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Report number arXiv:2303.17254
Title Hot QCD White Paper
Author(s) Arslandok, M. (Yale U.) ; Bass, S.A. (Duke U.) ; Baty, A.A. (Rice U.) ; Bautista, I. (Puebla U., Inst. Fis.) ; Beattie, C. (Yale U.) ; Becattini, F. (Florence U.) ; Bellwied, R. (Houston U.) ; Berdnikov, Y. (St. Petersburg Polytechnic Inst.) ; Berdnikov, A. (St. Petersburg Polytechnic Inst.) ; Bielcik, J. (Prague, Tech. U.) ; Blair, J.T. (Texas U.) ; Bock, F. (Oak Ridge) ; Boimska, B. (NCBJ, Warsaw) ; Bossi, H. (Yale U.) ; Caines, H. (Yale U.) ; Chen, Y. (MIT) ; Chien, Y.-T. (Georgia State U.) ; Chiu, M. (Brookhaven) ; Connors, M.E. (Georgia State U.) ; Csanád, M. (Eotvos U.) ; da Silva, C.L. (Los Alamos) ; Dash, A.P. (Cal State, L.A.) ; David, G. (SUNY, Stony Brook ; Brookhaven) ; Dehmelt, K. (SUNY, Stony Brook) ; Dexheimer, V. (Kent State U.) ; Dong, X. (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Drees, A. (SUNY, Stony Brook) ; Du, L. (McGill U.) ; Durham, J.M. (Los Alamos) ; Ehlers, R.J. (LBNL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Elfner, H. (Darmstadt, GSI ; Frankfurt U. ; Frankfurt U., FIAS) ; Evdokimov, O. (Chicago U.) ; Finger, M. (Charles U.) ; Finger, M., Jr. (Charles U.) ; Frantz, J. (Ohio U.) ; Frawley, A.D. (Yerevan Phys. Inst. ; Florida State U.) ; Gale, C. (McGill U.) ; Geurts, F. (Rice U.) ; Gonzalez, V. (Wayne State U.) ; Grau, N. (South Dakota U.) ; Greene, S.V. (Vanderbilt U.) ; Grossberndt, S.K. (City Coll., N.Y.) ; Hachiya, T. (Nara Women's U.) ; He, X. (Georgia State U.) ; Heinz, U. (Ohio State U.) ; Hong, B. (Korea U.) ; Humanic, T.J. (Ohio State U.) ; Ivanishchev, D. (St. Petersburg, INP) ; Jacak, B.V. (UC, Berkeley ; LBNL, Berkeley) ; Jahan, J. (Houston U.) ; Jeon, S. (McGill U.) ; Jheng, H.R. (MIT) ; Jia, J. (SUNY, Stony Brook) ; Judd, E.G. (UC, Berkeley) ; Kapusta, J.I. (Minnesota U.) ; Karpenko, I. (Prague, Tech. U.) ; Khachatryan, V. (Indiana U.) ; Kharzeev, D.E. (SUNY, Stony Brook ; Brookhaven) ; Kim, M. (UC, Berkeley) ; Kimelman, B. (Vanderbilt U.) ; Klay, J.L. (Cal. Poly.) ; Klein, S.R. (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Knospe, A.G. (Lehigh U.) ; Koch, V. (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Kotov, D. (St. Petersburg Polytechnic Inst. ; St. Petersburg, INP) ; Krintiras, G.K. (Kansas U.) ; Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, R. (Vanderbilt U.) ; Kuo, C.M. (Taiwan, Natl. Central U.) ; Lajoie, J.G. (Iowa State U. ; Ames Lab) ; Lee, Y.-J. (MIT) ; Li, W. (Rice U.) ; Liao, J. (Indiana U.) ; Likmeta, I. (Houston U.) ; Lim, S.H. (Pusan Natl. U.) ; Liu, M.X. (Los Alamos) ; Loizides, C. (Oak Ridge) ; Longo, R. (Illinois U., Urbana) ; Luo, X. (Hua-Zhong Normal U.) ; Luzum, M. (Sao Paulo U.) ; Ma, R. (Brookhaven) ; Majumder, A. (Wayne State U.) ; Mak, S. (Duke U.) ; Markert, C. (Texas U.) ; Mehtar-Tani, Y. (Brookhaven) ; Mignerey, A.C. (Maryland U., College Park) ; Minafra, N. (Kansas U.) ; Morrison, D.P. (Brookhaven) ; Mueller, B. (Duke U.) ; Nagle, J.L. (Colorado U.) ; Narde, A. (Illinois U., Urbana) ; Nattrass, C.E. (Tennessee U.) ; Niida, T. (Tsukuba U.) ; Noronha, J. (Illinois U., Urbana) ; Noronha-Hostler, J. (Illinois U., Urbana) ; Nouicer, R. (Brookhaven) ; Novitzky, N. (Oak Ridge) ; O'Brien, E. (Brookhaven) ; Odyniec, G. (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Okorokov, V.A. (Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst.) ; Osborn, J.D. (Brookhaven) ; Paquet, J.-F. (Vanderbilt U.) ; Park, S. (Mississippi State U.) ; Parotto, P. (Penn State U.) ; Perepelitsa, D.V. (Colorado U.) ; Petreczky, P. (Brookhaven) ; Pinkenburg, C. (Brookhaven) ; Praszalowicz, M. (Jagiellonian U. (main)) ; Pruneau, C. (Wayne State U.) ; Putschke, J. (Wayne State U.) ; Ramasubramanian, N.V. (U. Paris-Saclay ; SUNY, Stony Brook) ; Rapp, R. (Texas A-M) ; Ratti, C. (Houston U.) ; Read, K.F. (Oak Ridge ; Tennessee U.) ; Rebello Teles, P. (Rio de Janeiro, CBPF) ; Reed, R. (Lehigh U.) ; Rinn, T. (Brookhaven) ; Roland, G. (MIT) ; Rosati, M. (Iowa State U. ; Ames Lab) ; Royon, C. (Kansas U.) ; Ruan, L. (Brookhaven) ; Sakaguchi, T. (Brookhaven) ; Salur, S. (Rutgers U., Piscataway) ; Sarsour, M. (Georgia State U.) ; Menon, A.S. (Houston U.) ; Schenke, B. (Brookhaven) ; Schmidt, N.V. (Oak Ridge) ; Schmier, A. (Tennessee U.) ; Schäfer, T. (North Carolina State U.) ; Seger, J. (Creighton U.) ; Seto, R. (UC, Riverside (main)) ; Sheibani, Oveis (Houston U.) ; Shen, C. (Wayne State U.) ; Shi, Z. (Los Alamos) ; Shulga, E. (SUNY, Stony Brook) ; Sickles, A.M. (Illinois U., Urbana) ; Singh, M. (Minnesota U.) ; Singh, B.K. (Banaras Hindu U.) ; Smirnov, N. (Yale U.) ; Smith, K.L. (Los Alamos) ; Song, H. (Peking U.) ; Soudi, I. (Wayne State U.) ; Leiton, A.G. Stahl (CERN) ; Steinberg, P. (Brookhaven) ; Stephanov, M. (Chicago U.) ; Strickland, M. (Kent State U.) ; Sumbera, M. (Rez, Nucl. Phys. Inst. ; Prague, Tech. U.) ; Sunar Cerci, D. (Adiyaman U.) ; Tachibana, Y. (Akita Intl. U.) ; Tang, A.H. (Brookhaven) ; Tapia Takaki, D. (Kansas U.) ; Teaney, D. (SUNY, Stony Brook) ; Thomas, D. (Texas U.) ; Timmins, A.R. (Houston U.) ; Tribedy, P. (Brookhaven) ; Tu, Z. (Brookhaven) ; Tuo, S. (Vanderbilt U.) ; Rueda, O.V. (Houston U.) ; Velkovska, J. (Vanderbilt U.) ; Venugopalan, R. (Brookhaven) ; Videbæk, F. (Brookhaven) ; Voloshin, S.A. (Wayne State U.) ; Vovchenko, V. (Houston U.) ; Vujanovic, G. (Regina U.) ; Wang, X. (Illinois U., Urbana) ; Wang, F. (Purdue U.) ; Wang, X.-N. (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Weyhmiller, S. (Yale U.) ; Xie, W. (Purdue U.) ; Xu, N. (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Yang, Y. (Taiwan, Natl. Cheng Kung U.) ; Yao, X. (Washington U., Seattle) ; Ye, Z. (Rice U.) ; Yee, H.-U. (Chicago U.) ; Zajc, W.A. (Columbia U.)
Imprint 2023-03-30
Number of pages 190
Note 190 pages, 69 figures
Subject category nucl-th ; Nuclear Physics - Theory ; hep-ph ; Particle Physics - Phenomenology ; hep-ex ; Particle Physics - Experiment ; nucl-ex ; Nuclear Physics - Experiment
Abstract Hot QCD physics studies the nuclear strong force under extreme temperature and densities. Experimentally these conditions are achieved via high-energy collisions of heavy ions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In the past decade, a unique and substantial suite of data was collected at RHIC and the LHC, probing hydrodynamics at the nucleon scale, the temperature dependence of the transport properties of quark-gluon plasma, the phase diagram of nuclear matter, the interaction of quarks and gluons at different scales and much more. This document, as part of the 2023 nuclear science long range planning process, was written to review the progress in hot QCD since the 2015 Long Range Plan for Nuclear Science, as well as highlight the realization of previous recommendations, and present opportunities for the next decade, building on the accomplishments and investments made in theoretical developments and the construction of new detectors. Furthermore, this document provides additional context to support the recommendations voted on at the Joint Hot and Cold QCD Town Hall Meeting, which are reported in a separate document.
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 Záznam vytvorený 2023-04-25, zmenený 2024-11-15

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