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Contributions to this conference in CDS
EUROGAM, a new gamma multidetector array : results and perspectives(p. 1) |
by Redon, N |
Exotic superdeformed structure in A $\appprox$ 190 nuclei observed using Eurogam2 (p. 21) |
by Sharpey-Schafer, J F |
Giant resonances in a non-linear anharmonic approach (p. 74) |
by Volpe, C |
Quasi-projectile breakup evolution from 25A to 70A MeV (p. 140) |
by Roy, R |
Formation and decay of hot nuclei in the $^{64}$Zn + $^{nat}$Ti and $^{36}$Ar + $^{27}$Al reactions (p. 183) |
by Steckmeyer, J C |
Evolution of reaction mechanisms for the reaction $^{36}Ar + ^{58}Ni$ studied from 32 to 95 A MeV with the INDRA multidetector (p. 217) |
by De Philippo, E |
Evolution of reaction mechanisms in symmetrical nucleus-nucleus collisions as a function of the total mass of the system from 25 to 74 MeV/u (p. 255) |
by Métivier, V |
First order phase transitions in nuclei (p. 293) |
by Guarnera, A |
$^{3}He$ induced reactions on $^{nat}Ag$ and $^{197}Au$ at 1.8, 3.6 and 4.8 GeV (p. 416) |
by Brzychczyk, J |
Strange particle measurements from the EOS TPC (p. 447) |
by Justice, M |
Elastic and inelastic scattering of heavy ions between 10 and 100 A.MeV (p. 556) |
by Roussel-Chomaz, P |
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Δημιουργία εγγραφής 1995-03-21, τελευταία τροποποίηση 2021-07-30