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Contributions to this conference in CDS
Beam Instrumentation and Diagnostics for High Luminosity LHC (MOAO02) |
by Krupa, Michal |
Estimation of Longitudinal Profiles of Ion Bunches in the LHC Using Schottky-Based Diagnostics (MOCO03) |
by Łasocha, Kacper |
Versatile Beamline Cryostat for the Cryogenic Current Comparator (CCC) for FAIR (MOPP007) |
by Haider, David |
First Measurements of a New Type of Coreless Cryogenic Current Comparators (4C) for Non-Destructive Intensity Diagnostics of Charged Particles (MOPP008) |
by Tympel, Volker |
Optimisation of the ISIS Proton Synchrotron Experimental Damping System (MOPP031) |
by Pertica, Alex |
Beam Diagnostics for Studying Beam Losses in the LHC (TUAO01) |
by Salvachua, Belen |
Measuring the Beam Profile by Counting Ionization Electrons (TUBO04) |
by Sandberg, Hampus |
Electron Beam Size Measurements Using the Heterodyne Near Field Speckles at ALBA (TUPP031) |
by Siano, Mirko |
Laboratory and Beam Based Studies for Assessing the Performance of the New Fast Wire Scanners for the CERN Injector Complex (TUPP033) |
by Emery, Jonathan |
Beam Measurements at the CERN SPS Using Interferometric Electro-Optic Pickups (WEAO04) |
by Arteche, Alberto |
Optics-Measurement-Based BPM Calibration (WEPP034) |
by García-Tabarés Valdivieso, Ana |
First Measurements of Cherenkov-Diffraction Radiation at Diamond Light Source (WEPP037) |
by Harryman, Daniel |
Technology and First Beam Tests of the New CERN-SPS Beam Position System (WEPP046) |
by Wendt, Manfred |
Analysis of Quadrupolar Measurements for Beam Size Determination in the LHC |
by Alves, Diogo |
Cherenkov Diffraction Radiation as a tool for beam diagnostics |
by Lefèvre, Thibaut |
Using Tune Measurement Systems Based on Diode Detectors for Quadrupolar Beam Oscillation Analysis in the Frequency Domain |
by Gąsior, Marek |
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Record created 2021-02-04, last modified 2021-09-20