CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 6th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance
Date(s), location 31 May - 11 Jun 1993, Maui, HI, USA
Editor(s) Brewer, Jess H (ed.) ; Kiefl, Robert R (ed.) ; Percival, Paul W (ed.)
Imprint 1994
In: Hyperfine Interact. 85-87 (1994)
Subject category Other Fields of Physics
Free keywords chemical kinetics ; fullerenes ; heavy fermion systems ; insulators ; magnetism ; muonium formation ; radicals ; semiconductors ; spin dynamics ; superconductors
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Muon sites and electronic structure
by Cox, S F J
Introduction to μSR : what, how, where?
by Cox, S F J

Show contributions in CDS

 Zapis kreiran 1994-09-07, zadnja izmjena 2021-07-30

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