Hovedsiden > CMS Collection > CMS Preprints > Using graph neural networks to reconstruct charged pion showers in the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter |
Article | |
Report number | arXiv:2406.11937 |
Title | Using graph neural networks to reconstruct charged pion showers in the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter |
Author(s) |
Aamir, M. (Maryland U.) ; Acar, B. (Lebanese U.) ; Adamov, G. (Serpukhov, IHEP ; GTU, Tbilisi) ; Adams, T. (Florida State U., Tallahassee (main)) ; Adloff, C. (Taiwan, Natl. Central U.) ; Afanasiev, S. (Dubna, JINR ; Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Agrawal, C. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Agrawal, C. (IISER, Pune) ; Ahmad, A. (NCP, Islamabad) ; Ahmed, H.A. (NCP, Islamabad) ; Akbar, S. (NCP, Islamabad) ; Akchurin, N. (Texas Tech.) ; Akgul, B. (Yildiz Tech. U., Esenler) ; Akgun, B. (Bogazici U.) ; Akpinar, R.O. (Bogazici U.) ; Aktas, E. (Democritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.) ; Al Kadhim, A. (Florida State U., Tallahassee (main)) ; Alexakhin, V. (Dubna, JINR ; Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Alimena, J. (DESY) ; Alison, J. (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; Alpana, A. (IISER, Pune) ; Alshehri, W. (Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow ; IITP, Moscow) ; Alvarez Dominguez, P. (CERN) ; Alyari, M. (Fermilab) ; Amendola, C. (CERN) ; Amir, R.B. (NCP, Islamabad) ; Andersen, S.B. (CERN) ; Andreev, Y. (Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Antoszczuk, P.D. (CERN) ; Aras, U. (Bogazici U.) ; Ardila, L. (KIT, Karlsruhe, TTP) ; Aspell, P. (CERN) ; Avila, M. (Northern Illinois U.) ; Awad, I. (Lebanese U.) ; Aydilek, O. (Istanbul U.) ; Azimi, Z. (Cukurova U.) ; Aznar Pretel, A. (CERN) ; Bach, O.A. (DESY) ; Bainbridge, R. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Bakshi, A. (Fermilab) ; Bam, B. (Alabama U.) ; Banerjee, S. (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Barney, D. (CERN) ; Bayraktar, O. (Istanbul U.) ; Beaudette, F. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Beaujean, F. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Becheva, E. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Behera, P.K. (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; Belloni, A. (Maryland U.) ; Bergauer, T. (Vienna, OAW) ; Besancon, M. (IRFU, Saclay) ; Bessidskaia Bylund, O. (Rochester U.) ; Bhatt, L. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Bhattacharya, S. (Saha Inst.) ; Bhowmil, D. (Taiwan, Natl. Central U.) ; Blekman, F. (DESY) ; Blinov, P. (Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Bloch, P. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Bodek, A. (Rochester U.) ; Boger, A. (Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Bonnemaison, A. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Bouyjou, F. (IRFU, Saclay) ; Brennan, L. (UC, Santa Barbara) ; Brondolin, E. (CERN) ; Brusamolino, A. (KIT, Karlsruhe, TTP) ; Bubanja, I. (Montenegro U.) ; Buchot Perraguin, A. (Alabama U.) ; Bunin, P. (Alabama U.) ; Burazin Misura, A. (Split Tech. U.) ; Butler-nalin, A. (UC, Santa Barbara) ; Cakir, A. (Istanbul, Tech. U.) ; Callier, S. (Ec. Polytech., OMEGA) ; Campbell, S. (Alabama U.) ; Candemir, Y.B. (Bogazici U.) ; Canderan, K. (CERN) ; Cankocak, K. (Istanbul, Tech. U.) ; Cappati, A. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Caregari, S. (Taiwan, Natl. Central U.) ; Carron, S. (UC, Santa Barbara) ; Carty, C. (Texas Tech.) ; Cauchois, A. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Ceard, L. (IISER, Bhopal) ; Cerci, S. (Yildiz Tech. U., Esenler) ; Chang, P.J. (Taiwan, Natl. Central U.) ; Chatterjee, R.M. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Chatterjee, S. (Vienna, OAW) ; Chattopadhyay, P. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Chatzistavrou, T. (Natl. Tech. U., Athens) ; Chaudhary, M.S. (NCP, Islamabad) ; Chauhan, A. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Chen, J. (IISER, Bhopal) ; Chen, J. (Taiwan, Natl. Central U.) ; Chen, Y. (Maryland U.) ; Cheng, K. (Taiwan, Natl. Central U.) ; Cheung, H. (Fermilab) ; Chhikara, J. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Chiron, A. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Chiusi, M. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Chokheli, D. (Serpukhov, IHEP ; GTU, Tbilisi) ; Chudasama, R. (Alabama U.) ; Clement, E. (Bristol U.) ; Coco Mendez, S. (CERN) ; Coko, D. (Split Tech. U.) ; Coskun, K. (Istanbul, Tech. U.) ; Couderc, F. (IRFU, Saclay) ; Crossman, B. (Minnesota U.) ; Cui, Z. (Nanjing U.) ; Cuisset, T. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Cummings, G. (Fermilab) ; Curtis, E.M. (Imperial Coll., London) ; D'Alfonso, M. (MIT) ; Dhlerball, J. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Döhler-Ball, J. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Dadazhanova, O. (Kharkov, Single Crystals Res. Inst.) ; Damgov, J. (Texas Tech.) ; Das, I. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Das Gupta, S. (Saha Inst.) ; Dauncey, P. (Imperial Coll., London) ; David Tinoco Mendes, A. (CERN) ; Davies, G. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Davignon, O. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; de Barbaro, P. (Rochester U.) ; De La Taille, C. (Ec. Polytech., OMEGA) ; De Silva, M. (DESY) ; De Wit, A. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Debbins, P. (Iowa U.) ; Defranchis, M.M. (CERN) ; Delagnes, E. (IRFU, Saclay) ; Devouge, P. (IRFU, Saclay) ; Dewangan, C. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Di Guglielmo, G. (Fermilab) ; Diehl, L. (CERN) ; Dilsiz, K. (Iowa U.) ; Dincer, G.G. (Istanbul, Tech. U.) ; Dittmann, J. (Baylor U.) ; Dragicevic, M. (Vienna, OAW) ; Du, D. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Dubinchik, B. (Dubna, JINR ; Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Dugad, S. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Dulucq, F. (Ec. Polytech., OMEGA) ; Dumanoglu, I. (Cukurova U.) ; Duran, B. (Democritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.) ; Dutta, S. (Saha Inst.) ; Dutta, V. (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; Dychkant, A. (Northern Illinois U.) ; Dünser, M. (CERN) ; Edberg, T. (Maryland U.) ; Ehle, I.T. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; El Berni, A. (Ec. Polytech., OMEGA) ; Elias, F. (Malaya U.) ; Eno, S.C. (Maryland U.) ; Erdogan, E.N. (Yildiz Tech. U., Esenler) ; Erkmen, B. (Yildiz Tech. U., Esenler) ; Ershov, Y. (Dubna, JINR ; Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Ertorer, E.Y. (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; Extier, S. (Ec. Polytech., OMEGA) ; Eychenne, L. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Fedar, Y.E. (Yildiz Tech. U., Esenler) ; Fedi, G. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Figueiredo De Sá Sousa De Almeida, J.P. (CERN) ; Fontana Santos Santos Alves, B.A. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Frahm, E. (Minnesota U.) ; Francis, K. (Northern Illinois U.) ; Freeman, J. (Fermilab) ; French, T. (CERN) ; Gaede, F. (DESY) ; Gandhi, P.K. (Fermilab) ; Ganjour, S. (IRFU, Saclay) ; Garcia-Bellido, A. (Rochester U.) ; Gastaldi, F. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Gazi, L. (Saha Inst.) ; Gecse, Z. (Fermilab) ; Gerwig, H. (CERN) ; Gevin, O. (IRFU, Saclay) ; Ghosh, Saranya Samik (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Ghosh, Shamik (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Gill, K. (CERN) ; Gingu, C. (Fermilab) ; Gleyzer, S. (Alabama U.) ; Godinovic, N. (Split Tech. U.) ; Goek, M. (Bogazici U.) ; Goettlicher, P. (DESY) ; Goff, R. (Florida State U., Tallahassee (main)) ; Gok, M. (Bogazici U.) ; Golunov, A. (Dubna, JINR ; Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Gonultas, B. (Bogazici U.) ; González Martínez, J.D. (Ec. Polytech., OMEGA) ; Gorbounov, N. (Dubna, JINR ; Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Gouskos, L. (Brown U.) ; Gray, A. (CERN) ; Gray, L. (Fermilab) ; Grieco, C. (UC, Santa Barbara) ; Groenroos, S. (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; Groner, D. (CERN) ; Gruber, A. (CERN) ; Grummer, A. (Fermilab) ; Grönroos, S. (CERN) ; Guerrero, D. (Fermilab) ; Guilloux, F. (IRFU, Saclay) ; Guler, Y. (Cukurova U.) ; Gungordu, A.D. (Istanbul, Tech. U.) ; Guo, J. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Guo, K. (Northwestern U.) ; Gurpinar Guler, E. (Cukurova U.) ; Gutti, H.K. (Fermilab) ; Guvenli, A.A. (Yildiz Tech. U., Esenler) ; Gülmez, E. (Bogazici U.) ; Hacisahinoglu, B. (Istanbul U.) ; Halkin, Y. (Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Hamilton Ilha Machado, G. (Texas Tech.) ; Hare, H.S. (Rochester U.) ; Hatakeyama, K. (Baylor U.) ; Heering, A.H. (Notre Dame U.) ; Hegde, V. (Texas Tech.) ; Heintz, U. (Brown U.) ; Hinton, N. (Brown U.) ; Hinzmann, A. (DESY) ; Hirschauer, J. (Fermilab) ; Hitlin, D. (Caltech) ; Hoff, J. (Fermilab) ; Hos, İ. (Democritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.) ; Hou, B. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Hou, X. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Howard, A. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Howe, C. (Maryland U.) ; Hsieh, H. (IISER, Bhopal) ; Hsu, T. (IISER, Bhopal) ; Hua, H. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Hummer, F. (KIT, Karlsruhe, TTP) ; Imran, M. (NCP, Islamabad) ; Incandela, J. (UC, Santa Barbara) ; Iren, E. (Yildiz Tech. U., Esenler) ; Isildak, B. (Yildiz Tech. U., Esenler) ; Jackson, P.S. (Dundee U.) ; Jackson, W.J. (Minnesota U.) ; Jain, S. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Jana, P. (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; Jaroslavceva, J. (CERN) ; Jena, S. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Jige, A. (UC, Santa Barbara) ; Jordano, P.P. (UC, Santa Barbara) ; Joshi, U. (Fermilab) ; Kaadze, K. (Kansas State U.) ; Kachanov, V. (Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Kafizov, A. (Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow ; IITP, Moscow) ; Kalipoliti, L. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Kallil Tharayil, A. (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; Kaluzinska, O. (CERN) ; Kamble, S. (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; Kaminskiy, A. (Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Kanemura, M. (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; Kanso, H. (Lebanese U.) ; Kao, Y. (IISER, Bhopal) ; Kapic, A. (Montenegro U.) ; Kapsiak, C. (Minnesota U.) ; Karjavine, V. (Dubna, JINR ; Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Karmakar, S. (IISER, Bhopal) ; Karneyeu, A. (Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Kaya, M. (Bogazici U.) ; Kayis Topaksu, A. (Cukurova U.) ; Kaynak, B. (Democritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.) ; Kazhykarim, Y. (Texas Tech.) ; Khan, F.A. (Brussels U.) ; Khudiakov, A. (Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Kieseler, J. (KIT, Karlsruhe, TTP) ; Kim, R.S. (Florida State U., Tallahassee (main)) ; Klijnsma, T. (Fermilab) ; Kloiber, E.G. (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; Klute, M. (KIT, Karlsruhe, TTP) ; Kocak, Z. (CERN) ; Kodali, K.R. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Koetz, K. (Florida State U., Tallahassee (main)) ; Kolberg, T. (Florida State U., Tallahassee (main)) ; Kolcu, O.B. (Yildiz Tech. U., Esenler) ; Komaragiri, J.R. (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; Komm, M. (DESY) ; Kopsalis, I. (Vienna, OAW) ; Krause, H.A. (KIT, Karlsruhe, TTP) ; Krawczyk, M.A. (CERN) ; Krishnaswamy Vinayakam, T.R. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Kristiansen, K. (UC, Santa Barbara) ; Kristic, A. (Split Tech. U.) ; Krohn, M. (Minnesota U.) ; Kronheim, B. (Maryland U.) ; Krüger, K. (DESY) ; Kudtarkar, C. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Kulis, S. (CERN) ; Kumar, M. (IRFU, Saclay) ; Kumar, N. (IISER, Pune) ; Kumar, S. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Kumar Verma, R. (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; Kunori, S. (Texas Tech.) ; Kunts, A. (Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Kuo, C. (Taiwan, Natl. Central U.) ; Kurenkov, A. (Dubna, JINR ; Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Kuryatkov, V. (Texas Tech.) ; Kyre, S. (UC, Santa Barbara) ; Ladenson, J. (Brown U.) ; Lamichhane, K. (Texas Tech.) ; Landsberg, G. (Brown U.) ; Langford, J. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Laudrain, A. (DESY) ; Laughlin, R. (Florida State U., Tallahassee (main)) ; Lawhorn, J. (KIT, Karlsruhe, TTP) ; Le Dortz, O. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Lee, S.W. (Texas Tech.) ; Lektauers, A. (Latvia U., ISSP) ; Lelas, D. (Split Tech. U.) ; Leon, M. (CERN) ; Levchuk, L. (Kharkov, KIPT ; Kharkov Natl. U.) ; Li, A.J. (UC, Santa Barbara) ; Li, J. (DESY) ; Li, Y. (IISER, Bhopal) ; Liang, Z. (Tsinghua U., Beijing) ; Liao, H. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Lin, K. (DESY) ; Lin, W. (Taiwan, Natl. Central U.) ; Lin, Z. (Zhejiang U.) ; Lincoln, D. (Fermilab) ; Linssen, L. (CERN) ; Litomin, A. (Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Liu, G. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Liu, Y. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Lobanov, A. (Hamburg U.) ; Lohezic, V. (IRFU, Saclay) ; Loiseau, T. (CERN) ; Lu, C. (Zhejiang U.) ; Lu, R. (IISER, Bhopal) ; Lu, S.Y. (Taiwan, Natl. Central U.) ; Lukens, P. (Fermilab) ; Mackenzie, M. (Northwestern U.) ; Magnan, A. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Magniette, F. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Mahjoub, A. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Mahon, D. (Minnesota U.) ; Majumder, G. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Makarenko, V. (Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Malakhov, A. (Dubna, JINR ; Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Malgeri, L. (CERN) ; Mallios, S. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Mandloi, C. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Mankel, A. (Texas Tech.) ; Mannelli, M. (CERN) ; Mans, J. (Minnesota U.) ; Mantilla, C. (Fermilab) ; Martinez, G. (Florida State U., Tallahassee (main)) ; Massa, C. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Masterson, P. (UC, Santa Barbara) ; Matthewman, M. (CERN) ; Matveev, V. (Dubna, JINR ; Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Mayekar, S. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Mazlov, I. (Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Mehta, A. (CERN) ; Mestvirishvili, A. (Iowa U.) ; Miao, Y. (Northwestern U.) ; Milella, G. (DESY) ; Mirza, I.R. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Mitra, P. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Moccia, S. (CERN) ; Mohanty, G.B. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Monti, F. (CERN) ; Moortgat, F. (CERN) ; Murthy, S. (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; Music, J. (Split Tech. U.) ; Musienko, Y. (Notre Dame U.) ; Nabili, S. (Maryland U.) ; Nayak, S. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Nelson, J.W. (Bethel Coll.) ; Nema, A. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Neutelings, I. (CERN) ; Niedziela, J. (DESY) ; Nikitenko, A. (Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Noonan, D. (Fermilab) ; Noy, M. (CERN) ; Nurdan, K. (Bogazici U.) ; Obraztsov, S. (Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Ochando, C. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Ogul, H. (Iowa U.) ; Olsson, J. (Florida State U., Tallahassee (main)) ; Onel, Y. (Iowa U.) ; Ozkorucuklu, S. (Democritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.) ; Paganis, E. (IISER, Bhopal) ; Palit, P. (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; Pan, R. (Zhejiang U.) ; Pandey, S. (IISER, Pune) ; Pantaleo, F. (CERN) ; Papageorgakis, C. (Maryland U.) ; Paramesvaran, S. (Bristol U.) ; Paranjpe, M.M. (Maryland U.) ; Parolia, S. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Parsons, A.G. (Dundee U.) ; Parygin, P. (Rochester U.) ; Peñaló, K. ; Pastika, J. (Fermilab) ; Paulini, M. (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; Paus, C. (MIT) ; Peñaló Castillo, K. (Florida State U., Tallahassee (main)) ; Pedro, K. (Fermilab) ; Pekic, V. (Split Tech. U.) ; Peltola, T. (Texas Tech.) ; Peng, B. (Zhejiang U.) ; Perego, A. (Milan Bicocca U.) ; Perini, D. (CERN) ; Petrilli, A. (LIP, Lisbon) ; Pham, H. (Taiwan, Natl. Central U.) ; Podem, S.K. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Popov, V. (Kharkov, KIPT ; Kharkov Natl. U.) ; Portales, L. (IRFU, Saclay) ; Potok, O. (Democritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.) ; Pradeep, P.B. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Pramanik, R. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Prosper, H. (Florida State U., Tallahassee (main)) ; Prvan, M. (Split Tech. U.) ; Qasim, S.R. (CERN) ; Qu, H. (CERN) ; Quast, T. (CERN) ; Quiroga Trivio, A. (KIT, Karlsruhe, TTP) ; Rabour, L. (IRFU, Saclay) ; Raicevic, N. (Montenegro U.) ; Rajpoot, H. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Rao, M.A. (NCP, Islamabad) ; Rapacz, K. (CERN) ; Redjeb, W. (RWTH Aachen U.) ; Reinecke, M. (DESY) ; Revering, M. (Minnesota U.) ; Roberts, A. (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; Rohlf, J. (Boston U.) ; Rosado, P. (CERN) ; Rose, A. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Rothman, S. (MIT) ; Rout, P.K. (Taiwan, Natl. Central U.) ; Rovere, M. (CERN) ; Roy, A. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Rubinov, P. (Fermilab) ; Rumerio, P. (Alabama U.) ; Rusack, R. (Minnesota U.) ; Rygaard, L. (DESY) ; Ryjov, V. (CERN) ; Sadivnycha, S. (Kharkov, Single Crystals Res. Inst.) ; Sahin, M.Ö. (IRFU, Saclay) ; Sakarya, U. (Yildiz Tech. U., Esenler) ; Salerno, R. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Saradhy, R. (Minnesota U.) ; Saraf, M. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Sarbandi, K. (CERN) ; Sarkisla, M.A. (Bogazici U.) ; Satyshev, I. (Dubna, JINR ; Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Saud, N. (NCP, Islamabad) ; Sauvan, J. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Schindler, G. (Bethel Coll.) ; Schmidt, A. (RWTH Aachen U.) ; Schmidt, I. (Iowa U.) ; Schmitt, M.H. (Northwestern U.) ; Sculac, A. (Split Tech. U.) ; Sculac, T. (Split U.) ; Sedelnikov, A. (Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Seez, C. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Sefkow, F. (DESY) ; Selivanova, D. (DESY) ; Selvaggi, M. (CERN) ; Sergeychik, V. (Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Sert, H. (Democritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.) ; Shahid, M. (NCP, Islamabad) ; Sharma, P. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Sharma, R. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Sharma, S. (IISER, Pune) ; Shelake, M. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Shenai, A. (Fermilab) ; Shih, C.W. (Taiwan, Natl. Central U.) ; Shinde, R. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Shmygol, D. (Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Shukla, R. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Sicking, E. (CERN) ; Silva, P. (CERN) ; Simsek, C. (Istanbul U.) ; Simsek, E. (Yildiz Tech. U., Esenler) ; Sirasva, B.K. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Sirois, Y. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Song, S. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Song, Y. (Zhejiang U.) ; Soudais, G. (IRFU, Saclay) ; Sriram, S. (Maryland U.) ; St Jacques, R.R. (Kansas State U.) ; Stahl Leiton, A.G. (CERN) ; Steen, A. (CERN) ; Stein, J. (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; Strait, J. (Fermilab) ; Strobbe, N. (Minnesota U.) ; Su, X. (IISER, Bhopal) ; Sukhov, E. (Dubna, JINR ; Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Suleiman, A. (Bahrain U.) ; Sunar Cerci, D. (Yildiz Tech. U., Esenler) ; Suryadevara, P. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Swain, K. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Syal, C. (Fermilab) ; Tali, B. (Cukurova U.) ; Tanay, K. (IISER, Pune) ; Tang, W. (Taiwan, Natl. Central U.) ; Tanvir, A. (NCP, Islamabad) ; Tao, J. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Tarabini, A. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Tatli, T. (Bogazici U.) ; Taylor, R. (Kansas State U.) ; Taysi, Z.C. (Yildiz Tech. U., Esenler) ; Teafoe, G. (Fermilab) ; Tee, C.Z. (IISER, Bhopal) ; Terrill, W. (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; Thienpont, D. (Ec. Polytech., OMEGA) ; Thomas, P.E. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Thomas, R. (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; Titov, M. (IRFU, Saclay) ; Todd, C. (Dundee U.) ; Todd, E. (Florida State U., Tallahassee (main)) ; Toms, M. (KIT, Karlsruhe, TTP) ; Tosun, A. (Istanbul U.) ; Troska, J. (CERN) ; Tsai, L. (IISER, Bhopal) ; Tsamalaidze, Z. (Serpukhov, IHEP ; GTU, Tbilisi) ; Tsionou, D. (IISER, Bhopal) ; Tsipolitis, G. (Natl. Tech. U., Athens) ; Tsirigoti, M. (CERN) ; Tu, R. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Tural Polat, S.N. (Yildiz Tech. U., Esenler) ; Undleeb, S. (Texas Tech.) ; Usai, E. (Alabama U.) ; Uslan, E. (Cukurova U.) ; Ustinov, V. (Dubna, JINR ; Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Voytishin, N. (Dubna, JINR ; Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Uzunian, A. (Higher Sch. of Economics, Moscow) ; Vernazza, E. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Viahin, O. (Kharkov, Single Crystals Res. Inst.) ; Viazlo, O. (Florida State U., Tallahassee (main)) ; Vichoudis, P. (CERN) ; Vijay, A. (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; Virdee, T. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Voirin, E. (Fermilab) ; Vojinovic, M. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Vámi, T.Á. (UC, Santa Barbara) ; Wade, A. (Florida State U., Tallahassee (main)) ; Walter, D. (CERN) ; Wang, C. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Wang, F. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Wang, J. (Northwestern U.) ; Wang, K. (Zhejiang U.) ; Wang, X. (Fermilab) ; Wang, X. (Tsinghua U., Beijing) ; Wang, Y. (Tsinghua U., Beijing) ; Wang, Z. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Wanlin, E. (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Wayne, M. (Notre Dame U.) ; Wetzel, J. (Iowa U.) ; Whitbeck, A. (Fermilab) ; Wickwire, R. (Fermilab) ; Wilmot, D. (UC, Santa Barbara) ; Wilson, J. (Baylor U.) ; Wu, H. (IISER, Bhopal) ; Xiao, M. (Zhejiang U.) ; Yang, J. (UC, Santa Barbara) ; Yazici, B. (Bogazici U.) ; Ye, Y. (Zhejiang U.) ; Yerli, B. (Bogazici U.) ; Yetkin, T. (Yildiz Tech. U., Esenler) ; Yi, R. (Alabama U.) ; Yohay, R. (Florida State U., Tallahassee (main)) ; Yu, T. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Yuan, C. (Beijing, Inst. 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Publication | 2024-11-28 |
Imprint | 2024-06-17 |
Number of pages | 27 |
Note | Prepared for submission to JINST |
In: | JINST 19 (2024) P11025 |
DOI | 10.1088/1748-0221/19/11/P11025 |
Subject category | hep-ex ; Particle Physics - Experiment ; physics.ins-det ; Detectors and Experimental Techniques |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment | CERN LHC ; CMS |
Abstract | A novel method to reconstruct the energy of hadronic showers in the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL) is presented. The HGCAL is a sampling calorimeter with very fine transverse and longitudinal granularity. The active media are silicon sensors and scintillator tiles readout by SiPMs and the absorbers are a combination of lead and Cu/CuW in the electromagnetic section, and steel in the hadronic section. The shower reconstruction method is based on graph neural networks and it makes use of a dynamic reduction network architecture. It is shown that the algorithm is able to capture and mitigate the main effects that normally hinder the reconstruction of hadronic showers using classical reconstruction methods, by compensating for fluctuations in the multiplicity, energy, and spatial distributions of the shower's constituents. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated using test beam data collected in 2018 prototype of the CMS HGCAL accompanied by a section of the CALICE AHCAL prototype. The capability of the method to mitigate the impact of energy leakage from the calorimeter is also demonstrated. |
Copyright/License | preprint: (License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) publication: © 2024-2025 CERN (License: CC BY 4.0) |