CERN Accelerating science

Published Articles
Title Triple-GEM discharge probability studies at CHARM: simulations and experimental results

Abbas, M (KIT, Karlsruhe) ; Abbrescia, M (Bari Polytechnic ; Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Abdalla, H (Cairo, Acad. Sci. Res. Tech. ; Cairo U.) ; Abdelalim, A (Cairo, Acad. Sci. Res. Tech. ; Helwan U.) ; AbuZeid, S (Cairo, Acad. Sci. Res. Tech. ; Ain Shams U., Cairo) ; Agapitos, A (Peking U.) ; Ahmad, A (NCP, Islamabad) ; Ahmed, A (Delhi U.) ; Ahmed, W (NCP, Islamabad) ; Aimè, C (INFN, Pavia ; Pavia U.) ; Asghar, I (NCP, Islamabad) ; Aspell, P (CERN) ; Avila, C (Andes U., Bogota) ; Babbar, J (Panjab U.) ; Ban, Y (Peking U.) ; Band, R (UC, Davis) ; Bansal, S (Panjab U.) ; Benussi, L (Frascati) ; Bhatnagar, V (Panjab U.) ; Bianco, M (CERN) ; Bianco, S (Frascati) ; Black, K (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Borgonovi, L (INFN, Bologna ; U. Bologna, DIFA) ; Bouhali, O (Texas A&M; U. Qatar, Doha) ; Braghieri, A (INFN, Pavia ; Pavia U.) ; Braibant, S (INFN, Bologna ; U. Bologna, DIFA) ; Butalla, S (Florida Inst. Tech.) ; Calzaferri, S (INFN, Pavia ; Pavia U.) ; Caponero, M (Frascati) ; Cassese, F (INFN, Naples ; Naples U.) ; Cavallo, N (INFN, Naples ; Naples U.) ; Chauhan, S (Panjab U.) ; Colafranceschi, S (Florida Inst. Tech.) ; Colaleo, A (Bari Polytechnic ; Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Garcia, A Conde (CERN) ; Dalchenko, M (Texas A-M) ; Iorio, A De (INFN, Naples ; Naples U.) ; Lentdecker, G De (Brussels U.) ; Olio, D Dell (Bari Polytechnic ; Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Robertis, G De (Bari Polytechnic ; Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Dharmaratna, W (Ruhuna U.) ; Dildick, S (Texas A-M) ; Dorney, B (Brussels U.) ; Erbacher, R (UC, Davis) ; Fabozzi, F (INFN, Naples ; Naples U.) ; Fallavollita, F (CERN) ; Ferraro, A (INFN, Pavia ; Pavia U.) ; Fiorina, D (INFN, Pavia ; Pavia U.) ; Fontanesi, E (INFN, Bologna ; U. Bologna, DIFA) ; Franco, M (Bari Polytechnic ; Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Galloni, C (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Giacomelli, P (INFN, Bologna ; U. Bologna, DIFA) ; Gigli, S (INFN, Pavia ; Pavia U.) ; Gilmore, J (Texas A-M) ; Gola, M (Delhi U.) ; Gruchala, M (CERN) ; Gutierrez, A (Wayne State U.) ; Hadjiiska, R (Sofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Hakkarainen, T (Lappeenranta U. Tech.) ; Hauser, J (UCLA) ; Hoepfner, K (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Hohlmann, M (Florida Inst. Tech.) ; Hoorani, H (NCP, Islamabad) ; Huang, T (Texas A-M) ; Iaydjiev, P (Sofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Irshad, A (Brussels U.) ; Iorio, A (INFN, Naples ; Naples U.) ; Jaramillo, J (Antioquia U.) ; Jeong, D (Seoul U.) ; Jha, V (Bhabha Atomic Res. Ctr.) ; Juodagalvis, A (Vilnius U.) ; Juska, E (Texas A-M) ; Kailasapathy, B (Colombo U.) ; Kamon, T (Texas A-M) ; Karchin, P (Wayne State U.) ; Kaur, A (Panjab U.) ; Kaur, H (Panjab U.) ; Keller, H (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Kim, H (Texas A-M) ; Kim, J (Seoul Natl. U. (main)) ; Kumar, A (Delhi U.) ; Kumar, S (Panjab U.) ; Kumawat, H (Bhabha Atomic Res. Ctr.) ; Lacalamita, N (Bari Polytechnic ; Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Lee, J S H (Seoul U.) ; Levin, A (Peking U.) ; Li, Q (Peking U.) ; Licciulli, F (Bari Polytechnic ; Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Lista, L (INFN, Naples ; Naples U.) ; Liyanage, K (Ruhuna U.) ; Loddo, F (Bari Polytechnic ; Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Lohan, M (Panjab U.) ; Luhach, M (Panjab U.) ; Maggi, M (Bari Polytechnic ; Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Majumdar, N (Saha Inst.) ; Malagalage, K (Colombo U.) ; Malhorta, S (Texas A&M; U. Qatar, Doha) ; Martiradonna, S (Bari Polytechnic ; Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Mccoll, N (UCLA) ; McLean, C (UC, Davis) ; Merlin, J (Bari Polytechnic ; Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Mishra, D (Bhabha Atomic Res. Ctr.) ; Mocellin, G (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Moureaux, L (Brussels U.) ; Muhammad, A (NCP, Islamabad) ; Muhammad, S (NCP, Islamabad) ; Mukhopadhyay, S (Saha Inst.) ; Naimuddin, M (Delhi U.) ; Netrakanti, P (Bhabha Atomic Res. Ctr.) ; Nuzzo, S (Bari Polytechnic ; Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Oliveira, R (CERN) ; Pant, L (Bhabha Atomic Res. Ctr.) ; Paolucci, P (INFN, Naples ; Naples U.) ; Park, I C (Seoul U.) ; Passamonti, L (Frascati) ; Passeggio, G (INFN, Naples ; Naples U.) ; Peck, A (UCLA) ; Perera, N (Ruhuna U.) ; Petre, L (Brussels U.) ; Petrow, H (Lappeenranta U. Tech.) ; Piccolo, D (Frascati) ; Pierluigi, D (Frascati) ; Raffone, G (Frascati) ; Rahmani, M (Florida Inst. Tech.) ; Ramirez, F (Antioquia U.) ; Ranieri, A (Bari Polytechnic ; Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Rashevski, G (Sofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Ressegotti, M (INFN, Pavia ; Pavia U.) ; Riccardi, C (INFN, Pavia ; Pavia U.) ; Rodozov, M (Sofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Romano, E (INFN, Pavia ; Pavia U.) ; Roskas, C (Gent U.) ; Rossi, B (INFN, Naples ; Naples U.) ; Rout, P (Saha Inst.) ; Ruiz, J D (Antioquia U.) ; Russo, A (Frascati) ; Safonov, A (Texas A-M) ; Saltzberg, D (UCLA) ; Saviano, G (Frascati) ; Shah, A (Delhi U.) ; Sharma, A (CERN) ; Sharma, R (Delhi U.) ; Shopova, M (Sofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Simone, F (Bari Polytechnic ; Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Singh, J (Panjab U.) ; Soldani, E (Bari Polytechnic ; Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Sonnadara, U (Colombo U.) ; Starling, E (Brussels U.) ; Stone, B (UCLA) ; Sturdy, J (Wayne State U.) ; Sultanov, G (Sofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Szillasi, Z (Debrecen, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Teague, D (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Teyssier, D (Debrecen, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Tuuva, T (Lappeenranta U. Tech.) ; Tytgat, M (Gent U.) ; Vai, I (Bergamo U. ; INFN, Pavia) ; Vanegas, N (Antioquia U.) ; Venditti, R (Bari Polytechnic ; Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Verwilligen, P (Bari Polytechnic ; Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Vetens, W (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Virdi, A (Panjab U.) ; Vitulo, P (INFN, Pavia ; Pavia U.) ; Wajid, A (NCP, Islamabad) ; Wang, D (Peking U.) ; Wang, K (Peking U.) ; Watson, I (Seoul U.) ; Wickramage, N (Ruhuna U.) ; Wickramarathna, D D C (Colombo U.) ; Yang, Y (Brussels U.) ; Yang, U (Seoul Natl. U. (main)) ; Yongho, J (Korea U.) ; Yoon, I (Seoul Natl. U. (main)) ; You, Z (SYSU, Guangzhou) ; Yu, I (Korea U.) ; Zaleski, S (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.)

Publication 2020
Number of pages 23
In: JINST 15 (2020) P10013
DOI 10.1088/1748-0221/15/10/P10013
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN CHARM
Abstract The CMS muon system in the region with 2.03<|η|<2.82 is characterized by a very harsh radiation environment which can generate hit rates up to 144 kHz/cm2 and an integrated charge of 8 C/cm2 over ten years of operation. In order to increase the detector performance and acceptance for physics events including muons, a new muon station (ME0) has been proposed for installation in that region. The technology proposed is Triple—Gas Electron Multiplier (Triple-GEM), which has already been qualified for the operation in the CMS muon system. However, an additional set of studies focused on the discharge probability is necessary for the ME0 station, because of the large radiation environment mentioned above. A test was carried out in 2017 at the Cern High energy AcceleRator Mixed (CHARM) facility, with the aim of giving an estimation of the discharge probability of Triple-GEM detectors in a very intense radiation field environment, similar to the one of the CMS muon system. A dedicated standalone Geant4 simulation was performed simultaneously, to evaluate the behavior expected in the detector exposed to the CHARM field. The geometry of the detector has been carefully reproduced, as well as the background field present in the facility. This paper presents the results obtained from the Geant4 simulation, in terms of sensitivity of the detector to the CHARM environment, together with the analysis of the energy deposited in the gaps and of the processes developed inside the detector. The discharge probability test performed at CHARM will be presented, with a complete discussion of the results obtained, which turn out to be consistent with measurements performed by other groups.
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 Záznam vytvorený 2020-10-21, zmenený 2020-10-22

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