CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-89-10-V-2 ; ECFA-89-124-V-2
Conference title ECFA Study Week on Instrumentation Technology for High-luminosity Hadron Colliders
Date(s), location 14 - 21 Sep 1989, Barcelona, Spain
Editor(s) Jarlskog, G (ed.) ; Fernández, Enrique (ed.)
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva ; European Committee for Future Accelerators. Geneva
Imprint Geneva : CERN, 1989 - 400 p.
Series (CERN Yellow Reports: Conference Proceedings)
ISBN 9290830174
DOI e-proceedings: 10.5170/CERN-1989-010-V-2
Free keywords RICH ; acquisition ; calorimetry ; crystal ; data ; detectors ; gas ; industry ; liquid ; radiation ; transition ; triggering
Copyright/License CC-BY-3.0

Corresponding record in: KEK ; Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C89-09-14
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Gaseous track detection at future supercolliders (p. 394)
by Dainton, J B
Tracking with wire chambers at high luminosities (p. 413)
by Hanson, G G
A new gaseous detector for tracking : the blade chamber(p. 430)
by Ambrosi, G
Preliminary report on a planar surface chamber working in limited streamer mode (p. 435)
by Mattern, D
The honeycomb strip chamber (p. 441)
by van der Graaf, H
Recent tests with a gaseous microstrip chamber (p. 455)
by Hartjes, F G
The microstrip gas avalanche chamber : a new detector for the next generation of high luminosity machines(p. 465)
by Angelini, F
Photon feedback in mixtures with low photoinization vapours (p. 471)
by Ribeiro, R
Summary report on gaseous detectors (p. 477)
by Sauli, Fabio
Report on liquid detectors : precision EM and hadron calorimeters(p. 486)
by Chen, M
Liquid-argon calorimetry : its potential for experimentation at future high-luminosity hadron colliders(p. 535)
by Fabjan, Christian Wolfgang
Energy scaling of low-energy neutron yield, the e/$\Pi$ ratio, and hadronic response in a calorimeter (p. 549)
by Groom, D E
Performance of a UA1 uranium-TMP calorimeter module (p. 551)
by Givernaud, Alain
Large scale purifier of tetramethyl-pentane for the UA1 upgraded calorimeter (p. 557)
by Diez Hedo, F
Speed of response, pile-up and signal to noise ratio in liquid ionization calorimeters (p. 563)
by Colas, Jacques
Liquid argon calorimeter for high energy heavy ions (p. 583)
by Shibamura, E
$BaF_{2}$ calorimeters with photosensitive gaseous chambers (p. 588)
by Charpak, Georges
New developments in calorimetry based on VUV scintillators coupled to photosensitive gaseous detectors (p. 593)
by Charpak, Georges
Measurement of CsI(TI) crystals (p. 599)
by Rozsa, C
Radiation damage of CsI(TI) crystals (p. 601)
by Renker, D
Applications of drift photodiodes in future experiments (p. 609)
by Hall, G
Large scale production of scintillator crystals (p. 615)
by Matthews, K
Crystal calorimeters for future high luminosity hadron colliders (p. 621)
by Lorenz, E
The transition radiation detector for high-Lorentz-factor particle identification at high-luminosity hadron colliders (p. 650)
by Dolgoshein, B A
Particle identification at hadron colliders (p. 661)
by Ypsilantis, Thomas
A switched capacitor analogue storage line (p. 678)
by Olsen, A
Radiation hardening of VLSI-electronics (p. 681)
by Wulf, F
Issues for trigger processing at high luminosity colliders (p. 686)
by Lankford, A J
Realities of large data acquisition systems (p. 693)
by Gavillet, P
General purpose computers in real time (p. 703)
by Biel, J
Bus and communication standards for the data acquisition systems of future accelerators (p. 709)
by Quinton, S
Data-acquisition and triggering with transputer-like devices (p. 713)
by Vermeulen, J C
What did we learn in school today ? (p. 715)
by Tröster, D A
Data acquisition and triggering systems : summary report sessions P11/W11(p. 719)
by Böck, R K
RICH mirrors for DELPHI at LEP : a case of technology exchange between CERN and industry(p. 728)
by Walles, S
Observations by two typical industry participants (p. 731)
by Wilburn, C
Phototubes for future colliders (p. 735)
by Flyckt, E
Silicon detector of the 1990's (p. 745)
by Wilburn, C
One view of industry's role in particle physics (p. 763)
by Di Giacomo, Marco
Catalogue of research programmes within the frame work of the European Community 1987-1991 (p. 771)
by White, C
Possible spin-off from collaboration between industry and particle physics research (p. 781)
by Nordberg, M

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 Record created 1994-11-17, last modified 2021-08-10

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