CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 27th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics
Related conference title(s) CHEP 2024
Date(s), location 19 - 25 Oct 2024, Kraków, Pl
Imprint 2024
Subject category Computing and Computers

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Carbon, Power, and Sustainability in ATLAS Computing
by Marshall, Zach
The First Release of ATLAS Open Data for Research
by Marshall, Zach
Building a Columnar Analysis Demonstrator for ATLAS PHYSLITE Open Data using the Python Ecosystem
by Feickert, Matthew
QDIPS: Deep Sets Network for FPGA investigated for high speed inference on ATLAS
by Antel, Claire
AthXRT: Centralized FPGA Management for Accelerated Algorithms in Athena
by Berthet, Quentin
Advancements in the in-file metadata system for the ATLAS experiment
by Szymanski, Maciej Pawel
The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Software Tools for Data Quality Monitoring
by Suchy, Daniel
An implementation of Neural Simulation-Based Inference for Parameter Estimation in ATLAS
The ATLAS Trigger System
by Merlassino, Claudia
Computational Performance of the ATLAS ITk GNN Track Reconstruction Pipeline
Using the ATLAS experiment software on heterogeneous resources
by Elmsheuser, Johannes
The git based ATLAS data acquisition configuration service in LHC Run 3
by Soloviev, Igor
Geometry Simplification Methods for Virtual Reality Applications
by Jones, Roger
AtlFast3: Fast Simulation in ATLAS for LHC Run 3 and beyond
by Corchia, Federico Andrea
Optimizing the database architecture for metadata in preparation for ATLAS Run 4
by Odier, Jerome
Development of an FPGA based track reconstruction pipeline for the ATLAS Event Filter
by Abidi, Haider
Data Placement Optimization for ATLAS in a Multi-Tiered Storage System within a Data Center
by Huang, Qiulan
The roles of the SCAB Nominations and Activities systems in the ATLAS-CERN speakers selection
by Niklaus Moreira Da Rocha Rodrigues, Carolina
Towards an experiment-independent toolkit for fast calorimeter simulation
by Beirer, Joshua Falco
Leveraging the Run 3 experience for the evolution of the ATLAS software-based readout towards HL-LHC
by Kolos, Serguei
Evolution of the ATLAS TDAQ online software framework towards Phase-II upgrade: use of Kubernetes as an orchestrator of the ATLAS Event Filter computing farm
by Corso Radu, Alina
Enhancements and resource optimisations for ATLAS use of HammerCloud
by Lory, Alexander
Online track reconstruction with graph neural networks on FPGAs for the ATLAS experiment
by Dittmeier, Sebastian
Future of Scheduling in Athena
by Stanislaus, Beojan
Updates of the ATLAS High-Level Trigger in Run 3
by Przygoda, Witold Wojciech
Containerization in the ATLAS Offline Code Management System
by Undrus, Alexander
The ATLAS Glance Qualification system’s refactoring strategy
by Niklaus Moreira Da Rocha Rodrigues, Carolina
Enhancing product management in the ATLAS Management Glance team
by Lemos Lucidi Pinhao, Gabriela
The roles of the SCAB Nominations and Activities systems in the ATLAS-CERN speakers selection
by Niklaus Moreira Da Rocha Rodrigues, Carolina
Advancements in the ATLAS Fast Chain for HL-LHC: Towards Efficient MC Production
by Tsai, Fang-Ying
New approaches for fast and efficient graph construction on CPU, GPU and heterogeneous architectures for the ATLAS event reconstruction
by Collard, Christophe
ATLAS analysis workflows using the EventIndex and the Event Picking Server for massive event picking and enhanced processing
by Barberis, Dario
Investigating Data Access Models for ATLAS: A Case Study with FABRIC Across Borders and ServiceX
by Vukotic, Ilija
ATLAS HL-LHC Demonstrators with Data Carousel: Data-on-Demand and Tape Smart Writing
by Borodin, Misha
The Glance project common infrastructure dependencies upgrade from the ATLAS Glance perspective
by Goes Afonso, Pedro Henrique
ATLAS usage of the Czech national HPC center: HyperQueue, cvmfsexec, and other news
by Svatos, Michal
ATLAS usage of the Czech national HPC center: HyperQueue, cvmfsexec, and other news
by Svatos, Michal
A simplified configuration for common algorithms for ATLAS analysis
by Lambert, Joseph Earl
Updating the software description of the ATLAS Detector
by Bianchi, Riccardo Maria
Towards an experiment-independent toolkit for fast calorimeter simulation
by Beirer, Joshua Falco
Open Data at ATLAS: Bringing TeV collisions to the World
by Guerrieri, Giovanni
Modernizing ATLAS PanDA for a sustainable multi-experiment future
by Maeno, Tadashi
A modular approach to software in ATLAS: Microservices framework and configuration database for ATLAS ITk
by Schmeing, Jonas
Performance studies for ATLAS workloads in many-core Grid and HPC environments
by Sciacca, Gianfranco
Using the ATLAS experiment software on heterogeneous resources
by Elmsheuser, Johannes
Evolution of the ATLAS event data model for the HL-LHC
by Snyder, Scott
Recent Advances in the GAN-based Fast Calorimeter Simulation of the ATLAS Experiment
by Corchia, Federico Andrea
Integration of the ACTS track reconstruction toolkit in the ATLAS software for HL-LHC operations
by Varni, Carlo
Parameter Estimation in ATLAS with Neural Simulation-Based Inference
by Ghosh, Aishik
Towards Machine-Learning Particle Flow with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC
by Clissa, Luca
Carbon, Power, and Sustainability in ATLAS Computing
by Marshall, Zach
Integration of the Goettingen HPC cluster Emmy to the WLCG Tier-2 centre GoeGrid and performance tests
by Polisetty, Uday Saidev
High Performance Graph Segmentation for ATLAS GNN Track Reconstruction
by Murnane, Daniel Thomas
ATLAS software tools to handle ROOT RNTuple
by Mete, Alaettin Serhan
Improving Computational Performance of ATLAS GNN Track Reconstruction Pipeline
by Lazar, Alina
Adoption of ROOT RNTuple for the next main event data storage technology in the ATLAS production framework Athena
by Nowak, Marcin
A modular approach to software in ATLAS: Microservices framework and configuration database for ATLAS ITk
by Schmeing, Jonas
Performance of the ATLAS GNN4ITk Particle Track Reconstruction GPU pipeline
by Poreba, Aleksandra
Optimization of ATLAS computing resource usage through a modern HEP Benchmark Suite via HammerCloud and PanDA
by Szczepanek, Natalia Diana
The First Release of ATLAS Open Data for Research
by Marshall, Zach
ATLAS Qualification Interface Refactoring Strategy
by Loureiro Cruz, Ana Clara

Show contributions in CDS

 Запись создана 2024-09-18, последняя модификация 2024-09-18

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