| The ATLAS collaboration at the LHC has published inclusive cross-section measurements for the single-top and \ttbar production modes at center-of-mass energies of $\sqrt{s} = 5.02, 8.16$, $13$, and $13.6$ TeV. Single-top measurements are conducted in the $t$-channel and $tW$ channel. In addition to the nominal cross-section measurements, various measurements of other interesting observables such as the $V_{tb}$ element of the Cabibbo Kobayashi Maskawa (CKM) quark-mixing matrix, the ratio of the inclusive cross-sections between $tq$ and $t\overline{q}$, the ratio of inclusive cross-sections between $t\overline{t}$ and $Z\rightarrow \ell\ell$, and the nuclear modification factor (defined as the ratio of the inclusive $t\overline{t}$ cross section in heavy-ion collisions to the inclusive $t\overline{t}$ cross-section in $pp$ collisions) are also reported. These results are compared to their corresponding SM predictions, calculated at (N)NLO in QCD. All results are in good agreement with SM predictions. |