| The discovery of the Higgs boson is widely regarded as the LHC's most defining achievement. In just over a decade since its discovery, ATLAS and CMS have achieved remarkable precision in measuring its properties. This precision is crucial because the Higgs boson lies at the heart of the Standard Model, potentially serving as a gateway to new physics beyond. The Higgs boson mass has been measured up to a precision of 0.09%. Both ATLAS and CMS have provided evidence for off-shell Higgs boson production allowing indirect measurements of the Higgs boson width. Assuming that the Higgs boson couplings are the same in the on-shell and off-shell regimes, the Higgs boson width can be determined from the ratio of off-shell to on-shell production, with excellent results from both experiments that are in agreement with the Standard Model. Precision measurements of the Higgs boson’s couplings to W and Z bosons and third-generation charged fermions also show excellent agreement with Standard Model predictions. Recent studies on the CP properties of Higgs boson interactions indicate no evidence of CP violation in the Higgs sector and overall consistency with the Standard Model. |