| The CERN SPS Low Level RF: The Beam-Control |
| Spierer, Arthur (CERN) ; Baudrenghien, Philippe (CERN) ; Egli, Julien (CERN) ; Hagmann, Gregoire (CERN) ; Kuzmanović, Predrag (CERN) ; Stachon, Ireneusz (CERN) ; Sumiński, Maciej (CERN) ; Włostowski, Tomasz (CERN) |
| 2022 |
Number of pages
| 4 |
| JACoW IPAC 2022 (2022) 895-898 |
| 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2022), Bangkok, Thailand, 12 - 17 Jun 2022, pp.895-898 |
| 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2022-TUPOST021
Subject category
| Accelerators and Storage Rings |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment
| The Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) Low Level RF (LLRF) has been completely upgraded during the CERN long shutdown (LS2, 2019-2020). The old NIM and VME based, mainly analog system has been replaced with modern digital electronics implemented on a MicroTCA platform. The architecture has also been reviewed, with synchronization between RF stations now resting on the White Rabbit (WR) deterministic link. This paper is the first of a series of three on the SPS LLRF upgrade. It covers the Beam-Control part, that is responsible for the generation of the RF reference frequency from a measurement of the magnetic field, and beam phase and radial position. It broadcasts this frequency word to the RF stations, via a White Rabbit network. The paper presents the architecture, gives details on the signal processing, firmware, hardware and software. Finally, results from the first year of beam commissioning are presented (2021). |
| CC-BY-3.0 |