CERN Accelerating science

Report number arXiv:2207.01815
Title Results from the EPICAL-2 ultra-high granularity electromagnetic calorimeter prototype
Related titleResults from the EPICAL-2 Ultra-High Granularity Electromagnetic Calorimeter Prototype
Author(s) Peitzmann, T. (Utrecht U. ; Nikhef, Amsterdam) ; Alme, J. (Bergen U.) ; Barthel, R. (Utrecht U. ; Nikhef, Amsterdam) ; van Bochove, A. (Utrecht U. ; Nikhef, Amsterdam) ; Borshchov, V. (Kharkov, KIPT ; BITP, Kiev) ; Bosley, R. (Birmingham U.) ; Brink, A. van den (Utrecht U. ; Nikhef, Amsterdam) ; Broeils, E. (Utrecht U. ; Nikhef, Amsterdam) ; Büsching, H. (Frankfurt U., Inst. Kernphys.) ; Eikeland, V.N. (Bergen U.) ; Groettvik, O.S. (Bergen U.) ; Han, Y.H. (Yonsei U.) ; van der Kolk, N. (Utrecht U. ; Nikhef, Amsterdam ; NIKHEF, Amsterdam) ; Kim, J.H. (Yonsei U.) ; Kim, T.J. (Yonsei U.) ; Kwon, Y. (Yonsei U.) ; Mager, M. (CERN) ; Malik, Q.W. (Oslo U.) ; Okkinga, E. (Utrecht U. ; Nikhef, Amsterdam) ; Park, T.Y. (Yonsei U.) ; Pliquett, F. (Frankfurt U., Inst. Kernphys.) ; Protsenko, M. (Kharkov, KIPT ; BITP, Kiev) ; Reidt, F. (CERN) ; van Rijk, S. (Utrecht U. ; Nikhef, Amsterdam) ; Røed, K. (Oslo U.) ; Rogoschinski, T.S. (Frankfurt U., Inst. Kernphys.) ; Röhrich, D. (Bergen U.) ; Rossewij, M.J. (Utrecht U. ; Nikhef, Amsterdam) ; Ruis, G.B. (Utrecht U. ; Nikhef, Amsterdam) ; Solheim, E.H. (Bergen U. ; Oslo U.) ; Tymchuk, I. (Kharkov, KIPT ; BITP, Kiev) ; Ullaland, K. (Bergen U.) ; Watson, N.K. (Birmingham U.) ; Yokoyama, H. (Utrecht U. ; Nikhef, Amsterdam ; NIKHEF, Amsterdam)
Publication 2023-01-01
Imprint 2022-07-05
Number of pages 4
In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 1045 (2023) pp.167539
In: 15th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, La Biodola - Isola D'elba, Italy, 22 - 28 May 2022, pp.167539
DOI 10.1016/j.nima.2022.167539 (publication)
Subject category physics.ins-det ; hep-ex ; Detectors and Experimental Techniques ; Particle Physics - Experiment
Abstract A prototype of a new type of calorimeter has been designed and constructed, based on a silicon-tungsten sampling design using pixel sensors with digital readout. It makes use of the Alpide MAPS sensor developed for the ALICE ITS upgrade. A binary readout is possible due to the pixel size of $\approx 30 \times 30 \, \mu \mathrm{m}^2$. This prototype has been successfully tested with cosmic muons and with test beams at DESY and the CERN SPS. We report on performance results obtained at DESY, showing good energy resolution and linearity, and compare to detailed MC simulations. Also shown are preliminary results of the high-energy performance as measured at the SPS. The two-shower separation capabilities are discussed.
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publication: © 2022-2025 The Authors (License: CC BY 4.0)

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