CERN Accelerating science

Published Articles
Report number arXiv:1907.12522 ; PoS(LHCP2019)013
Title Dark Matter Signals at the LHC from a 3HDM
Author(s) Rojas-Ciofalo, Diana (Southampton U.) ; Cordero, Adriana (Puebla U., Inst. Fis.) ; Hernández-Sánchez, Jaime (Puebla U., Inst. Fis.) ; Keus, Venus (Helsinki Inst. of Phys. ; Helsinki U.) ; Moretti, Stefano (Southampton U.) ; Sokolowska, Dorota (IIP, Brazil)
Publication SISSA, 2019-07-30
Imprint 2019-07-29
Number of pages 18
Note 7th Annual Conference on Large Hadron Collider Physics - LHCP2019 20-25 May, 2019 Puebla, Mexico, drawn from arXiv:1712.09598
In: PoS LHCP2019 (2019) 013
In: 7th Edition of the Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference (LHCP), Puebla, Mexico, 20 May 2019, pp.013
DOI 10.22323/1.350.0013
Subject category Particle Physics - Phenomenology ; hep-ph ; Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Abstract We analyse new signals of Dark Matter (DM) at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in a 3-Higgs Doublet Model (3HDM) where only one doublet acquires a Vacuum Expectation Value (VEV), preserving a parity $Z_2$. The other two doublets are inert and do not develop a VEV, leading to a dark scalar sector controlled by $Z_2$, with the lightest CP-even dark scalar $H_1$ being the DM candidate. This leads to the loop induced decay of the next-to-lightest scalar, $H_2\to H_1\bar{f}f$ ($f=u,d,c,s,b,e,\mu,\tau$), mediated by both dark CP-odd and charged scalars. This is a smoking-gun signal of the 3HDM since it is not allowed in the 2HDM with one inert doublet and is expected to be important when $H_2$ and $H_1$ are close in mass. In practice, this signature can be observed in the cascade decay of the SM-like Higgs boson, $h\to H_1H_2\to H_1H_1\bar{f}f$ into two DM particles and di-leptons/di-jets, where $h$ is produced from either gluon-gluon Fusion (ggF) or Vector Boson Fusion (VBF).
Copyright/License publication: © Copyright owned by the author(s)
preprint: (License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

Corresponding record in: Inspire

 Element opprettet 2021-04-02, sist endret 2021-04-04

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PoS(LHCP2019)013 - Last ned fulltekstPDF
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Last ned fulltekst00007 The anatomy of scenario I10. The plots on the top show the cross-sections of the tree-level, ggF and VBF processes with leptonic (left) and hadronic (right) final states. At the bottom we show the dominant couplings in each process in Log scale with the same color coding where the Higgs-DM coupling is shown for reference. Note that the $g_{hH_1H_2}$ appears with the $K$-factor in the cross-section calculations.
Last ned fulltekst00003 The anatomy of scenario I5. The plots on the top show the cross-sections of the tree-level, ggF and VBF processes with leptonic (left) and hadronic (right) final states. At the bottom we show the dominant couplings in each process in Log scale with the same color coding where the Higgs-DM coupling is shown for reference. Note that the $g_{hH_1H_2}$ appears with the $K$-factor in the cross-section calculations.
Last ned fulltekst00006 The anatomy of scenario I5. The plots on the top show the cross-sections of the tree-level, ggF and VBF processes with leptonic (left) and hadronic (right) final states. At the bottom we show the dominant couplings in each process in Log scale with the same color coding where the Higgs-DM coupling is shown for reference. Note that the $g_{hH_1H_2}$ appears with the $K$-factor in the cross-section calculations.
Last ned fulltekst00005 The anatomy of scenario I5. The plots on the top show the cross-sections of the tree-level, ggF and VBF processes with leptonic (left) and hadronic (right) final states. At the bottom we show the dominant couplings in each process in Log scale with the same color coding where the Higgs-DM coupling is shown for reference. Note that the $g_{hH_1H_2}$ appears with the $K$-factor in the cross-section calculations.
Last ned fulltekst00001 The anatomy of scenario I10. The plots on the top show the cross-sections of the tree-level, ggF and VBF processes with leptonic (left) and hadronic (right) final states. At the bottom we show the dominant couplings in each process in Log scale with the same color coding where the Higgs-DM coupling is shown for reference. Note that the $g_{hH_1H_2}$ appears with the $K$-factor in the cross-section calculations.
Last ned fulltekst00000 The anatomy of scenario I10. The plots on the top show the cross-sections of the tree-level, ggF and VBF processes with leptonic (left) and hadronic (right) final states. At the bottom we show the dominant couplings in each process in Log scale with the same color coding where the Higgs-DM coupling is shown for reference. Note that the $g_{hH_1H_2}$ appears with the $K$-factor in the cross-section calculations.
Last ned fulltekst00008 The anatomy of scenario A50. The plots on the top show the cross-sections of the tree-level, ggF and VBF processes with leptonic (left) and hadronic (right) final states. The red regions are ruled out by LHC ($m_{DM} < 53$ GeV) and by direct detection ($m_{DM} > 73$ GeV). At the bottom we show the dominant couplings in each process with the same color coding where the Higgs-DM coupling is shown for reference. Note that the $g_{hH_1H_2}$ appears with the $K$-factor in the cross-section calculations.
Last ned fulltekst00002 The anatomy of scenario A50. The plots on the top show the cross-sections of the tree-level, ggF and VBF processes with leptonic (left) and hadronic (right) final states. The red regions are ruled out by LHC ($m_{DM} < 53$ GeV) and by direct detection ($m_{DM} > 73$ GeV). At the bottom we show the dominant couplings in each process with the same color coding where the Higgs-DM coupling is shown for reference. Note that the $g_{hH_1H_2}$ appears with the $K$-factor in the cross-section calculations.
Last ned fulltekst00004 The anatomy of scenario A50. The plots on the top show the cross-sections of the tree-level, ggF and VBF processes with leptonic (left) and hadronic (right) final states. The red regions are ruled out by LHC ($m_{DM} < 53$ GeV) and by direct detection ($m_{DM} > 73$ GeV). At the bottom we show the dominant couplings in each process with the same color coding where the Higgs-DM coupling is shown for reference. Note that the $g_{hH_1H_2}$ appears with the $K$-factor in the cross-section calculations.