Carbon, Power, and Sustainability in ATLAS Computing |
by Marshall, Zach |
The First Release of ATLAS Open Data for Research |
by Marshall, Zach |
Building a Columnar Analysis Demonstrator for ATLAS PHYSLITE Open Data using the Python Ecosystem |
by Feickert, Matthew |
QDIPS: Deep Sets Network for FPGA investigated for high speed inference on ATLAS |
by Antel, Claire |
AthXRT: Centralized FPGA Management for Accelerated Algorithms in Athena |
by Berthet, Quentin |
Advancements in the in-file metadata system for the ATLAS experiment |
by Szymanski, Maciej Pawel |
The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Software Tools for Data Quality Monitoring |
by Suchy, Daniel |
An implementation of Neural Simulation-Based Inference for Parameter Estimation in ATLAS |
The ATLAS Trigger System |
by Merlassino, Claudia |
Computational Performance of the ATLAS ITk GNN Track Reconstruction Pipeline |
Using the ATLAS experiment software on heterogeneous resources |
by Elmsheuser, Johannes |
The git based ATLAS data acquisition configuration service in LHC Run 3 |
by Soloviev, Igor |
Geometry Simplification Methods for Virtual Reality Applications |
by Jones, Roger |
AtlFast3: Fast Simulation in ATLAS for LHC Run 3 and beyond |
by Corchia, Federico Andrea |
Optimizing the database architecture for metadata in preparation for ATLAS Run 4 |
by Odier, Jerome |
Development of an FPGA based track reconstruction pipeline for the ATLAS Event Filter |
by Abidi, Haider |
Data Placement Optimization for ATLAS in a Multi-Tiered Storage System within a Data Center |
by Huang, Qiulan |
The roles of the SCAB Nominations and Activities systems in the ATLAS-CERN speakers selection |
by Niklaus Moreira Da Rocha Rodrigues, Carolina |
Towards an experiment-independent toolkit for fast calorimeter simulation |
by Beirer, Joshua Falco |
Leveraging the Run 3 experience for the evolution of the ATLAS software-based readout towards HL-LHC |
by Kolos, Serguei |
Evolution of the ATLAS TDAQ online software framework towards Phase-II upgrade: use of Kubernetes as an orchestrator of the ATLAS Event Filter computing farm |
by Corso Radu, Alina |
Enhancements and resource optimisations for ATLAS use of HammerCloud |
by Lory, Alexander |
Online track reconstruction with graph neural networks on FPGAs for the ATLAS experiment |
by Dittmeier, Sebastian |
Future of Scheduling in Athena |
by Stanislaus, Beojan |
Updates of the ATLAS High-Level Trigger in Run 3 |
by Przygoda, Witold Wojciech |
Containerization in the ATLAS Offline Code Management System |
by Undrus, Alexander |
The ATLAS Glance Qualification system’s refactoring strategy |
by Niklaus Moreira Da Rocha Rodrigues, Carolina |
Enhancing product management in the ATLAS Management Glance team |
by Lemos Lucidi Pinhao, Gabriela |
The roles of the SCAB Nominations and Activities systems in the ATLAS-CERN speakers selection |
by Niklaus Moreira Da Rocha Rodrigues, Carolina |
Advancements in the ATLAS Fast Chain for HL-LHC: Towards Efficient MC Production |
by Tsai, Fang-Ying |
New approaches for fast and efficient graph construction on CPU, GPU and heterogeneous architectures for the ATLAS event reconstruction |
by Collard, Christophe |
ATLAS analysis workflows using the EventIndex and the Event Picking Server for massive event picking and enhanced processing |
by Barberis, Dario |
Investigating Data Access Models for ATLAS: A Case Study with FABRIC Across Borders and ServiceX |
by Vukotic, Ilija |
ATLAS HL-LHC Demonstrators with Data Carousel: Data-on-Demand and Tape Smart Writing |
by Borodin, Misha |
The Glance project common infrastructure dependencies upgrade from the ATLAS Glance perspective |
by Goes Afonso, Pedro Henrique |
ATLAS usage of the Czech national HPC center: HyperQueue, cvmfsexec, and other news |
by Svatos, Michal |
ATLAS usage of the Czech national HPC center: HyperQueue, cvmfsexec, and other news |
by Svatos, Michal |
A simplified configuration for common algorithms for ATLAS analysis |
by Lambert, Joseph Earl |
Updating the software description of the ATLAS Detector |
by Bianchi, Riccardo Maria |
Towards an experiment-independent toolkit for fast calorimeter simulation |
by Beirer, Joshua Falco |
Open Data at ATLAS: Bringing TeV collisions to the World |
by Guerrieri, Giovanni |
Modernizing ATLAS PanDA for a sustainable multi-experiment future |
by Maeno, Tadashi |
A modular approach to software in ATLAS: Microservices framework and configuration database for ATLAS ITk |
by Schmeing, Jonas |
Performance studies for ATLAS workloads in many-core Grid and HPC environments |
by Sciacca, Gianfranco |
Using the ATLAS experiment software on heterogeneous resources |
by Elmsheuser, Johannes |
Evolution of the ATLAS event data model for the HL-LHC |
by Snyder, Scott |
Recent Advances in the GAN-based Fast Calorimeter Simulation of the ATLAS Experiment |
by Corchia, Federico Andrea |
Integration of the ACTS track reconstruction toolkit in the ATLAS software for HL-LHC operations |
by Varni, Carlo |
Parameter Estimation in ATLAS with Neural Simulation-Based Inference |
by Ghosh, Aishik |
Towards Machine-Learning Particle Flow with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC |
by Clissa, Luca |
Carbon, Power, and Sustainability in ATLAS Computing |
by Marshall, Zach |
Integration of the Goettingen HPC cluster Emmy to the WLCG Tier-2 centre GoeGrid and performance tests |
by Polisetty, Uday Saidev |
High Performance Graph Segmentation for ATLAS GNN Track Reconstruction |
by Murnane, Daniel Thomas |
ATLAS software tools to handle ROOT RNTuple |
by Mete, Alaettin Serhan |
Improving Computational Performance of ATLAS GNN Track Reconstruction Pipeline |
by Lazar, Alina |
Adoption of ROOT RNTuple for the next main event data storage technology in the ATLAS production framework Athena |
by Nowak, Marcin |
A modular approach to software in ATLAS: Microservices framework and configuration database for ATLAS ITk |
by Schmeing, Jonas |
Performance of the ATLAS GNN4ITk Particle Track Reconstruction GPU pipeline |
by Poreba, Aleksandra |
Optimization of ATLAS computing resource usage through a modern HEP Benchmark Suite via HammerCloud and PanDA |
by Szczepanek, Natalia Diana |
The First Release of ATLAS Open Data for Research |
by Marshall, Zach |
ATLAS Qualification Interface Refactoring Strategy |
by Loureiro Cruz, Ana Clara |