CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 57th Rencontres de Moriond on QCD and High Energy Interactions
Related conference title(s) Moriond QCD 2023
Date(s), location 25 Mar - 1 Apr 2023, La Thuile, Italy
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Editor(s) Dumarchez, J (ed.) ; Augé, E (ed.)
Imprint 2023
Note Organisers: E. Augé (IJCLab, Orsay, France); E. Berger (ANL, Argonne, USA); S. Bethke (MPI, Munich, Germany); A. Capella (LPT, Orsay, France); A. Czarnecki (University of Alberta, Canada); D. Denegri (CEA, Saclay, France ); Y. Dokshitzer (LPTHE, Paris, France); N. Glover (IPPP, Durham, UK); J-F. Grosse-Oetringhaus (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland); B. Klima (Fermilab, Batavia, USA); B. Malaescu (LPNHE, Paris, France); L. McLerran (University of Washington, USA); F. Mahmoudi (Université de Lyon, France); B. Pietrzyk (LAPP, Annecy, France); L. Schoeffel (CEA/Irfu, Saclay, France); Chung-I Tan (Brown University, Providence, USA); U. Wiedemann (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland); J. Tran Thanh Van (LPT, Orsay, France); G. Zanderighi (MPI, Munich, Germany)
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Free keywords Production and Properties of the Higgs Boson ; Searches for New Physics Phenomenology of Physics ; Beyond the Standard Model Properties of the Top quark ; Production and decay of b and c quarks ; High pT QCD physics ; Heavy Ion collisions ; Recent developments in QCD ; New theoretical developments in particle physics Small x, saturation, forward and spin physics

Contributions in Inspire: C23-03-25
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

SM highlights at ATLAS
by Kivernyk, Oleh
B-physics highlights from ATLAS and CMS
by Barton, Adam Edward
Searches for long-lived particles with ATLAS and CMS
by Nikiforou, Nikiforos
Indirect searches at CMS
by Smith, Nicholas
Flavor changing neutral currents and properties in top quark events at the CMS and ATLAS experiments
by Van Onsem, Gerrit
Precision measurements at CMS
by Negro, Giulia
Lepton flavour universality tests at LHCb
by Seuthe, Alex
Two-Real-Singlet Model Benchmark Planes -- A Moriond Update
by Robens, Tania
Standard Model soft and hard QCD at ATLAS and CMS
by Rossini, Lorenzo
Indirect searches at CMS
by Smith, Nicholas
Standard Model highlights at ATLAS
by Kivernyk, Oleh
Higgs properties (coupling, mass, and width) at CMS and ATLAS
by Errico, Filippo
Top quark mass and cross-section with ATLAS and CMS
by Pinamonti, Michele
tX and tt¯X and their EFT interpretation in ATLAS and CMS
by Fabbri, Federica
SUSY searches at CMS and ATLAS
by Whitbeck, Andrew James
Heavy-ion and fixed-target physics at LHCb
by Merli, Andrea
CP violation in beauty and charm quarks at LHCb
by Manuzzi, Daniele
Four-top quark production in ATLAS
by Deliot, Frederic
Direct Searches at CMS
by Reichert, Joseph
B-physics highlights from ATLAS and CMS
by Barton, Adam Edward
Standard Model soft and hard QCD at ATLAS and CMS
by Rossini, Lorenzo
Recent measurements of W and Z (+jets) at ATLAS and CMS
by Amram, Oz
Higgs cross-section (including di-Higgs) with ATLAS and CMS
by Wang, Rongkun
First Results from the Search for Dark Photons with the FASER Detector at the LHC
Long-range correlations in low-multiplicity pp collisions at s=13TeV
by Parkkila, J.E.
Recent results on J/ψ photoproduction in ultra-peripheral collisions with ALICE
by Ragoni, S.
tX and tt+X and their EFT interpretation in ATLAS and CMS
by Fabbri, Federica
Memories from the W Boson Discovery
by Wulz, Claudia
Studies on the hadronization of charm and beauty quarks
by Faggin, Mattia
CP violation in beauty and charm quarks at LHCb
by Manuzzi, Daniele
Rare and semileptonic decays of heavy hadrons (excluding LFU tests) at LHCb
by Normand, Camille
Lepton flavour universality tests at LHCb
by Seuthe, Alex
Heavy flavour spectroscopy at LHCb
by Gandini, Paolo
QCD, electroweak physics, and searches for exotic signatures in the forward region at LHCb
by Vazquez Sierra, Carlos
Highlights of ATLAS Searches
by Liu, Bingxuan

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