CERN Accelerating science

Scientific Committee Paper
Report number CERN-SPSC-2024-004 ; SPSC-M-796
Title Addendum to the Letter of Intent CERN-SPSC-2023-021 ; SPSC-I-260
Project Manager/Technical Coordinator Sgalaberna, Davide

Botao, L (ETH Zurich) ; Dieminger, T (ETH Zurich) ; Franks, M (ETH Zurich) ; Gendotti, A (ETH Zurich) ; Kose, U (ETH Zurich) ; Rubbia, A (ETH Zurich) ; Sgalaberna, D (ETH Zurich) ; Viant, T (ETH Zurich) ; Zhao, X (ETH Zurich) ; Wuthrich, J (ETH Zurich) ; Bronner, C (ICRR Tokyo) ; Hayato, Y (ICRR Tokyo) ; Hiraide, K (ICRR Tokyo) ; Ieki, K (ICRR Tokyo) ; Kataoka, Y (ICRR Tokyo) ; Noguchi, Y (ICRR Tokyo) ; Shiozawa, M (ICRR Tokyo) ; Takemoto, Y (ICRR Tokyo) ; Radicioni, E (INFN Bari) ; Cafagna, F (INFN Bari) ; Boiano, A (INFN and U. Napoli) ; De Rosa, G (INFN and U. Napoli) ; Di Nitto, A (INFN and U. Napoli) ; Langella, A (INFN and U. Napoli) ; Lavitola, L (INFN and U. Napoli) ; Ricciardi, G (INFN and U. Napoli) ; Tortone, G (INFN and U. Napoli) ; Bortolato, G (INFN and U. Padova) ; Collazuol, G (INFN and U. Padova) ; D'Ago, D (INFN and U. Padova) ; Feltre, M (INFN and U. Padova) ; Levorato, S (INFN and U. Padova) ; Longhin, A (INFN and U. Padova) ; Mattiazzi, M (INFN and U. Padova) ; Pari, M (INFN and U. Padova) ; Pupilli, F (INFN and U. Padova) ; Lamanna, G (INFN and U. Pisa) ; Morescalchi, L (INFN and U. Pisa) ; Pinzino, J (INFN and U. Pisa) ; Sozzi, M (INFN and U. Pisa) ; Ameli, F (INFN and U. Roma) ; Ludovici, L (INFN and U. Roma) ; Rescigno, M (INFN and U. Roma) ; Bolognesi, S (IRFU CEA Saclay) ; Calvet, D (IRFU CEA Saclay) ; Daret, T (IRFU CEA Saclay) ; Emery, S (IRFU CEA Saclay) ; Gonzalez, E M (IRFU CEA Saclay) ; Hassani, S (IRFU CEA Saclay) ; Joshi, S (IRFU CEA Saclay) ; Vasseur, G (IRFU CEA Saclay) ; Zietara, K (Jagiellonian University, Krakow) ; Di Lodovico, F (King's College London) ; Hayashida, S (King's College London) ; Hayrapetyan, K (King's College London) ; Migenda, J (King's College London) ; Dumarchez, J (LPNHE and Sorbonne U. Paris) ; Diaz Lopez, G (LPNHE and Sorbonne U. Paris) ; Giganti, C (LPNHE and Sorbonne U. Paris) ; Guigue, M (LPNHE and Sorbonne U. Paris) ; Popov, B (LPNHE and Sorbonne U. Paris) ; Russo, S (LPNHE and Sorbonne U. Paris) ; Saenz-Arevalo, W (LPNHE and Sorbonne U. Paris) ; Zito, M (LPNHE and Sorbonne U. Paris) ; Bernardi, L (LLR and Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau) ; Drapier, O (LLR and Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau) ; Buizza-Avanzini, M (LLR and Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau) ; Magniette, F (LLR and Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau) ; Mueller, T (LLR and Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau) ; Paganini, P (LLR and Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau) ; Quilain, B (LLR and Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau) ; Dealtry, T (Lancaster U.) ; Kormos, L (Lancaster U.) ; O'Keeffe, H M (Lancaster U.) ; Suchenek, M (CAMK Warsaw) ; Ziembicki, M (CAMK Warsaw) ; Bozza, C (U. and INFN Gruppo Collegato Salerno) ; Fusco, L (U. and INFN Gruppo Collegato Salerno) ; Ballester Merelo, F (UP Valencia) ; Esteve Bosch, R (UP Valencia) ; Gomez Gambin, A (UP Valencia) ; Herrero Bosch, V (UP Valencia) ; Mora Mas, F J (UP Valencia) ; Toledo Alarcon, J F (UP Valencia) ; Sanchez, F (U. Geneva) ; Lam, V G C (U. Glasgow) ; Litchfield, R P (U. Glasgow) ; Machado, L N (U. Glasgow) ; Mikola, V (U. Glasgow) ; Naik, S (U. Glasgow) ; Riley, D (U. Glasgow) ; Soler, F J P (U. Glasgow) ; Bubak, A (U. Silesia, Katowice) ; Holeczek, J (U. Silesia, Katowice) ; Kisiel, J (U. Silesia, Katowice) ; Yokoyama, M (U. Tokyo) ; O'Flaherty, M (U. Warwick) ; Richards, B (U. Warwick) ; Buchowicz, A (WUT, Warsaw) ; Dygnarowicz, K (WUT, Warsaw) ; Galinski, G (WUT, Warsaw) ; Kurjata, R (WUT, Warsaw) ; Marzec, J (WUT, Warsaw) ; Obrebski, W (WUT, Warsaw) ; Pastuszak, G (WUT, Warsaw) ; Rychter, A (WUT, Warsaw) ; Zaremba, K (WUT, Warsaw) ; Ioannisian, A (Yerevan Physics Institute)

Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva. SPS and PS Experiments Committee ; SPSC
Series (Memorandum)
Submitted by [email protected] on 29 Jan 2024
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; HYPER-KAMIOKANDE ; NP08
Abstract In August 2023 the Letter of Intent titled ``The Hyper-K Underwater Electronics Assembly project'' (CERN-SPSC-2023-021, SPSC-I-260) was submitted. The Hyper-K long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment in Japan will start its operation in 2027 with the goals of measuring the leptonic CP phase, with a resolution better than $20^{\circ}$ and with a $5\sigma$ sensitivity to the discovery of CP violation. It will also determine the neutrino mass ordering by combining accelerator and atmospheric neutrino data. Hyper-K has entered the mass production phase of the water-cherenkov far detector, that will be equipped with about 900 photomultipliers (PMT). Hence, Hyper-K is currently organizing the assembly of the 900 front-end electronics underwater units that will digitise the PMT analogue signal and send it to the on-surface DAQ system. In the Letter of Intent, the project consisting of the assembly, test and calibration and shipment to the experimental site in Japan of the 900 underwater units was proposed to be done at CERN. Such project is a common effort led by the European institutes involved in Hyper-K, that would have easy access to the facilities at CERN. Starting in 2025, the project duration will be about 1.5 years. The Letter of Intent was fully supported by the Neutrino Platform. In this addendum, we provide additional details about the space for the storage, the assembly and the shipment of the 900 underwater units. The space satisfying the project requirements has been identified and agreed with the management of the Neutrino Platform. Additional information is given about the technical personnel required for the project and fully funded by the Hyper-K collaboration, as well as the service requested to the CERN EN-NP (Neutrino Platform), the CERN SCE-SSC-LS (Logistics), the CERN EN-HE-HH (Heavy Handling), the CERN EN-EL (Electrical Engineering) and the CERN HSE (Safety). The requests have been discussed and clarified with the Neutrino Platform.

Email contact(s) : [email protected] ; [email protected]


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