| The correlator using two-particle cumulant from $\abs{\eta}>0.75$ and $\abs{\eta}>1.0$ as a function of \nch in 13\TeV \pp (left), 8.16\TeV \pPb (middle), and 5.02\TeV \PbPb (right) collisions. The upper (lower) panels show the second (third) harmonics. The error bars correspond to the statistical uncertainties, and the shaded areas denote the systematic uncertainties. Calculations from \PYTHIAviii (upper left panel, red and black lines) and IP-Glasma+MUSIC+UrQMD (middle panels, blue lines)~\cite{Giacalone:2020byk} are compared with the data. Hydrodynamic predictions (lower middle panel, red lines)~\cite{Bozek:2020drh} with an average RMS transverse radius of the initial fireball of either 0.9 or 1.5 fm are also included in the comparison. The magenta lines in the middle and right upper panels represent the ATLAS results~\cite{ATLAS:2019pvn} in \pPb and \PbPb collisions at 5.02\TeV using $\abs{\eta}>0.75$ with the error bars denoting the statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature. |