CERN Accelerating science

Photolab / Photolab / History of CERN CERN-PHOTO-202301-019

Completion ceremony of the HL-LHC civil engineering works at Point 1 and Point 5

Date: 20-01-2023

A ceremony was held to mark the success of this important milestone for the HL-LHC project. An integrated event involving HL-LHC Point 1 and HL-LHC Point 5 was organised to bring all CERN stakeholders to both sites for different parts of the ceremony. The first part of the celebration took place in the SD building at Point 5, and the second in the SD building at Point 1.

Photograph: Cavazza, Marina
Keywords: Accelerators; LHC; HL-LHC; High Luminosity; Civil Engineering; Ceremony; History of CERN

Note: General Photo
