Contributions in Inspire:
Contributions to this conference in CDS
Neutralino relics and their detection (p. 12) |
by Arnowitt, Richard Lewis |
Cosmology and models of supersymmetry breaking in string theory (p. 72) |
by Brustein, Ram |
Radiative corrections in the MSSM Higgs sector : masses and fermionic decays(p. 109) |
by Dabelstein, A |
On the stability of scale hierarchies in effective supergravity theories (p. 190) |
by Ferrara, Sergio |
Gravitational microlensing : a graveyard for supersymmetric dark matter?(p. 200) |
by Giudice, Gian Francesco |
Predictions in supergravity unification with and without proton stability constraints (p. 369) |
by Nath, Pran |
The strength of non-perturbative effects in matrix models and string effective lagrangians (p. 395) |
by Brustein, Ram |
GUT effects in the SUSY particle spectrum (p. 443) |
by Polonsky, N |
Aspects of Higgs boson searches in the MSSM at LEP1, LEP2, and the NLC (p. 517) |
by Rosiek, J |
Supergravity |
by Ferrara, Sergio |
Show contributions in CDS
Record created 1994-12-15, last modified 2021-07-30