
Electron Beam Transverse Emittance Measurement using Optical Transition Radiation Interferometry (e-proc. 1594)
by Couillaud, C
A new Diagnostic for Betatron Phase Space matching at Injection into a circular Accelerator (e-proc. 1597-1599)
by Bovet, Claude
Tune Measurements in the SPS as a Multicycling Machine (e-proc. 1600-1602)
by Boccard, C
CLIC Beam Position Monitor Tests (e-proc. 1609-1611)
by Sladen, Jonathan P H
Experience with the Electron and Proton Beam Loss Monitor (BLM) System at HERA (e-proc. 1612)
by Ridoutt, F
Diagnostic System of the Eindhoven Linac-Racetrack Microtron Combination (e-proc. 1615)
by Botman, J I M
Electronic Detection Circuit for a Stripline Beam Position Monitor (e-proc. 1618)
by Kemper, A H
UV and Visible Light Diagnostics for the ESRF Storage Ring (e-proc. 1621)
by Scheidt, K
Dual Streak Camera at the ESRF (e-proc. 1624)
by Scheidt, K
Review of the Experimental Results with a Cryogenic Current Comparator (e-proc. 1627)
by Koch, H
Halos and Chaos in Space-charge Dominated Beams (e-proc. 163)
by Lagniel, J M
Thermal Aspects of Beam Intercepting Diagnostic Devices (e-proc. 1630)
by Strehl, P
Tesla Test Facility Stripline Readout System (e-proc. 1633)
by Castellano, M
Time Correlation Studies of Secondary Emission Processes (e-proc. 1636)
by Ciullo, G
A High Resolution, Non-destructive Energy Detector and Beam Current Monitor for Bunched Beams (e-proc. 1639)
by Barbieri, P
Preliminary Study for a Residual Gas Beam Profile Monitor (e-proc. 1642)
by Ceci, N
Beam Position Monitoring for SBLC using HOM-Coupler Signals (e-proc. 1645)
by Hülsmann, P
Transverse and Longitudinal Beam Diagnostics using Transition Radiation (e-proc. 1648)
by Döbert, Steffen
Single-Pass Monitoring of Beam Position at SOR-RING (e-proc. 1651)
by Honda, T
The potentialities of $H^-$ beam diagnostics by detached particles (e-proc. 1654-1656)
by Artiomov, A S
Preliminary orbit measurement for beam-based alignment (e-proc. 1657-1659)
by Endo, K
A Construction of Optical Beam Profile Monitor for High Brilliance Configuration of the Photon Factory (e-proc. 1669)
by Katoh, M
Design of beam position monitor system for KEKB (e-proc. 1672-1674)
by Akasaka, N
Transverse Measurements with Kicker Excitation at COSY-Juelich (e-proc. 1675)
by Bojowald, J
A Method of Non-Disturbing Diagnostic of Scanned Electron Beam (e-proc. 1678)
by Karasyov, S P
Secondary Emission Grids for Low and High Energy Electron Beams (e-proc. 1680)
by Bernard, M
Results of the Orsay Spot Size Monitor for the Final Focus Test Beam (e-proc. 1683)
by Buon, Jean
Experimental Investigations on Geometrical Resolution of Electron Beam Profiles given by OTR in the GeV Energy Range (e-proc. 1686)
by Artru, X
Beam Profile Measurements with Visible Synchrotron Light on MAX-II (e-proc. 1689)
by Andersson, A
The QSBPM System Performance, and a Comparison to Conventional BPM Systems (e-proc. 1692)
by Rojsel, P
Beam Based Alignment using the QSBPM System (e-proc. 1695)
by Rojsel, P
The Observation of Electron Beam Size Variation by Utilizing the Nonlinearity of a Fast Photodiode (e-proc. 1698)
by Chen, C I
CESR : Steps Toward a B Factory(e-proc. 17)
by Rice, D
Energy Measurement of Relativistic Electron Beams by Laser Compton Scattering (e-proc. 1701)
by Chen, C I
Commissioning of a Bunch Length Monitor at AMPS (e-proc. 1704)
by Coppens, J E
Emittance Measurement at AmPS and DELTA using Laser Compton Scattering (e-proc. 1707)
by Luijckx, G
COD Measurement and Correction System in HIMAC Synchrotron (e-proc. 1710)
by Itano, A
A High Stability Intensity Monitoring System for the ISIS Extracted Proton Beam (e-proc. 1713)
by Clarke-Gayther, M A
The Development of the Ionization Detectors for Measuring the Main Parameters of the Accelerated Ionising Beams (e-proc. 1716)
by Artemiev, A N
Kurchatov Synchrotron Radiation Source : General-Purpose TV System for Beam Monitoring and Inspection of Accelerator Equipment Rooms(e-proc. 1719)
by Ioudin, L
An Improved Beam Position Monitor System for the ELETTRA Linac and Transfer Line (e-proc. 1722)
by Bossi, M
An Optical System for the Observation of Transverse Beam Motion (e-proc. 1725)
by Bucconi, A
Photon Beam Position Monitors suitable for a Local Feedback System at ELETTRA (e-proc. 1728)
by Abrami, A
An apparatus for measuring turn-by-turn transverse beam profile electron storage rings (e-proc. 1731-1733)
by Chen, T
Design of the Synchrotron-Light Monitors for PEP-II (e-proc. 1734)
by Arnett, D
SSRL Beam Position Monitor Detection Electronics (e-proc. 1737)
by Hettel, R
D.C. to 100 kHz Beam Current Transformer for CELSIUS (e-proc. 1740)
by Bergmark, T
Vector Polarimeter using Synchrotron Radiation for Linear and Circular Electron Colliders (e-proc. 1743)
by Karabekian, S I
A Facility for High Precision Absolute Energy Measurement using the K-Edge Absorption Phenomenon for Linear Accelerators (e-proc. 1746)
by Karabekian, S I
New Interlock System for BEPC (e-proc. 1751)
by Chen, J S
A Control System for BEPC Storage Ring Injection Power Supplies (e-proc. 1754)
by Lu, S
The New RF Control System for the CERN SPS Accelerator (e-proc. 1757-1759)
by Baudrenghien, P
An Archive System for PETRA (e-proc. 1772)
by Schuette, W
The DAFNE Timing System (e-proc. 1775)
by Drago, A
First Operational Experience with the DAFNE Control System (e-proc. 1778)
by Milardi, C
New Programming Technologies For Beam Diagnostics (e-proc. 1781)
by Kryukov, S A
Control System Implementation for the IASA Microtron (e-proc. 1784)
by Barbarosou, M
Project of Control System for Accelerator SILUND-21 (e-proc. 1787)
by Dolbilov, G V
The Computer Diagnostics of Linac Unit Failures (e-proc. 1789)
by Boriskin, V N
Control System for Accelerator with Distributed Intelligence based on a "Family of Smart Devices" (e-proc. 1794)
by Chepurnov, A S
Synchronizing System with Intelligence (e-proc. 1797)
by Chang, S S
Feedback Systems at DESY (e-proc. 180)
by Kohaupt, R D
Real-time data Acquisition and Control System for the PLS Storage Ring (e-proc. 1800)
by Chang, S S
Console Operated Control System for the RIKEN Muon Facility on ISIS (e-proc. 1803)
by Martin, G
A New Remote Control and Monitoring System for the ISIS Ion Source on the 665 kV DC Accelerating Platform (e-proc. 1806)
by Barratt, P J S
The New Timing System for the ELETTRA Linac (e-proc. 1809)
by Bossi, M
TROUBLE : A Trouble Shooting Program for ELETTRA(e-proc. 1812)
by Bocchetta, C J
Design and Development of a New Control System for the ELETTRA Linac (e-proc. 1815)
by Barbina, L
The Design of the FERMI Personnel Access Control and Interlock System (e-proc. 1818)
by Barbina, L
HOM-free Cavities (e-proc. 182)
by Boni, R
A New Alarm System Processor for ELETTRA (e-proc. 1821)
by Michelini, P
PCI to CAMAC Executive Crate Connection (e-proc. 1824)
by Kadantsev, S G
First approach to the control system for the LSB (e-proc. 1827-1829)
by Perlas, J A
Transverse Feedback System with a Digital Filter and Additional Delay (e-proc. 1833)
by Zhabitsky, V M
Power Supply Ramp Control in the APS Booster Synchrotron (e-proc. 1836)
by Carwardine, J A
Layout and Time-Domain Simulation of a Local Beam Position Feedback System for BESSY-II (e-proc. 1839)
by Gilpatrick, J D
The New BNL AGS Phase, Radial and Synchronization Loops (e-proc. 1842)
by Brennan, J M
New Transverse Feedback Kicker System in the Positron Intensity Accumulator (PIA) Ring (e-proc. 1860)
by Rümmler, J
Operational Experience with the RF Control for the TESLA Test Facility (e-proc. 1863)
by Altmann, I
Transient Beam Loading Based Calibration of the Vector-Sum for the TESLA Test Facility (e-proc. 1866)
by Schilcher, T
Operational Aspects of the RF Control System for the TESLA Test Facility (e-proc. 1869)
by Rehlich, K
A Fast Local Feedback System to Correct the Beam Position Deviation in the ESRF Storage Ring (e-proc. 1872)
by Plouviez, E
A Feedback System to Improve the Spill Structure of a Synchrotron (e-proc. 1875)
by Blell, U
Experimental Tests of the DAFNE RF Feedback System (e-proc. 1878)
by Boni, R
Kickers and Power Amplifiers for the DAFNE Bunch-by-Bunch Longitudinal Feedback System (e-proc. 1881)
by Boni, R
The Fast RF Power Turn-on in the MMF Linac Cavities (e-proc. 1884)
by Kravchuk, L V
Simulation of Feedback for Orbit Correction (e-proc. 1887)
by Reyzl, I
A State Variable Approach to the BESSY-II Local Beam-Position-Feedback System (e-proc. 1902)
by Gilpatrick, J D
Automatic Closed Orbit Error Correction System of a Compact Storage Ring for SR Lithography (e-proc. 1905)
by Shimano, H
Two Methods of Phasing the Accelerator RF Systems with Self-Excitation (e-proc. 1908)
by Alimov, A
Operations with the Digital Orbit Feedback System in the NSLS X-ray Ring (e-proc. 1911)
by Bozoki, E
Tune Measurement and Beam Damping System for PLS (e-proc. 1914)
by Chang, S S
Characterisation of the Low Level System of the ELETTRA RF Plants (e-proc. 1917)
by Bocciai, M
High Field SC Cavities (e-proc. 192)
by Proch, D
Performance of the Transverse Coupled-Bunch Feedback System in the SRRC (e-proc. 1920)
by Hsu, K T
First Experiments of the Digital Global Feedback in SRRC (e-proc. 1923)
by Chen, C S
Longitudinal Damper for the SRRC/TLS Storage Ring (e-proc. 1926)
by Chang, L H
Fundamental Architectures of the Digital Global Orbit Feedback System for SRRC Storage Ring (e-proc. 1928)
by Hsu, K T
Status of Digital Orbit Feedback for SPEAR (e-proc. 1931)
by Corbett, W
Layout of a Broadband Circular Waveguide to Coaxial Transition (e-proc. 1937)
by Chu, K R
A Cavity with Circular Waveguides for HOM Damping (e-proc. 1940)
by Apel, R
The Accelerating Cavity of the Racetrack Microtron Eindhoven (e-proc. 1964)
by Botman, J I M
Tank, Cell and Bridge Coupler Design for the CCL of the ESS Project (e-proc. 1967)
by Botman, J I M
New Superconductive Low Beta Structures (e-proc. 197)
by Palmieri, V
Construction of a Third RF Acceleration Unit for the ESRF Storage Ring (e-proc. 1970)
by David, C
Design of the GSI 36 MHz RFQ Accelerator on the Base of Mafia Calculations (e-proc. 1973)
by Kaspar, K
A Second Harmonic in Ferrite Dominated Cavity of U-70 (e-proc. 1976)
by Belov, P V
High Power Test of the Waveguide Loaded RF Cavity for the Frascati PHI-Factory Main Rings (e-proc. 1979)
by Boni, R
High Resolution Bead Technique Measurements and Multipole Analysis (e-proc. 1982)
by Cavenago, M
Design of a 94 GHz Accelerating Structure (e-proc. 1985)
by Bruns, W
High-Power Conditioning of an RF Cavity for High Brilliant Synchrotron Radiation Source (e-proc. 1988)
by Izawa, M
Design of Beam Bunching System for the Ion Storage Ring of RIKEN RI-Beam Factory Project (e-proc. 1991)
by Katayama, T
Quadrupole Counter Mixing Choke Structure for the KEKB ARES Cavity (e-proc. 1997)
by Akai, K
Beam Test of a SiC Duct Developed for an RF Damped Cavity (e-proc. 2006)
by Izawa, M
The input coupler for The KEKB ARES cavity (e-proc. 2014)
by Naito, F
New Mathematical Model of an Infinite Cavity Chain (e-proc. 2026)
by Ayzatsky, M I
Primary and Secondary Phenomena during RF-Processing of Electron Linac Structures (e-proc. 2029)
by Dovbnya, A N
The LNLS RF System (e-proc. 2038)
by Pardini, C
Investigation of the High Order Mode (HOM) Field Distribution in the Beginning Part (30 cells) of the SBLC Accelerating Structure (e-proc. 2041)
by Ivanov, S V
Equivalent Scheme and Parameters of Disc Loaded Waveguide at Dipole Mode (e-proc. 2044)
by Ivanov, S V
Conditioning of RF Cavities and RF Input Couplers for SPring-8 (e-proc. 2047)
by Ego, H
Acoustic Measurements at DAW Accelerating Structures under Operating High RF Power Conditions (e-proc. 2050)
by Kadnikov, A
Simulations and Measurements of Higher Order Modes on the ELETTRA RF Cavities in view of Coupled Bunch Instability Compensation by Temperature Variation (e-proc. 2053)
by Fabris, A
The Next Linear Collider Test Accelerator's RF Pulse Compression and Transmission Systems (e-proc. 2062)
by Fant, K
Performance of the SRRC/TLS torage Ring RF System (e-proc. 2065)
by Chang, L H
A proposed RF system for the LSB storage ring (e-proc. 2071-2073)
by Pérez, F
Experiments and Simulation of High Current Operation at CEBAF (e-proc. 2079)
by Crawford, K
The Role of Geometric Field Enhancement for the Enhanced Field Emission of Niobium (e-proc. 2082)
by Goehl, A
Nb$_{3}$Sn Layers on High-Purity Nb Cavities with Very High Quality Factors and Accelerating Gradients (e-proc. 2085)
by Kneisel, P
Power Coupler Development for SC Cavities (e-proc. 2088)
by Bienvenu, G
Status of RF power couplers for superconducting cavities at CERN (e-proc. 2091-2093)
by Kindermann, H P
A Superconducting RF Cavity for Bunch Compression of the High Intensity SPS Proton Beam at Transfer to LHC (e-proc. 2094-2096)
by Bohl, T
Electroacoustic oscillations in the LEP SC. cavities (e-proc. 2097-2099)
by Boussard, Daniel
Discussion of Superconducting and Room-Temperature High-Intensity Ion Linacs (e-proc. 210)
by Jameson, R
Superconducting RF System for the CESR Luminosity Upgrade : Design, Status and Plans(e-proc. 2100)
by Barnes, P
Measurements of TESLA Cavities for TTF (e-proc. 2103)
by Möller, W D
Note on Performance of the RF System in the HERA e-Ring (e-proc. 2106)
by Sekutowicz, J
Automatic Multipactoring Conditioning of the Super-Conducting Resonators in the ALPI Linac (e-proc. 2109)
by Bassato, G
Analysis of Thermal Effects in TESLA SRF Cavities using Surface Scanning Thermometers (e-proc. 2112)
by Caruette, A
Field Emission Investigation in a SCRF Cavity Contaminated with Alumina Particles (e-proc. 2115)
by Caruette, A
A prototype module of a superconducting damped cavity for KEKB (e-proc. 2121-2123)
by Furuya, T
Thermal Quench Phenomena on the 1.3 GHz High Gradient Superconducting Cavities (e-proc. 2124)
by Fujino, T
About One Possible Explanation of Influence of Microwave Magnetic Field on Quality Factor of Superconducting Accelerating System (e-proc. 2130)
by Didenko, A N
Feasibility Study on Superconducting System for Intense CW Ion Linac (e-proc. 2132)
by Kawatsu, S
The RF Power Set Up for a Linac - Racetrack Microtron Combination (e-proc. 2137)
by Timmermans, C
Cavity Design for a Planar MM-Wave Sheet Beam Klystron (e-proc. 2140)
by Bruns, W
Experimental Study of 100 MW Wide-aperture X-band Klystron with RF Absorbing Drift Tubes (e-proc. 2143)
by Azorsky, N I
Recent Developments with Klystrons and Modulators (e-proc. 215)
by Gamp, A
A New High Power Klystron for the SLAC B-Factory (e-proc. 2152)
by Demmel, E
Operating Results for the PEP-II 1.2 MW Klystron (e-proc. 2155)
by Bohlen, H
Numerical Simulation of 3-D Field of Systems using Permanent Magnets (e-proc. 2161)
by Amoskov, V
Concept for a New Magnetic Septum Quadrupole (e-proc. 2170)
by Marx, M
Design and Performance of a Permanent Magnetic Quadrupole for a Low Energy Linear Accelerator Beam Line (e-proc. 2173)
by Botman, J I M
Vibration of Magnet-Girder Assembly (e-proc. 2176)
by Zhang, L
Magnetic Measurements of the Dipole, Quadrupole and Sextupole Prototypes for the Accumulator of DAFNE, the Frascati PHI-Factory (e-proc. 2182)
by Hsieh, H
The DAFNE Main Ring Magnet Prototypes (e-proc. 2185)
by Preger, M
A Scanning Magnet for a Microtron Beam Line (e-proc. 2188)
by Axinescu, S
Split-Pole PM Dipoles and Quadrupoles with Variable Field (e-proc. 2190)
by Skachkov, V S
LNLS Synchrotron Light Source Magnets (e-proc. 2195)
by Apfelbaum, J
The Max-II Lattice Magnets Measurements and Conclusions (e-proc. 2198)
by Eriksson, M
DAFNE : The First PHI Factory(e-proc. 22)
by Vignola, G
Recent Advances in Insertion Devices (e-proc. 220)
by Chavanne, J
Printed Boards and Water Jet Cutting for Manufacturing Magnets (e-proc. 2201)
by Le Gal, H
Design, Construction and Testing of Small, Intense Permanent Magnet Sextupoles (e-proc. 2204)
by Bracco, R
Magnet system design for the storage ring of the LSB (e-proc. 2207-2209)
by Pont, M
Operating Range of the VINCY Cyclotron (e-proc. 2210)
by Altiparmakov, D V
Simulation of the VINCY Cyclotron Magnetic Field using a Model Magnet (e-proc. 2213)
by Altiparmakov, D V
Field Quality in Superconducting Magnets for Large Particle Accelerators (e-proc. 2219)
by Gupta, R
Misalignment Evaluation of Superconducting Magnets in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (e-proc. 2222)
by Ganetis, G
Dynamic field quality of LHC/Saclay arc quadrupole magnet prototype (e-proc. 2225)
by Devred, Arnaud
Field quality of the main dipole magnets for the LHC accelerator (e-proc. 2228-2230)
by Bottura, L
Beam Induced Radiation Problems and Cures (e-proc. 225)
by Gear, P E
Superconducting Sextupole Corrector Magnet for the LHC Main Dipoles (e-proc. 2252-2254)
by Salminen, J
The 1 m long single aperture dipole coil test program for LHC (e-proc. 2258-2260)
by Andreyev, N I
Three Dimensional Field Analysis of Helical Snake Magnets for RHIC (e-proc. 2261)
by Katayama, T
The HERA Quench Protection System - A Status Report (e-proc. 2264)
by Bacher, R
Low temperature quench performance of Fermilab low b insertion quadrupoles (e-proc. 2267)
by Bossert, R
Design of a high gradient quadrupole for the LHC interaction regions (e-proc. 2270)
by Bossert, R
Study of Quench Development in the String of UNK Superconducting Magnets (e-proc. 2273)
by Alexandrov, A
YBCO HTSC Bars for kA Range Current Leads (e-proc. 2276)
by Carrera, M
Design of Model Sector Magnet for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (e-proc. 2279)
by Fujishima, S
Preliminary Analysis of the Nuclotron Magnetic Field (e-proc. 2281)
by Donyagin, A M
Cryogenic Structural Steels for Accelerator Superconducting Magnets and their Application (e-proc. 2284)
by Akita, T
The superconducting magnet system for KEKB B-factory (e-proc. 2287-2289)
by Tsuchiya, K
Spanish Industry in the Context of Manufacturing Accelerator Components (e-proc. 230)
by Castro, F
Design Study of Sector Magnet for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (I) (e-proc. 2302)
by Fujishima, S
Design Study of Sector Magnet for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (2) (e-proc. 2305)
by Fujishima, S
Overview of the Power Conversion Systems for the RHIC Project (e-proc. 2311)
by Lambiase, R F
Electrical powering strategy of LHC : first design study(e-proc. 2320-2322)
by Proudlock, Paul
An Uninterruptible Power Supply for the SRS (e-proc. 2323)
by Griffiths, S A
High Quality Power Supply (HQPS) at the ESRF (e-proc. 2334)
by Bouteille, J F
Experience in Maintaining and Operating Power Supplies Used in Accelerators (e-proc. 2337)
by Wolff, D
Study of a Magnet Power Supply for a MUSES Booster Synchrotron (e-proc. 2340)
by Inabe, N
Feedback control of 50 Hz power supply (e-proc. 2343-2345)
by Zhang, F Q
Progress on PEP-II Magnet Power Conversion System (e-proc. 2346)
by Bellomo, P
Power Supply System for the LNLS Magnets (e-proc. 2349)
by Arrayo, F C
The HIMAC Very Low Ripple Synchrotron - PART II (e-proc. 2352)
by Aoki, T
Evaluation of Ripple of the Power Supply to a Beam Spill during a Third Order Resonant Extraction in HIMAC (e-proc. 2355)
by Aoki, T
High Performance Active Filter for the Power Supply of the HIMAC Synchrotron Magnet (e-proc. 2358)
by Kanayawa, T
Magnet Power Supplies of PLS 2 GeV Storage Ring (e-proc. 2361)
by Ha Ki Man
Stabilising the Voltage of the DC Accelerating Column of the ISIS Pre-injector using a Beam Current Controlled 'Bouncer' (e-proc. 2364)
by Cloke, V C
A ZVT Converter for Superconducting Corrector Magnet Applications (e-proc. 2367)
by Benavent, J M
Therapy at HIMAC (e-proc. 237)
by Kawachi, K
A Barrier Bucket Experiment for Accumulating De-bunched Beam in the AGS (e-proc. 2373)
by Blaskiewicz, M
AGS to RHIC Transfer Line : Design and Commissioning(e-proc. 2376)
by MacKay, W W
Physics of the AGS-To-RHIC Transfer Line Commissioning (e-proc. 2379)
by Satogata, T
CERN West Area neutrino facility beam line alignment (e-proc. 2382-2384)
by Catanesi, M G
The Influence of Radiation Damage on the Deflection of High-Energy Beams in Bent Silicon Crystals (e-proc. 2385-2387)
by Biino, C
The SPS Target Station for CHORUS and NOMAD Neutrino Experiments (e-proc. 2388-2390)
by Péraire, S
The Pulsed Power Converter and Septum Magnet System for Injection into the Electron Storage Ring at ESRF (e-proc. 2394-2396)
by Perrine, J P
Design Study of the Injection System of the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (e-proc. 2397)
by Fujishima, S
A High Duty Foil Stripper System in the Injection Line to the Heavy Ion Synchrotron SIS at GSI (e-proc. 2406)
by Glatz, J
Non-resonant Slow Extraction of Protons to the Tagged Neutrino Facility (e-proc. 2409)
by Asseev, A A
The Role of Industry and Accelerator Laboratories in Future Particle Beam Facilities for Cancer Therapy (e-proc. 241)
by Böhne, D
The Efficiency Analysis of the Proton Beam Extraction from the IHEP Accelerator by a Bent Silicon Crystal (e-proc. 2412)
by Asseev, A A
Some Aspects of Phase Displacement Method (e-proc. 2415)
by Maksimov, A
Simulations of the Multiturn Injection into Nuclotron Booster (e-proc. 2417)
by Anguelov, V
Diagnostic of the Compensation Process of Pulsed Ion Beams with a Time-Resolving Ion Energy Spectrometer (e-proc. 2420)
by Doelling, R
The PIAFE Project at Grenoble : Beam Transport of a Very Low Energy Radioactive Beam(e-proc. 2423)
by Fontenille, A
Status of the Internal Target Technique at the Nuclotron (e-proc. 2429)
by Artiomov, A
Beam Extraction Systems of the VINCY Cyclotron (e-proc. 2432)
by Borisov, O
Progress in Manufactoring Main Nuclotron Extraction Elements (e-proc. 2435)
by Averichev, S A
Calculation of Orbit Expansion Effect for the VINCY Cyclotron (e-proc. 2438)
by Borisov, O
Beam Extraction at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY (e-proc. 2447)
by Bechstedt, U
The Injection System for the ISI-800 Storage Ring (e-proc. 2450)
by Gladkikh, P
On triple focusing dipole magnets (e-proc. 2453-2455)
by Bernard, D
The Injection Scheme for the New 1.5 GeV Storage Ring, Max-II (e-proc. 2456)
by LeBlanc, G
Slow Extraction at the Heidelberg Heavy Ion Storage Ring TSR (e-proc. 2459)
by Albrecht, F
Performance of High Energy Beam Transport System of Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator, HIMAC (e-proc. 2462)
by Kanazawa, M
Stripping Foil Temperatures in the European Spallation Source (e-proc. 2465)
by Duke, J P
Test Results of SRRC Pulsed Magnets for 1.5 GeV Injection (e-proc. 2474)
by Chang, Y M
Topping Up Experiments at SRRC (e-proc. 2477)
by Chen, J
Modeling and Tuning the Beam Lines of the Svedberg Laboratory (e-proc. 2480)
by Ziemann, V
Mass Separator for The ISAC Project at TRIUMPH (e-proc. 2482)
by Baartman, R
A Transport Line to the TRIUMF ISAC Facility (e-proc. 2485)
by Stinson, G M
Injection and extraction schemes of the LSB booster and storage ring (e-proc. 2488-2490)
by Campmany, J
Construction and Operation of Cyclotrons for Medical Isotopes (e-proc. 249)
by Stevenson, N R
Pulsed magnets for injection and extraction at LSB (e-proc. 2491-2493)
by Travería, M
Performance of the MAX-II Injector (e-proc. 2494)
by Andersson, A
Nonlinear Beam Dynamics Effects in Heavy Ion Transport Line (e-proc. 2497)
by Batygin, Y
Preliminary design of the vacuum system for DIAMOND (e-proc. 2506-2508)
by Herbert, J D
Vacuum Aspects of the Euterpe Storage Ring (e-proc. 2509)
by Botman, J I M
Undulator Vessels Devoid of Distributed Pumps (e-proc. 2512)
by Rouviere, N
An UHV Vacuum System for DAFNE (e-proc. 2515)
by Chimenti, V
LNLS Vacuum System (e-proc. 2518)
by Bagnato, O R
Operation of PET Cyclotrons for Medical Imaging (e-proc. 252)
by Jones, T
Vacuum Performance of PLS Electron Storage Ring (e-proc. 2521)
by Kim, C K
Pumping and Pressure Measuring System for the Linac of the ELETTRA Synchrotron Light Source (e-proc. 2524)
by Giacuzzo, F
How to Save Money Designing a Vacuum System for a Third Generation Synchrotron Light Source (e-proc. 2527)
by Giacuzzo, F
Conceptual design of the vacuum system for the LSB storage ring (e-proc. 2530-2532)
by Vicente, M J
Status of the Insertion Devices for BESSY II (e-proc. 2535)
by Bahrdt, J
A Double Undulator for the Production of Circularly Polarized Light at BESSY II (e-proc. 2538)
by Bahrdt, J
NMR System for Magnetic Field Measurements at the MARK-3 Free Electron Laser (e-proc. 2541)
by Dickey, C
Design Study of Quasi-Periodic Undulator (e-proc. 2546)
by Hashimoto, S
First Observation of Quasiperiodic Undulator Radiation (e-proc. 2549)
by Hashimoto, S
Inertial Fusion with Accelerators (e-proc. 255)
by Hofmann, I
Construction and Magnetic Field Measurement of Quasi-Periodic Undulator (e-proc. 2552)
by Hashimoto, S
Technical Description of the MAX II Undulators (e-proc. 2555)
by Ahola, H
A VUV-wiggler Scheme with Non-sinusoidal Magnetic Field Profile for High Energy Storage Rings (e-proc. 2558)
by Chubar, O V
The Dynamic Effect of the Vertical Field Corrector of the 1.8 T Wiggler (e-proc. 2561)
by Fan, T C
Field Characteristics of 9-Pole Adjustabale Phase Hybrid Undulator (e-proc. 2564)
by Chang, C H
Conceptual Design for the SRRC Elliptically Polarizing Undulator EPU5.6. - Part I : Magnetic Configuration and Merit Function Optimization(e-proc. 2567)
by Chang, C H
Conceptual Design for the SRRC Elliptically Polarizing Undulator EPU5.6. - Part II : Magnetic Loading and Structure Deformation(e-proc. 2570)
by Chang, C H
Preliminary ID designs for the LSB storage ring (e-proc. 2573-2575)
by Queralt, X
SAW - A Superconducting Asymmetric Multipole Wiggler at the DELTA Storage Ring (e-proc. 2576)
by Negrazus, M
Design of Variable Polarizing Undulator (APPLE-type) for SX Beamline in the SPring-8 (e-proc. 2579)
by Kobayashi, H
A Second Long Pulse Modulator for TESLA Using IGBTs (e-proc. 2585)
by Bartelson, L
Comparison of Measured and Predicted Inductance per Cell for a Travelling Wave Kicker Magnet (e-proc. 2588)
by Barnes, M J
Manufacturing of Electron Accelerators (e-proc. 260)
by Jongen, Y
Alignment for the LNLS Synchrotron Light Source (e-proc. 2603)
by Basilio, R
Alignment Procedures for the MAX-II Storage Ring (e-proc. 2606)
by LeBlanc, G
Hydrostatic Levelling System with Laser Sensors (e-proc. 2609)
by Rojsel, P
The ESRF Beamline Personnel Safety System (e-proc. 2615)
by Berkvens, P
Radiation Safety Around the ESRF Beamlines (e-proc. 2618)
by Berkvens, P
Induced Radioactivity Decrease Method in High Intensity Linacs (e-proc. 2621)
by Drozdovsky, A A
Induced Radioactivity of the Septum Magnet of the Beam Slow Extraction at the Nuclotron (e-proc. 2624)
by Astapov, A A
LNLS Interlock System (e-proc. 2627)
by Rodrigues, A R D
Shielding Design on the "TESLA" Accelerator Installation in the Institute of Nuclear Sciences "VINCA" (e-proc. 2629)
by Nedeljkovic, N
The Lattice Design of a Proposed Beijing Therapy Proton Synchrotron (e-proc. 2635)
by Guo, Z
The TOP-ISS Linear Accelerator : A High Frequency Proton Linac for Therapy(e-proc. 2638)
by Orlandi, G
Accelerators in Industry (e-proc. 264)
by Lewis, D M
Accelerator Aspects of the Cancer Therapy Project at the GSI Darmstadt (e-proc. 2641)
by Eickhoff, H
A Scintillator Based Halo-Detector for Beam Position Monitoring (e-proc. 2644)
by Forck, P
Data Generation for SIS and Beam Lines for the GSI Therapy Project (e-proc. 2647)
by Franczak, B J
235 MeV Cyclotron for MGH's Northeast Proton Therapy Centre (NPTC) : Present Status(e-proc. 2650)
by Beeckman, W
Beam Deceleration in the Operation of the Beam Extraction with a Patient Respiration (e-proc. 2653)
by Araki, N
Performance of a Respiration-Gated Beam Control System for Patient Treatment (e-proc. 2656)
by Araki, N
Status Report of the HIMAC Accelerator Facility (e-proc. 2659)
by Araki, N
The Use of ISIS as a Proton Therapy Facility (e-proc. 2662)
by Adams, D J
Recent Development of Gantry Design Activities at GSI Darmstadt (e-proc. 2665)
by Pavlovic, M
High Power Targets for Spallation Sources (e-proc. 267)
by Broome, T A
High Beam Intensities for Cyclotron-Based Radioisotope Production (e-proc. 2671)
by Cohilis, P
Proton 36 MeV, 0.5 mA Linac ISTRA-36 as a Driver Multipurpose Irradiation Test Facility (e-proc. 2674)
by Chuvilo, I V
Conceptual Design of a Free Electron Laser System as a Laser Fusion Reactor Driver (e-proc. 2679)
by Saldin, E L
Conception of Secure Atomic Energy Plant with Subcritical Reactor and 100 MeV Proton Accelerator (e-proc. 2682)
by Didenko, A N
RHODOTRON Accelerators for Industrial Electron-Beam Processing : A Progress Report(e-proc. 2687)
by Abs, M
Soft X-ray Production by Means of an Electron Beam (e-proc. 2693)
by Couillaud, C
Analytical Complexes for Ion Beam Analysis and Modification of Materials in St. Petersburg and Bratislava (e-proc. 2696)
by Bortniansky, A
An Irradiation Production Unit for Polymer Research (e-proc. 2699)
by Botman, J I M
Experimental Studies on the Acceleration of Positive & Negative Ions with a Heavy Ion ISR RFQ (e-proc. 2702)
by Chen, C E
Electron Beam Processing : a New Business and a New Industry(e-proc. 272)
by Stirling, A J
Industry and Synchrotron Radiation - Prospects using ANKA (e-proc. 276)
by Moser, H O
Fermilab Accelerators : Status and Plans(e-proc. 283)
by Finley, D A
LEP1 operation, 1989-1995 (e-proc. 286-288)
by Arduini, Gianluigi
HERA Electron-Beam Lifetime Disruption Machine Studies and Observations (e-proc. 289)
by Bialowons, W
Injection and acceleration with physics optics in LEP (e-proc. 292-294)
by Collier, Paul
The CERN PS complex : a versatile particle factory(e-proc. 295-297)
by Simon, Daniel Jean
First optical measurement of a bunched beam produced by a 35 GHz free-electron laser (e-proc. 298-300)
by Gardelle, J
Status of HERA (e-proc. 3)
by Bialowons, W
First Year Operation of the ALPI Post-accelerator (e-proc. 301)
by Dainelli, A
The RFQ Section of the New Unilac Prestripper Accelerator at GSI (e-proc. 304)
by Kaspar, K
Merits of the RFD Linac Structure for Proton and Light-Ion Acceleration Systems (e-proc. 307)
by Crandall, K R
Early indicators of long term stability in hadron colliders (e-proc. 313-315)
by Bartolini, R
Modelling of Low Frequency Longitudinal Coupled Bunch Oscillation (e-proc. 316)
by Nagaoka, R
Transverse Coupled Bunch Mode Growth due to Photoelectron Trapping in the CESR Vacuum Chamber (e-proc. 319)
by Holmquist, T
Alignment and stability of future machines (e-proc. 32)
by Shiltsev, V D
Higher-Order Modes in a 36-Cell Test Structure (e-proc. 322)
by Dohlus, M
Luminosity optimisation using beam-beam deflections at LEP (e-proc. 325-327)
by Bovet, Claude
Solitary Waves in Particle Beams (e-proc. 328)
by Bisognano, J J
Envelope Description of Quasi-Laminar Beams undergoing Reversible Emittance Transformations (e-proc. 331)
by Rosenzweig, J B
The Caprice ECR Sources of Multicharged Ions New Results and a New Prototype (e-proc. 337)
by Bourg, F
Electron Beam Diagnostics with Visible Synchrotron Light on Siberia-1 Ring (e-proc. 340)
by Artemiev, N A
Commissioning Results of the APS Storage Ring Photon Monitor Systems (e-proc. 343)
by Lumpkin, Alex H
Observation, control and modal analysis of coupled-bunch longitudinal instabilities (e-proc. 346-348)
by Fox, J D
Design of the Digital RF Control System for the TESLA Test Facility (e-proc. 349)
by Altmann, I
Measurement of Cavities of the Side Coupled Drift Tube Linac (SCDTL) (e-proc. 352)
by Picardi, L
RF Pulse Compression Via TE01 Optically Controlled Multi-Megawatt Microwave Switch (e-proc. 355)
by Lee, T G
The LHC test string : first operational experience(e-proc. 358-360)
by Bézaguet, Alain-Arthur
Conceptual design of the cryogenic system for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) (e-proc. 361-363)
by Benda, V
The DELTA Vacuum System (e-proc. 364)
by Hippert, B
Recent Advances in the Design of a Cyclotron-Driven, Intense, Subcritical Neutron Source (e-proc. 369)
by Ait Abderrahim, H
Important design issues of a high-efficiency cyclotron complex to drive the energy amplifier (e-proc. 372-374)
by Mandrillon, P
Lattice Optimization for a Really Large Hadron Collider, RLHC (e-proc. 377)
by Dell, F
Lead ion beam emittance and transmission studies in the PS-SPS complex at CERN (e-proc. 380-382)
by Arduini, Gianluigi
Optimization of the LHC Interaction Region With Respect to Beam-Induced Energy Deposition (e-proc. 386-388)
by Strait, J B
The phase space dependent spin polarization direction in the HERA proton ring at high energy (e-proc. 389-391)
by Barber, D P
Correction of the Influence of Persistent Currents in the HERA Proton Ring (e-proc. 392)
by Brück, H
Improved Proton Injection into HERA via PETRA Optics Trickery : Are the Prospects Real or Imaginary(e-proc. 395)
by Balewski, K
On Increasing the HERA Collider e-p Interaction Region Luminosity (e-proc. 398)
by Bartel, Wulfrin
Bringing Beauty to HERA; On Acelerator Modifications for the HERA-B Experiment at DESY (e-proc. 401)
by Kose, R
The Status of the Fermilab Main Injector Project (e-proc. 404)
by Bogert, D
UNK Status (e-proc. 407)
by Fedotov, Yu
How a 100 TeV synchrotron/collider based on the nuclotron-type cryomagnetic system would look (e-proc. 410-412)
by Baldin, A
Synchro-Betatron Resonances in LEP (e-proc. 418-420)
by Collier, Paul
Optimizing the LHC Interaction Region to Obtain the Highest Possible Luminosity (e-proc. 424-426)
by Herr, Werner
Concentric ring colliding beam machine with dual aperture quadrupoles (e-proc. 433-435)
by Mikhailichenko, A A
Influence of Various Integrated Ion Getter Pumps on Electron Lifetime (e-proc. 436)
by Balewski, K
Application of a beam-based alignment technique for optimizing the electron spin polarization at HERA (e-proc. 439-441)
by Barber, D P
The Effect of Beam Excitation on the HERA Electron-Beam Lifetime Disruption (e-proc. 442)
by Kelly, D R C
HERA Polarimeter Operation in 1995 (e-proc. 445)
by Meyners, N
Present Status of KEKB Project (e-proc. 448)
by Kurokawa, S I
Electron Storage and Stretcher Ring, KSR (e-proc. 451)
by Dewa, H
Design and Construction of the PEP-II Low-Energy Ring (e-proc. 454)
by Hsieh, H
Reduced Emittance for AmPS (e-proc. 457)
by Luijckx, G
Interaction region design at the PEP-II $B$ factory (e-proc. 460-462)
by Sullivan, M
The beam-stay-clear definition of the PEP-II $B$ factory (e-proc. 463-465)
by Sullivan, M
Status of the PEP-II B-Factory High Energy Ring (e-proc. 466)
by Bellomo, P
FEL based photon collider of TeV energy range (e-proc. 471)
by Saldin, E L
Conceptual Study of an FEL Based Gamma-Gamma Collider at TESLA-500 (e-proc. 474)
by Saldin, E L
New Studies of Emittance Growth and Correction Techniques for the TESLA Linac (e-proc. 477)
by Mosnier, A
Bunch Compressor Performances at the CLIC Test Facility (e-proc. 480-482)
by Aulenbacher, K
Dark current simulation in high gradient accelerating structure (e-proc. 483-485)
by Akasaka, N
C-band choke mode accelerator structure for the linear collider (e-proc. 489-491)
by Matsumoto, H
C-band linear collider with C.M. energy 500 GeV to 1 TeV (e-proc. 492-494)
by Yokoya, K
A High Current, High Gradient Electron Double Accelerating Structure (e-proc. 495)
by Bienvenu, G
Alignment issues for C-band Linear Collider (e-proc. 496)
by Kubo, K
An S-band superconducting linear collider (e-proc. 498)
by Gao, J
Center for beam physics papers (e-proc. 501-503)
by Kim, K J
Collimator wake fields in the SLC final focus (e-proc. 504-506)
by Zimmermann, Frank
Multi-bunch energy compensation in the NLC bunch compressor (e-proc. 507-509)
by Zimmermann, Frank
Longitudinal space charge in the SLC, FFTB and NLC final-focus systems (e-proc. 510-512)
by Zimmermann, Frank
Simulation studies of the SLC bunch compressor (RTL) (e-proc. 513-515)
by Zimmermann, Frank
Impact of final-focus ground motion on NLC luminosity (e-proc. 516-518)
by Irwin, J
A 2-GeV, 1-MW Pulsed Proton Source for a Spallation Source (e-proc. 521)
by Chae, Y C
A 10-GeV, 5-MW Pulsed Proton Source for a Spallation Source and a Muon Collider (e-proc. 524)
by Chae, Y C
The BESSY II Booster Synchrotron (e-proc. 527)
by Weihreter, E
High Intensity Performance of the Brookhaven AGS (e-proc. 530)
by Ahrens, L A
Comparison of Synchrotron and Accumulator Scenarios for a 5-MW Pulsed Spallation Neutron Source (e-proc. 533)
by Blumberg, L
Progress of RIKEN RI Beam Factory Project (e-proc. 536)
by Goto, A
A full-energy booster for DIAMOND (e-proc. 539-541)
by Fitzgerald, J B
Cycling and Injection Improvements on the ESRF Booster (e-proc. 542)
by Perrine, J P
Warsaw K=160 Heavy Ion Cyclotron Status Report (e-proc. 545)
by Choinski, J
CIS, A Low Energy Booster Synchrotron for IUCF (e-proc. 548)
by Friesel, D L
First Results of the DAFNE Injection System Commissioning (e-proc. 551)
by Sannibale, F
"Hollow" Cathode Gun for Electron Cooling Purpose (e-proc. 554)
by Ciullo, G
Optics for the IASA CW RTM (e-proc. 557)
by Filippas, A V
The IASA Racetrack Microtron Facility (e-proc. 560)
by Avramopoulos, H
Muses Project at RI Beam Factory (e-proc. 563)
by Batygin, Y
Electron Injection in Circular Microtrons (e-proc. 566)
by Axinescu, S
Synchrotron design issues of the Japanese Hadron Project (e-proc. 569-571)
by Mori, Y
The S-band linear collider test facility (e-proc. 57)
by Holtkamp, N
Conditioning the Cooler Synchrotron COSY for Internal Experiments (e-proc. 572)
by Bechstedt, U
The National Spallation Neutron Source Collaboration : Towards a New Pulsed Neutron Source in the United States(e-proc. 575)
by Alonso, J R
Cyclic Ion Accelerator with Bending and Focusing by Electrostatic Field (e-proc. 578)
by Bogdanovich, B Yu
Operational Status of the PLS Storage Ring (e-proc. 581)
by Chang, S S
High Stability Operation of the ISIS Pulsed Spallation Neutron Source at 200 micro-A (e-proc. 584)
by Barratt, P J S
Construction and Performance Test of a 100 MeV Race Track Microtron (e-proc. 587)
by Cho, Y S
Recent Activities at CELSIUS (e-proc. 590)
by Reistad, D
A Possible High Current H- Injector for Cyclotron-Based "Energy Amplifier" Accelerator (e-proc. 593)
by Baartman, R
Operation of the ESR (GSI, Darmstadt) at the Transition Energy (e-proc. 596)
by Dolinskii, Alexei V
A proposed booster synchrotron for the LSB (e-proc. 599-601)
by Pérez, F
Status of the High Brilliance Synchrotron Radiation Source BESSY II (e-proc. 605)
by Krämer, Dietrich
SIBERIA-2 : Work in Progress(e-proc. 608)
by Filipchenko, A
Undulator and Photon Spectrum at DSR (e-proc. 611)
by Inabe, N
Measurement of vertical dispersion and coupling in the Daresbury SRS (e-proc. 614-616)
by Clarke, J A
Closed orbit control in energy ramps on the SRS at Daresbury (e-proc. 617-619)
by Hill, S F
Operation of the Daresbury Synchrotron Radiation Source with reduced vertical aperture (e-proc. 620-622)
by Clarke, J A
Upgrading the Daresbury SRS with additional insertion devices and its implications for the storage ring layout (e-proc. 623-625)
by Clarke, J A
Design progress on DIAMOND, a proposed UK national light source (e-proc. 626-628)
by Poole, M W
Optimising DIAMOND insertion device brightness (e-proc. 629-631)
by Queralt, X
Probing Some of the Issues of Fourth Generation Light Sources at the ESRF (e-proc. 632)
by Farvacque, L
First Results of Beam Storing in the ESRF Booster Synchrotron (e-proc. 635)
by Mülhaupt, G
A Lattice Design to Reach the Theoretical Minimum Emittance for a Storage Ring (e-proc. 638)
by Einfeld, D
Lattice and Dynamical Behavior of the Light Source ANKA (e-proc. 641)
by Einfeld, D
A Lattice for the Future Project of VUV and Soft X-Ray High Brilliance Light Source (e-proc. 644)
by Kamiya, Yu
A light-source operation at the TRISTAN MR (e-proc. 647-649)
by Akai, K
Status of the emittance upgrade project at the photon factory storage ring (e-proc. 650-652)
by Katoh, M
Lattice design of a synchrotron radiation source at Tohoku University (e-proc. 653-655)
by Katoh, M
The Effect of the Superconducting Wiggler on the Dynamic Aperture ISI-800 (e-proc. 656)
by Gladkikh, P
Present Status and Future Plans for Synchrotron Light Source ISI-800 (e-proc. 658)
by Bulyak, E
Operational Experience with Multi-Bunch Feedback at the Advanced Light Source (e-proc. 661)
by Jackson, A
LNLS Commissioning and Operation (e-proc. 664)
by Craievich, A F
Experimental Observation of the Longitudinal Phase-space Distribution in a Storage Ring : Influence of the Beam Current and the Compaction Factor(e-proc. 667)
by Bakker, R J
Higher Brilliance at the ESRF (e-proc. 67)
by Lefebvre, J M
Status of the SOLEIL Project (e-proc. 670)
by Level, M P
Studies for the Closed Orbit Correction System of SOLEIL (e-proc. 673)
by Nadji, A
Experiments with Low and Negative Momentum Compaction Factor with Super-ACO (e-proc. 676)
by Brunelle, P
Beam Stability in Max-II (e-proc. 679)
by Rojsel, P
Operation of the MAX II Insertion Devices (e-proc. 682)
by Ahola, H
Status of the Swiss Light Source Project SLS (e-proc. 685)
by Bengtsson, J
Linac and Booster Synchrotron for SPring-8 Injector (e-proc. 688)
by Yokomizo, H
Closed Orbit Correction and Lattice Parameters Measurement at SIBERIA-2 (e-proc. 691)
by Filipchenko, A
Modelling Modulation and Dynamic Tuning of Insertion Devices at SRRC (e-proc. 694)
by Chang, H P
Beam Lifetime Investigations at SRRC (e-proc. 697)
by Chang, H P
Performance of the TLS at SRRC (e-proc. 700)
by Chang, C H
The Correlation Plot and Phenomena Analysis from Archives Data (e-proc. 703)
by Hsu, I C
Measurement of Lattice Parameters during the Energy Ramping at Storage Ring (e-proc. 706)
by Chang, L H
Compact Synchrotron Radiation Source 'AURORA-2' with 2.7 T Normal Conducting Bending Magnets (e-proc. 709)
by Hori, T
Linear lattice for the LSB storage ring (e-proc. 712-714)
by Muñoz, M A
Study of the non-linear behaviour of particles and the effect of ID in the LSB storage ring (e-proc. 715-717)
by Muñoz, M A
Novel Techniques used in Max II (e-proc. 72)
by Eriksson, M
A possible FEL based on LEP superconducting cavities (e-proc. 721-723)
by Corsini, R
Self-Consistent Three-dimensional Sase X-ray Radiation via Lienard-Wiechert Fields (e-proc. 724)
by Elias, L
Beam energy replacement in a compact FEL (e-proc. 727-729)
by Poole, M W
Status of the Test Facility for Studies FEL Bunching Technique for CLIC Driving Beam (e-proc. 730)
by Dolbilov, G V
Performance Limitations of an X-ray FEL (e-proc. 733)
by Rossbach, J
Production of Tunable X-rays by Intracavity Compton Backscattering in an Infrared Free-electron Laser (e-proc. 736)
by Berset, J M
Dynamics of the Super ACO FEL Measured with a Double Sweep Streak Camera (e-proc. 739)
by Bakker, R J
Beam Transport and Special Undulators Designed for High Power FELs (e-proc. 742)
by Bouzouloukov, Yu P
A Test of superradiance in an FEL experiment (e-proc. 745)
by Huhn, H
A Photoelectron Source for the Study of Smith-Purcell Radiation (e-proc. 748)
by Doucas, G
High Current and High Energy AIRIX Induction Accelerator Development (e-proc. 753)
by Anthouard, P
Energy Spread from RF Amplitude and Phase Errors (e-proc. 756)
by Krafft, G
Changing VICKSI into ISL : A VE-RFQ as Injector for the Cyclotron(e-proc. 759)
by Busse, W
Operational Experience with ELETTRA (e-proc. 76)
by Bocchetta, C J
Superconducting Vertical Accelerator for Applied Purposes (e-proc. 762)
by Glazkov, A A
LISA injector optimization by stripline signal spectral analysis (e-proc. 765-767)
by Castellano, M G
Status of the Superconducting RFQ Project for the Legnaro New Positive Ion Injector (e-proc. 768)
by Pisent, A
RF-Properties of the VE-RFQ-Injector for the ISL-Cyclotron (e-proc. 771)
by Engels, O
The Design of RFQ Accelerators with High Duty Factors (e-proc. 774)
by Beisel, U
Beam Measurements at the ECR-RFQ System for Materials Research with Highly Charged Ions (e-proc. 777)
by Bechtold, A
Progress report of the interdigital-H linac for radioactive nuclei at INS (e-proc. 780-782)
by Tomizawa, M
The Choice of Acceleration Structure for PET-System (e-proc. 783)
by Drivotin, O I
Development of a Variable Frequency RFQ Linac for the RILAC (e-proc. 786)
by Batygin, Y
A 90 degree apart-stem Low Frequency RFQ (e-proc. 789)
by Andreev, V A
C-band RF main linac system for $e^{+}e^{-}$ linear collider at 500 GeV to 1 TeV C.M. energy (e-proc. 792-794)
by Shintake, T
High Brightness Electron Linac with RF Gun and Accelerating Structure on Backward Wave (e-proc. 795)
by Ayzatsky, M I
An Electron Linac producing Beam Power up to 15 kW (e-proc. 798)
by Beloglasov, V I
Antiproton P roduction and Cooling at the Tevatron (e-proc. 8)
by Bieniosek, F
Linac Injector for SOLEIL (e-proc. 801)
by Chaput, J
New Developments for the RFQ-Accelerator of the Heidelberg High Current Injector (e-proc. 804)
by Auch, S
Operational Status of PLS 2-GeV Electron Linac (e-proc. 807)
by Ko, I S
SR-related Accelerator Physics Issues (e-proc. 81)
by Farvacque, L
Properties and Possible Applications of Multiple Beam Coupled Cavity Structure (e-proc. 810)
by Deruyter, H
High Power 2 MeV Linear Accelerator Design Characteristics (e-proc. 813)
by Deruyter, H
Multiple Beam Coupled Cavity Concept and Structure (e-proc. 816)
by Mishin, A V
Latest Results on Portable X-Band Linac Development (e-proc. 819)
by Deruyter, H
The ELETTRA Injector Linac Upgrading Program (e-proc. 822)
by Barbina, L
Reducing energy spread for long bunch train at SLAC (e-proc. 828-830)
by Decker, Franz Josef
Beam Transmission Efficiency Study at RIKEN RFQ Linac (e-proc. 831)
by Batygin, Y
The Injector Linac of the DELTA-Facility (e-proc. 834)
by Blokesch, G
A Two-Beam RFQ and a Novel Design for Ion Beam Funneling (e-proc. 839)
by Firjahn-Andersch, A
A GeV Laser Wakefield Accelerator driven by a T3 Laser (e-proc. 842)
by Andreev, N E
Center for beam physics papers (e-proc. 845-847)
by Wurtele, J S
A summary of the beat-wave experiments at Ecole Polytechnique (e-proc. 848-850)
by Amiranoff, F
Review of Future European Synchrotron Radiation Projects (e-proc. 85)
by Rivkin, L
PASER : Particle Acceleration by Stimulated Emission of Radiation(e-proc. 851)
by Schächter, L
Acceleration Wakefield Modes in a Photonic Band Gap Structure (e-proc. 854)
by Calian, V
Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Driven by Multiple Bunches (e-proc. 856)
by Arinaga, M
Center for beam physics papers (e-proc. 861-863)
by Palmer, R
New Design Issues of the EXCYT Project (e-proc. 864)
by Calabretta, L
Polarized Muon Beams in a Muon Collider (e-proc. 867)
by Cline, D
Expected Luminosity at MUSES (e-proc. 870)
by Katayama, T
CELSIUS as an Eta Factory (e-proc. 873)
by Calén, H
Simulations of the MAX-II Storage Ring using the Computer Code, DIMAD (e-proc. 881)
by LeBlanc, G
The Orbit Study on the SRRC 1.3 GeV Booster Synchrotron during Ramping (e-proc. 884)
by Chiou, J P
Beam-Based Alignment at BESSY (e-proc. 887)
by Kuske, P
Quadrupole Misalignment Determination at BESSY (e-proc. 890)
by Ott, K
Analytical 1D Method of Increasing the Dynamic Aperture in Storage Rings (e-proc. 893)
by Danilov, V V
Non-Linear Beam Dynamics Experiments at VEPP-4M Ring (e-proc. 896)
by Kiselev, V
Study of the Dynamics of a Particle in a Constant Homogeneous Magnetic Field and a Transverse Homogeneous Rotating Electric Field in the Development of an X-Ray Source (e-proc. 899)
by Bourdier, A
Synchrotron Radiation Facilities in the USA (e-proc. 90)
by Decker, G
The Dynamic Aperture of LEP at High Energy (e-proc. 905-907)
by Jowett, John M
Measurements of the Tune Variations Induced by Non-Linearities in Lepton Machines (e-proc. 917-919)
by Bartolini, R
Dynamic aperture studies for the LHC version 4 (e-proc. 920-922)
by Böge, M
Design of Double Storage Rings at MUSES (e-proc. 926)
by Inabe, N
Design of Booster Synchrotron for MUSES (e-proc. 929)
by Katayama, T
New Lattice Design of Accumulator Cooler Ring for MUSES (e-proc. 932)
by Ohtomo, K
Orbit Dynamics in a Low Energy Electron Linear Accelerator (e-proc. 944)
by Botman, J I M
Particle Dynamics of QI Storage Rings (e-proc. 947)
by Bai, M
Initial Experience with DELTA (e-proc. 95)
by Wille, K
Fringing Fields in Low-Beta Magnetic Elements (e-proc. 950)
by Bassetti, M
TBA and DBA Magnet Lattices for Tau-Charm Factory (e-proc. 953)
by Beloshitsky, P
Fringing Field Effects of Magnets in Cyclic Accelerators (e-proc. 965)
by Efimov, S
Analytical Formulae for the Loss Factors and Wakefields of a Rectangular Accelerating Structures (e-proc. 968)
by Gao, J
Model calibration and symmetry restoration of the Advanced Light Source (e-proc. 971-973)
by Robin, D
Spin Dynamics Study for RHIC (e-proc. 974)
by Katayama, T
Coupling and Dispersion Correction in ELETTRA (e-proc. 980)
by Nagaoka, R
Machine Stability and Orbit Correction in ELETTRA (e-proc. 983)
by Nagaoka, R
Operation of ELETTRA with a Lower Emittance Optics (e-proc. 986)
by Nagaoka, R
Dynamic Aperture Comparison of Measurements on ELETTRA with Simulations (e-proc. 989)
by Bocchetta, C J
Dynamic Aperture Improvement of PEP-II Lattices using Resonance Basis Lie Generators (e-proc. 995)
by Cai, Y
The Explicit Form of Lie Transformations (e-proc. 998)
by Andrianov, S N

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 Record created 1995-12-05, last modified 2021-07-30