CERN Accelerating science

Distribution of the Δm observable for \decay\Dz\KS\KS candidates in the (left) LL, (middle) LD and (right) DD \KS reconstruction categories. Fit projections are overlaid.
Distribution of the Δm observable for \decay\Dz\KS\KS candidates in the (left) LL, (middle) LD and (right) DD \KS reconstruction categories. Fit projections are overlaid.
Distribution of the Δm observable for \decay\Dz\KS\KS candidates in the (left) LL, (middle) LD and (right) DD \KS reconstruction categories. Fit projections are overlaid.
Distribution of m(h+h0) for (left) \decayD+(s)\pip\piz and (right) \decayD+(s)\pip\etaz candidates. Fit projections are overlaid.
Distribution of m(h+h0) for (left) \decayD+(s)\pip\piz and (right) \decayD+(s)\pip\etaz candidates. Fit projections are overlaid.
Linear fit to the time-dependent asymmetry of the (left) \decay\Dz\Kp\Km and (right) \decay\Dz\pip\pim candidates.
Linear fit to the time-dependent asymmetry of the (left) \decay\Dz\Kp\Km and (right) \decay\Dz\pip\pim candidates.