| The computing facilities used to process data for the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN are scattered around the world. The embarrassingly parallel workload allows for use of various computing resources, such as Grid sites of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid, commercial and institutional cloud resources, as well as individual home PCs in "volunteer clouds". Unlike data, the experiment software cannot be easily split into small work units. Efficient delivery of the complex and frequently changing experiment software is a crucial step to harness heterogeneous resources. Here we present an approach to deliver software on demand using a scalable hierarchy of standard HTTP caches. We show how to tackle this problem by pre-processing software into content-addressable storage. On the worker nodes, we use a specially crafted file system that ensures data integrity and provides fault-tolerance. We show performance figures from large-scale deployment. For the most common case of computing clusters with 10 to 1000 worker nodes, we present a novel state dissemination protocol to support a fully decentralized and distributed memory cache. |