CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 54th Rencontres de Moriond on QCD and High Energy Interactions
Related conference title(s) Moriond QCD 2019
Date(s), location 23 - 30 Mar 2019, La Thuile, Italy
Conference contact email: [email protected]
Editor(s) Dumarchez, J (ed.) ; Augé, E (ed.) ; Tran Thanh Van, Jean (ed.)
Imprint Paris : ARISF, 2019 - 308 p.
Note Organisers: E. Augé (LAL, Orsay, France); E. Berger (ANL, Argonne, USA); S. Bethke (MPI, Munich, Germany); A. Capella (LPT, Orsay, France); A. Czarnecki (University of Alberta, Canada); D. Denegri (CEA, Saclay, France); Y. Dokshitzer (LPTHE, Paris, France); N. Glover (IPPP, Durham, UK); B. Klima (Fermilab, Batavia, USA); L. McLerran (University of Washington, USA); F. Mahmoudi (Université de Lyon, France); B. Pietrzyk (LAPP, Annecy, France); L. Schoeffel (CEA/Irfu, Saclay, France); Chung-I Tan (Brown University, Providence, USA); U. Wiedemann (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland); J. Tran Thanh Van (LPT, Orsay, France)
ISBN 9791096879113 (print version, paperback)
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Free keywords Production and Properties of the Higgs Boson ; Searches for New Physics ; Phenomenology of Physics Beyond the Standard Model ; Properties of the Top quark ; Production and decay of b and c quarks ; High pT QCD physics ; Heavy Ion collisions ; Recent developments in QCD ; New theoretical developments in particle physics ; Small x, saturation, forward and spin physics

Corresponding record in: INSPIRE
Contributions in Inspire: C19-03-23
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

ATLAS Higgs Physics Results (p. 3)
by Brendlinger, Kurt
CMS Higgs physics results (p. 7)
by Flechl, Martin
The transverse-momentum subtraction method at N$^3$LO applied to Higgs boson production at the LHC (p. 11)
by Cieri, L.
$t\bar{t} + X$ PRODUCTION AT ATLAS AND CMS (p. 35)
by Riu, Imma
Associated top-pair production with a heavy boson production through NLO+NNLL accuracy at the LHC (p. 39)
by Kulesza, Anna
by Mirra, Marco
Lepton Flavour Universality tests with heavy flavour decays at LHCb (p. 77)
by Oldeman, R G C
The trouble with $R_{K(*)}$ – updated global fits and future directions (p. 81)
by Descotes-Genon, S
Explaining the Flavor Anomalies with a Vector Leptoquark (p. 85)
by Crivellin, Andreas
Connecting neutral current $B$ anomalies with the heaviness of the third family (p. 91)
by Davighi, Joe
by Skwarnicki, Tomasz
CMS Search Highlights (p. 121)
by Beauceron, S
Strong SUSY at ATLAS and CMS (p. 125)
by Strobbe, Nadja Catharina
LHC constraints on extended SUSY (p. 129)
by Kraml, S
Searches for New Resonances (lepton, jets) at ATLAS and CMS (p. 133)
by Abulaiti, Yiming
Searches for New Physics with Unconventional Signatures at ATLAS and CMS (p. 137)
by Pedro, Kevin
by Pinna, Deborah
Exploring light supersymmetry with GAMBIT (p. 145)
by Kvellestad, A.
Sneutrino dark matter - status and perspectives (p. 149)
by Kulkarni, Suchita
Inclusive and differential W and Z at CMS and ATLAS (p. 159)
by Di Marco, Emanuele
News on the CLIC physics potential (p. 171)
by Strom, Lars Rickard
Soft QCD at ATLAS and CMS (p. 177)
by Van De Klundert, Merijn H F
QCD with jets and photons at ATLAS and CMS (p. 181)
by Bossio Sola, Jonathan David
by Tancredi, Lorenzo
Angular ordering effects in TMD parton distribution functions and Drell-Yan $q_{\bot}$ spectra (p. 203)
by Lelek, Aleksandra
Forward-Backward Drell-Yan Asymmetry and PDF Determination (p. 211)
by Abdolmaleki, H.
Heavy ion physics at ATLAS and CMS: flow harmonics across systems (pp, p+Pb, Xe+Xe, Pb+Pb) (p. 233)
by Wozniak, Krzysztof Wieslaw
Transport anomalies near the QCD phase transition at finite density (p. 241)
by Kerbikov, B.O.
Radiative quark $p_\perp$-broadening in a quark-gluon plasma at RHIC and LHC energies (p. 245)
by Zakharov, B.G.
Isolated photon and photon+jet production at NNLO QCD accuracy and the ratio $R_{13/8}^\gamma$
by Chen, X.
Single top quark and rare top quark production at ATLAS and CMS
by Verbeke, Willem
$t\bar{t}$+X production at ATLAS and CMS
by Riu, Imma
ATLAS Higgs Physics Results
by Brendlinger, Kurt
Search for bottom-squark pair production with the ATLAS detector in final states containing Higgs bosons, $b$-jets and missing transverse momentum
Multiboson production at ATLAS and CMS
by Helary, Louis
QCD with jets and photons at ATLAS and CMS
by Bossio Sola, Jonathan David
Heavy ion physics at CMS and ATLAS: hard probes
by Veres, Gábor I.
Rare, radiative and electroweak penguin decays of heavy flavour hadrons at LHCb
by Remon Alepuz, Clara
Lepton Flavour Universality tests with heavy flavour decays at LHCb
by Oldeman, Rolf
Hadron spectroscopy and exotic states at LHCb
by Skwarnicki, Tomasz
Mixing and CP violation in beauty and charm at LHCb
by Contu, Andrea
Experimental summary
by Vagnoni, Vincenzo
EW and QCD physics and searches for exotic signatures in the forward region at LHCb
by Krokovny, Pavel
Results from proton-lead and fixed-target collisions at LHCb
by Marangotto, Daniele
Higgs boson production in partonic and electromagnetic interactions with heavy ions
by d'Enterria, David
Top quark mass and cross-section at ATLAS and CMS
by Hirschbuehl, Dominic
Heavy ion physics at ATLAS and CMS: flow harmonics across systems ($pp$, $p$+Pb, Xe+Xe, Pb+Pb)
by Wozniak, Krzysztof Wieslaw
CMS Higgs physics results
by Flechl, Martin
Single top quark and rare top quark production at CMS and ATLAS
by Verbeke, Willem Lodewijk M
$t\bar{t}$+X production at ATLAS and CMS
by Riu, Imma
Status of the GBAR experiment at CERN
by Latacz, Barbara
Results from proton-lead and fixed-target collisions at LHCb
by Marangotto, Daniele
Searches with boosted objects at ATLAS and CMS
by Krizka, Karol
Electroweak SUSY at ATLAS and CMS
by Rizzi, Chiara
ATLAS search highlights
by Morgenstern, Marcus
Searches with top quarks at ATLAS and CMS
by Brost, Elizabeth

Show contributions in CDS

 Record created 2019-01-14, last modified 2021-09-20

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