CERN Accelerating science

Published Articles
Title Manufacturing of the EuCARD2 Roebel-Based Cos-Theta Coils at CEA Saclay
Author(s) Durante, Maria (U. Paris-Saclay) ; Lorin, Clement (U. Paris-Saclay) ; Lecrevisse, Thibault (U. Paris-Saclay) ; Segreti, Michel (U. Paris-Saclay) ; Kirby, Glyn (CERN) ; Nugteren, Jeroen Van (CERN)
Publication 2020
Number of pages 5
In: IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 30 (2020) 4602505
DOI 10.1109/TASC.2020.2978788
Abstract In the framework of the FP7 EuCARD2 project, CEA Saclay developed a cos-theta insert magnet, wound with REBCO high temperature superconductor Roebel cable. Each dipole coil consists of a single arched layer of conductors, insulated with a glass fiber sleeve and impregnated with epoxy resin for mechanical reinforcement. Tooling has been developed to carefully guide the Roebel cable during the winding phase, transfer the coil to the impregnation mold and impregnate it. The magnet is made of two coils assembled around a Nitronic 40 hollow core to mechanically limit its ovalization when operating in a 13 T background field. The structure is completed by the addition of an external stainless steel tube surrounding the coils. This paper details manufacturing tools and fabrication processes validated with stainless steel dummy cable and relates about the fabrication of two superconducting coils. The magnet assembly and preparation for the tests in standalone configuration in INFN-LASA test facility are foreseen for the end of this year.
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 Zapis kreiran 2020-11-09, zadnja izmjena 2021-03-01