CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-64-01
Conference title International Conference on Hyperfragments
Related conference title(s) Hyperfragments
Date(s), location 28 - 30 Mar 1963, St. Cergue, Switzerland
Editor(s) Lock, William Owen (ed.)
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva
Imprint Geneva : CERN, 1964 - 231 p.
Series (CERN Yellow Reports: Conference Proceedings)
DOI e-proceedings: 10.5170/CERN-1964-001
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Copyright/License CC-BY-3.0

Corresponding record in: Inspire
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

The interactions of free hyperons (p. 1)
by Stannard, F R
Identification methods for hyperfragments (p. 7)
by Ammar, R G
Hypernuclei (p. 17)
by Levi-Setti, R
Non-mesonic decay modes (p. 53)
by Sacton, J
Hyperfragment studies in the helium bubble chamber (p. 63)
by Block, M M
A method for determining the spin and parity of the Y$^{*}_{1}$ (p. 75)
by Block, M M
Lifetime measurements of $\Lambda^{H^{3}}$ and $\Lambda^{H^{4}}$ (p. 85)
by Fortney, L
Hyperfragment production (p. 89)
by Zakrzewski, J
Heavy hyperfragments (p. 113)
by Davis, D H
A double hyperfragment event (p. 117)
by Pniewski, J
Emission of light fragments from the disintegration of heavy nuclei in photographic emulsion caused by high-energy particles; first comparison with hyperfragment emission (p. 123)
by Cüer, P
Production of fragments with charge number Z = 4 - 9 in the interactions of protons with heavy nuclei (p. 131)
by Lozhkin, O V
The strong and weak interactions of bound $\Lambda$ particles (p. 147)
by Dalitz, R H
The nuclear well-depth for $\Lambda$ particles (p. 173)
by Downs, B W
Meson theory of hyperon-nucleon forces (p. 191)
by De Swart, J J
The outlook in hypernuclear physics (p. 201)
by Dalitz, R H
After-dinner talk (p. 215)
by Powell, C F

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 Запись создана 1995-07-19, последняя модификация 2021-07-30

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