CERN Accelerating science

Title Modeling Results of the Quench Behavior of a Nb-Ti Canted-Cosine-Theta Corrector Magnet for LHC
Author(s) Bagni, T (Uppsala U.) ; Ahl, A (Scanditronix Instrument, Uppsala) ; Almström, M (Linnaeus U.) ; Canale, M (CERN) ; Dugic, I (Linnaeus U.) ; Emilsson, F (AMACC, Uppsala) ; Gentini, L (CERN) ; Haralanova, V (Linnaeus U.) ; Johansson, M (Unlisted, SE) ; Karlsson, G (Linnaeus U.) ; Kennborn, B (Scanditronix Instrument, Uppsala) ; Kirby, G (CERN) ; Kovacikova, J (Linnaeus U.) ; Lindström, J (AMACC, Uppsala) ; Pepitone, K (Uppsala U.) ; Pettersson, M (Uppsala U.) ; Olsson, A (Scanditronix Instrument, Uppsala) ; Ruber, R (Uppsala U.) ; Kern, Rocio Santiago (Uppsala U.) ; Svanberg, C (Uppsala U.) ; Olvegård, M (Uppsala U.)
Publication 2024
Number of pages 5
In: IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 34 (2024) 4001105
DOI 10.1109/TASC.2023.3346848
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC
Abstract A newly designed superconducting magnet of the Canted-Cosine-Theta (CCT) type was developed as a result of a collaboration between Swedish universities (Uppsala and Linneaus) and Swedish industries. This magnet was designed to function as a replacement of the present LHC orbit corrector magnets, which are approaching their end of life due to the radiation load. As a result, the new CCT magnet was developed to be more radiation tolerant and to constitute a one-to-one replacement to the currently installed version, which is a 1 m long 70 mm double aperture dipole magnet. The final magnet, which is currently under construction, will be tested at FREIA laboratory at Uppsala University and generate a magnetic field of 3.3 T and an integrated field of 2.8 Tm at about 85 A. To examine the magnet quench behavior and to identify a suitable quench protection system, the 3D electro-magnetic and thermal behavior of the coil was modeled using the RAT-Raccoon software. Based on the simulation results, a Metrosil varistor was selected to protect the magnet during the test. In this article, we report the results of the numerical analysis. The magnet model is equipped with a spot heater to initialize the quench and the temperature and voltages are monitored during the avalanche effect. The simulated current decay and the hot-spot temperature are analyzed with a focus on the impact of quench-back on the magnet protection.
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 Record created 2024-03-20, last modified 2025-02-24