Gaseous track detection at future supercolliders (p. 394) |
by Dainton, J B |
Tracking with wire chambers at high luminosities (p. 413) |
by Hanson, G G |
A new gaseous detector for tracking : the blade chamber(p. 430) |
by Ambrosi, G |
Preliminary report on a planar surface chamber working in limited streamer mode (p. 435) |
by Mattern, D |
The honeycomb strip chamber (p. 441) |
by van der Graaf, H |
Recent tests with a gaseous microstrip chamber (p. 455) |
by Hartjes, F G |
The microstrip gas avalanche chamber : a new detector for the next generation of high luminosity machines(p. 465) |
by Angelini, F |
Photon feedback in mixtures with low photoinization vapours (p. 471) |
by Ribeiro, R |
Summary report on gaseous detectors (p. 477) |
by Sauli, Fabio |
Report on liquid detectors : precision EM and hadron calorimeters(p. 486) |
by Chen, M |
Liquid-argon calorimetry : its potential for experimentation at future high-luminosity hadron colliders(p. 535) |
by Fabjan, Christian Wolfgang |
Energy scaling of low-energy neutron yield, the e/$\Pi$ ratio, and hadronic response in a calorimeter (p. 549) |
by Groom, D E |
Performance of a UA1 uranium-TMP calorimeter module (p. 551) |
by Givernaud, Alain |
Large scale purifier of tetramethyl-pentane for the UA1 upgraded calorimeter (p. 557) |
by Diez Hedo, F |
Speed of response, pile-up and signal to noise ratio in liquid ionization calorimeters (p. 563) |
by Colas, Jacques |
Liquid argon calorimeter for high energy heavy ions (p. 583) |
by Shibamura, E |
$BaF_{2}$ calorimeters with photosensitive gaseous chambers (p. 588) |
by Charpak, Georges |
New developments in calorimetry based on VUV scintillators coupled to photosensitive gaseous detectors (p. 593) |
by Charpak, Georges |
Measurement of CsI(TI) crystals (p. 599) |
by Rozsa, C |
Radiation damage of CsI(TI) crystals (p. 601) |
by Renker, D |
Applications of drift photodiodes in future experiments (p. 609) |
by Hall, G |
Large scale production of scintillator crystals (p. 615) |
by Matthews, K |
Crystal calorimeters for future high luminosity hadron colliders (p. 621) |
by Lorenz, E |
The transition radiation detector for high-Lorentz-factor particle identification at high-luminosity hadron colliders (p. 650) |
by Dolgoshein, B A |
Particle identification at hadron colliders (p. 661) |
by Ypsilantis, Thomas |
A switched capacitor analogue storage line (p. 678) |
by Olsen, A |
Radiation hardening of VLSI-electronics (p. 681) |
by Wulf, F |
Issues for trigger processing at high luminosity colliders (p. 686) |
by Lankford, A J |
Realities of large data acquisition systems (p. 693) |
by Gavillet, P |
General purpose computers in real time (p. 703) |
by Biel, J |
Bus and communication standards for the data acquisition systems of future accelerators (p. 709) |
by Quinton, S |
Data-acquisition and triggering with transputer-like devices (p. 713) |
by Vermeulen, J C |
What did we learn in school today ? (p. 715) |
by Tröster, D A |
Data acquisition and triggering systems : summary report sessions P11/W11(p. 719) |
by Böck, R K |
RICH mirrors for DELPHI at LEP : a case of technology exchange between CERN and industry(p. 728) |
by Walles, S |
Observations by two typical industry participants (p. 731) |
by Wilburn, C |
Phototubes for future colliders (p. 735) |
by Flyckt, E |
Silicon detector of the 1990's (p. 745) |
by Wilburn, C |
One view of industry's role in particle physics (p. 763) |
by Di Giacomo, Marco |
Catalogue of research programmes within the frame work of the European Community 1987-1991 (p. 771) |
by White, C |
Possible spin-off from collaboration between industry and particle physics research (p. 781) |
by Nordberg, M |