| This paper reports on an experimental investigation on a very large, bolted beam-to-column steel joint that will be extensively used in a new experimental facility for the study of neutrinos (DUNE experiment), hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermilab. The dimensions of the members (HL 1100 in S460 steel) are uncommonly large at an experimental level and, consequently, the gathered experimental data is of utmost importance for the validation of the component method for large-size steel joints. The steel joint is subjected to static monotonic loading. Relevant instrumentation was used to monitor and assess the moment–rotation characteristics, experimental stiffness, and moment resistance. The experimental results are presented and analysed. Comparisons with design predictions according to EN 1993-1-8 and state-of-the-art FEA, show an excellent agreement, validating the application of the component method for very large |