| A novel double-crystal experiment is being considered for installation in CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to measure precession properties of short-lived baryons such as the Λc+. The experiment utilises a first bent silicon crystal of 50 μrad to deflect halo particles away from the circulat- ing proton beam. Further downstream, a second crystal is installed, which produces a significantly greater bending angle of 7 mrad. While the former is well understood in simulations and measurements, the latter presents a new challenge for existing simulation tools. Using particle track- ing programs, SixTrack and the newly developed Xsuite, we simulate a single pass experiment to calculate the ex- pected channelling efficiency of these crystals. The results serve as a prediction for the performance of prototype crys- tals recently tested in CERN’s North Experimental Area at 180 GeV, and that are planned to be installed in the LHC in 2025 for use in the multi-TeV energy range. |