CERN Accelerating science

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Report number CERN-ACC-2019-0029
Title Detailed review of the LHC optics commissioning for the nonlinear era
Author(s) Maclean, Ewen Hamish (University of Malta (MT)) ; Tomas Garcia, Rogelio (CERN) ; Carlier, Felix Simon (Technische Universiteit Delft (NL)) ; Coello De Portugal - Martinez Vazquez, Jaime Maria (Universitat Politecnica Catalunya (ES)) ; Fol, Elena (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE)) ; Fuchsberger, Kajetan (CERN) ; Garcia-Tabares Valdivieso, Ana (Universidad Complutense (ES)) ; Giovannozzi, Massimo (CERN) ; Hofer, Michael (Vienna University of Technology (AT)) ; Malina, Lukas (CERN) ; Persson, Tobias Hakan Bjorn (CERN) ; Skowronski, Piotr Krzysztof (CERN) ; Solfaroli Camillocci, Matteo (CERN) ; Wegscheider, Andreas (Hamburg University (DE))
Publication 2019
Imprint 04 Feb 2019
Number of pages mult.
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC
Abstract In 2017, optics commissioning strategy for low-β∗ operation of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) underwent a major revision. This was prompted by a need to extend the scope of beam-based commissioning at high-energy, beyond the exclusively linear realm considered previously, and into the nonlinear regime. It also stemmed from a recognition that, due to operation with crossing angles in the experimental insertions, the linear and nonlinear optics quality were intrinsically linked through potentially significant feed-down at these locations. Following the usual linear optics commissioning therefore, corrections for (normal and skew) sextupole and (normal and skew) octupole errors in the high-luminosity insertions were implemented. For the first time, the LHC now operates at top-energy with beam-based corrections for nonlinear dynamics, and for the effect of the crossing-scheme on beta-beating and dispersion. The new commissioning procedure has improved the control of various linear and nonlinear characteristics of the LHC, yielding clear operational benefits. This report gives a detailed account of the beam-based measurements carried out during the experimental campaigns.
Submitted by [email protected]


 Record created 2019-02-04, last modified 2019-02-06

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