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Report number arXiv:2010.03383
Title Observing primordial magnetic fields through Dark Matter
Author(s) Ramazanov, Sabir (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Urban, Federico R. (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Vikman, Alexander ([email protected] ; Prague, Inst. Phys.)
Imprint 2020-10-16
Number of pages 30
Note 29 pages and 4 figures, v2 with updated references
Subject category hep-th ; Particle Physics - Theory ; hep-ph ; Particle Physics - Phenomenology ; astro-ph.CO ; Astrophysics and Astronomy
Abstract Primordial magnetic fields are often thought to be the early Universe seeds that have bloomed into what we observe today as galactic and extra-galactic magnetic fields. Owing to their minuscule strength, primordial magnetic fields are very hard to detect in cosmological and astrophysical observations. We show how this changes if a part of neutral Dark Matter has a magnetic susceptibility. In this way, by studying Dark Matter one can obtain information about the properties of primordial magnetic fields, even if the latter have a comoving amplitude $B_0 \lesssim0.01 \mbox{nG}$. In our model Dark Matter is a stable singlet scalar $\chi$, which interacts with electromagnetism through the Rayleigh operator as $\chi^2 F_{\mu \nu} F^{\mu \nu}/\Lambda^2$. For primordial magnetic fields present in the early Universe this operator forces the $Z_2$-symmetry of the model to be spontaneously broken. Later, when the primordial magnetic field redshifts below a critical value, the symmetry is restored through an "inverse phase transition". At that point the field $\chi$ begins to oscillate and acts as a "magnetomorphic" Dark Matter component, inheriting the properties of the primordial magnetic field space distribution. In particular, for a nearly flat spectrum of magnetic field fluctuations, the scalar $\chi$ carries a statistically anisotropic isocurvature mode. We discuss the parameter space of the model and consider the possibility that the bulk of the Dark Matter is composed of the same particles $\chi$ produced via the freeze-in mechanism.
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