CERN Accelerating science

Report number arXiv:2412.01734 ; CERN-TH-2024-210 ; BA-TH/809-24
Title Constraints on the Pre-Big Bang scenario from a cosmological interpretation of the NANOGrav data
Author(s) Conzinu, P. (INFN, Parma ; U. Parma (main)) ; Fanizza, G. (U. Lisbon (main)) ; Gasperini, M. (INFN, Bari ; U. Bari (main)) ; Pavone, E. (INFN, Bari ; U. Bari (main)) ; Tedesco, L. (INFN, Bari ; U. Bari (main)) ; Veneziano, G. (CERN ; College de France)
Publication 2025-02-18
Imprint 2024-12-02
Number of pages 19
In: JCAP 2502 (2025) 039
DOI 10.1088/1475-7516/2025/02/039
Subject category hep-th ; Particle Physics - Theory ; Astrophysics and Astronomy ; General Relativity and Cosmology
Abstract We discuss a recently proposed fit of the 15-year data set obtained from the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav) in terms of a relic stochastic background of primordial gravitons, produced in the context of the string cosmology pre-big bang scenario. We show that such interpretation cannot be reconciled with a phenomenologically viable minimal version of such scenario, while it can be allowed if one considers an equally viable but generalised, non-minimal version of pre-big bang evolution. Maintaining the $S$-duality symmetry throughout the high-curvature string phase is possible although somewhat disfavoured. The implications of this non-minimal scenario for the power spectrum of curvature perturbations are also briefly discussed.
Copyright/License publication: © 2025 The Author(s) (License: CC-BY-4.0)
preprint: (License: CC BY 4.0)

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 Zapis kreiran 2024-12-04, zadnja izmjena 2025-03-01

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