| Future detector studies rely on advanced software tools for performance estimation and design optimization. Particle flow reconstruction is a key ingredient in optimal jet energy resolutions. While Pandora stands out as a well-established algorithm for particle flow analysis, its application has primarily been confined to high-granularity CALICE calorimeters. This limitation prompted exploration into its compatibility with other detector types. Key4hep, a turnkey solution for experiment lifecycles, offers a flexible framework that allows different experiments to benefit from its synergies. Leveraging Key4hep, PandoraPFA was successfully adapted to study particle flow in a Liquid-Argon calorimeter for the first time. This presentation examines the integration of Pandora PFA into the Key4hep framework and its application in a LAr calorimeter. Furthermore, it assesses Pandora PFA’s ability to distinguish between particle showers and discusses its implications on the jet energy resolution. |