CERN Accelerating science

Report number hep-th/9408055 ; CERN-TH-7392-94 ; MPI-PHT-94-45 ; CERN-TH-7392-94 ; MPI-PHT-94-45
Title Geometry and dynamics with time-dependent constraints
Author(s) Evans, Jonathan M. (CERN) ; Tuckey, Philip A. (Munich, Max Planck Inst.)
Affiliation (CERN) ; (MPI München)
Publication 1995
Imprint 9 Aug 1994
Number of pages 8
In: Conference on Geometry of Constrained Dynamical Systems, Cambridge, UK, 15 - 18 Jun 1994, pp.285-292
Subject category General Theoretical Physics
Abstract We describe how geometrical methods can be applied to a system with explicitly time-dependent second-class constraints so as to cast it in Hamiltonian form on its physical phase space. Examples of particular interest are systems which require time-dependent gauge fixing conditions in order to reduce them to their physical degrees of freedom. To illustrate our results we discuss the gauge-fixing of relativistic particles and strings moving in arbitrary background electromagnetic and antisymmetric tensor fields.

Corresponding record in: Inspire

 Запись создана 1994-08-10, последняя модификация 2023-03-14

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