| We determine the nucleon axial, scalar and tensor charges and the nucleon $\sigma$-terms using twisted mass fermions. We employ three ensembles with approximately equal physical volume of about 5.5 fm, three values of the lattice spacing, approximately 0.06 fm, 0.07 fm and 0.08 fm, and with the mass of the degenerate up and down, strange and charm quarks tuned to approximately their physical values. We compute both isovector and isoscalar charges and $\sigma$-terms and their flavor decomposition including the disconnected contributions. We use the Akaike Information Criterion to evaluate systematic errors due to excited states and the continuum extrapolation. For the nucleon isovector axial charge we find $g_A^{u-d}=1.250(24)$, in agreement with the experimental value. Moreover, we extract the nucleon $\sigma$-terms and find for the light quark content $\sigma_{\pi N}=41.9(8.1)$ MeV and for the strange $\sigma_{s}=30(17)$ MeV. |