| Absence of failure data is a common challenge for datadriven predictive maintenance, particularly in the context of new or highly reliable systems. This is especially problematic for system level failure prediction of analog electronics since failure characteristics depend on the actual system layout and thus might change with system upgrades. To address this challenge, this work pursues a novel simulation-assisted failure analysis methodology enabling automated and comprehensive evaluation of system level failure effects and failure detectability. While results obtained from simulations are suitable for comparative studies, they are confined to the simulation environment. To overcome this limitation, failure simulations are combined with generative models to generate realistic representations of missing failure data. Preliminary results demonstrate the capability of conditional generative adversarial networks (cGANs) to generate operational data of healthy systems, which accurately reflects correlations present in the source dataset. The proposed approach, using simulations as an additional source for generative models, not only targets the scarcity of failure data for highly reliable electronic systems but also ensures the adaptability of predictive maintenance algorithms to accommodate future system modifications and upgrades. |