| This paper presents a combined analysis of muon neutrino and antineutrino charged-current cross sections at kinematics of relevance for the T2K, MINERvA and MicroBooNE experiments. We analyze the sum, difference and asymmetry of neutrino versus antineutrino cross sections in order to get a better understanding of the nuclear effects involved in these processes. Nuclear models based on the superscaling behavior and the relativistic mean field theory are applied, covering a wide range of kinematics, from hundreds of MeV to several GeV, and the relevant nuclear regimes, i.e., from quasileastic reactions to deep inelastic scattering processes. The NEUT neutrino-interaction event generator, used in neutrino oscillation experiments, is also applied to the analysis of the quasielastic channel via local Fermi gas and spectral function approaches. |