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Report number arXiv:2405.03740 ; LISA-COSWG-24-02 ; CERN-TH-2024-085
Title Gravitational waves from cosmic strings in LISA: reconstruction pipeline and physics interpretation
Author(s) Blanco-Pillado, Jose J. (IKERBASQUE, Bilbao ; Basque U., Bilbao ; U. Basque Country, Leioa) ; Cui, Yanou (UC, Riverside) ; Kuroyanagi, Sachiko (Madrid, IFT ; Nagoya U.) ; Lewicki, Marek (Warsaw U.) ; Nardini, Germano (Stavanger U.) ; Pieroni, Mauro (CERN) ; Rybak, Ivan Yu. (Zaragoza U. ; Porto U., Astron. Dept.) ; Sousa, Lara (Porto U., Astron. Dept.) ; Wachter, Jeremy M. (Wentworth Inst. Tech.)
Collaboration LISA Cosmology Working Group Collaboration
Imprint 2024-05-06
Number of pages 61
Note 59 pages, 15 figures
Subject category hep-th ; Particle Physics - Theory ; gr-qc ; General Relativity and Cosmology ; astro-ph.CO ; Astrophysics and Astronomy
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment LISA
Abstract We initiate the LISA template databank for stochastic gravitational wave backgrounds sourced by cosmic strings. We include two templates, an analytical template, which enables more flexible searches, and a numerical template derived directly from large Nambu-Goto simulations of string networks. Using searches based on these templates, we forecast the parameter space within the reach of the experiment and the precision with which their parameters will be reconstructed, provided a signal is observed. The reconstruction permits probing the Hubble expansion and new relativistic DoF in the early universe. We quantify the impact that astrophysical foregrounds can have on these searches. Finally, we discuss the impact that these observations would have on our understanding of the fundamental models behind the string networks. Overall, we prove that LISA has great potential for probing cosmic string models and may reach tensions as low as $G\mu =10^{-16} - 10^{-17} $, which translates into energy scales of the order $10^{11} \text{GeV}$.
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 Record created 2024-06-11, last modified 2024-07-02

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