CERN Accelerating science

Title NC Modelling & measurement of non-linear effects
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Author(s) Buzio, Marco (speaker) (CERN)
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva
Publication 2023
Imprint 2023-11-28
Number of pages 2632
Series (CERN Accelerator School)
(CAS course on "Normal- and Superconducting Magnets", 19 November - 02 December 2023, St. Pölten, Austria)
Lecture note on 2023-11-28T12:00:00
Subject category CERN Accelerator School
Abstract This lecture concerns the techniques to measure and model mathematically non-linear effects in iron-dominated magnets, with the aim to control the magnetic field with a high precision, 100 ppm or better, as typically required in particle accelerators. The topics covered include a review of the physical phenomenology of magnetic saturation, hysteresis and eddy currents in material samples and accelerator magnets, as well of the most popular models to represent them; a discussion on the available instrumentation and measurement techniques; and a survey of open-loop and closed-loop (feedback-based) magnetic field control methods, with a critical comparison about their cost and effectiveness.
Copyright/License © 2023-2025 CERN
Submitted by [email protected]


 Record created 2024-08-19, last modified 2024-08-19

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