| These lecture notes cover the Standard Model (SM) course for Part III of the Cambridge Mathematical Tripos, taught during the years 2020-2023. The course comprised 25 lectures and 4 example classes. Following a brief historical introduction, the SM is constructed from first principles. We begin by demonstrating that essentially only particles with spin/helicity $0, \frac{1}{2}, 1, \frac{3}{2}, 2$ can describe matter and interactions, using spacetime symmetries, soft theorems, gauge redundancies, Ward identities, and perturbative unitarity. The remaining freedom lies in the choice of the Yang-Mills gauge group and matter representations. Effective field theories (EFTs) are a central theme throughout the course, with the 4-Fermi interactions and chiral perturbation theory serving as key examples. Both gravity and the SM itself are treated as EFTs, specifically as the SMEFT (Standard Model Effective Field Theory). Key phenomenological aspects of the SM are covered, including the Higgs mechanism, Yukawa couplings, the CKM matrix, the GIM mechanism, neutrino oscillations, running couplings, and asymptotic freedom. The discussion of anomalies and their non-trivial cancellations in the SM is detailed. Simple examples of calculations, such as scattering amplitudes and decay rates, are provided. The course concludes with a brief overview of the limitations of the SM and an introduction to the leading proposals for physics beyond the Standard Model. |